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DESIGNER Anri chess sets

This the thread for discussions about ANRI chess sets
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Re: DESIGNER Anri chess sets

To all... sometimes, a 3-liner will/would suffice, and sometimes not... I will a little experiment. I will try both. First, here goes the long response - since (in part) I have some time on my hands, waiting for Guy Chesspurr 😉 to make his next move in our current email game of chess... Ahhh, Robert I see what you mean. However, I think that the only real ANRI on that website (when looking at that specific page that has a number of relatively nice carved chess set wood figures) is the Montsalvat. Hopefully, the following copied and pasted website thingy (a technical word there) 😉 will work for any interested viewers. If not, then they will have to do the google or other search-engine search... If I were to speculate as to why the huge difference in prices between the medieval sets you mentioned, as well as others on the DP Woodcarving website, I suppose the following would come into play: 1.) Name of company which made/makes the set. (ANRI seems to elicit some more oooohs and ahhhhs by at least some chess collectors.) 2.) Size of the chess pieces. (Do I hear a responding chorus of "of course"(s)? 😉 And in relation to size, the amount of wood needed as well as the amount of carving and time needed for it to be completed. 3.) The quality and the detail shown in the carving. I notice, for example, in the (non-ANRI) Medieval chess set, which is on sale (AR08010-7 Medieval Chess set - cm 10, wood stained and decorated with gold and silver. 688,00), the face of the queen looks pretty detailed and good. However, the knight's rider and horse seem to mesh and do not show too much detail, relatively speaking. In addition, the coloring is appears much less than the ANRI as well as some of the other (non-ANRI) sets on that website. 4.) The amount of paint or stain used (whether it be "antiqued" or other?.. perhaps this is really insignificant in trying to explain price differences?) 5.) The amount of actual gold used? For more detail and an explanation of what is specifically meant by certain features/option of staining, etc... click onto the small red word "legend" by each of the sets (where shown). BTW, the least costly set on that website appears to be the "English Chess Pieces" (300 Euros). While I would absolutely not mind that set in my own collection, the carving does not appear to be as nice as some of the others, such as the Etruscan. (Or is just a matter of my personal taste, and not really a comment on whether I prefer sets closer to connections with Italy than to England? I do, afterall, like Guy Chesspurr as well as his marvelopus picasa work and research, including that regarding the carton pierre boxes, BC sets, and many other topics, of Great Britain. I also also like Jaques Chess Sets as well as the fine restorer work of Alan Dewey. And I can certainly appreciate the professional scientific work of Sir Alan Fersht (as well as some of his research on staunton sets). Then again, I also like and appreciate some American sets (and experts) such as the Austin Cox Alcoa Aluminum sets and the research of expert folks like Frank Camaratta. Geeze, I just love you all...! Even you, Duncan! ;-) But I digress once again. And maybe I should quit while am ahead, eh? (Or maybe behind...) Some of the above statements might be interpreted as some snide remarks... but honestly, I just really like to kid around and tease. Somtimes, mentioning folks by name and teasing is the highest form of flattery. In some circles, it means that I like you. Then again, I just might be looking for that audience to pay attention. I bet that the length of this response has once again turned some folks off... Oh well. One step forward... two step back... And now to the 3 liner of a response (see the next posting)... John, Vermont.
Message 76 of 120
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Re: DESIGNER Anri chess sets

A 3 3/4 liner... Robert, I see what you mean. But other than the pictured ANRI Montsalvat with its optional features, all of the other sets on DP Woodwcarving are NON-ANRI. Aspects could influence the price of the sets: Company name, set size, quality, effort, detail, material, market desirability, amount of gold used??? John, VT.
Message 77 of 120
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Re: DESIGNER Anri chess sets

John, the only difference between the €3244,- and €7178,- Montsalvat version is the amount of gold used. But for the €4000,- extra you can buy a lot of gold (1 gram gold cost around €24,50) 😉
Message 78 of 120
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Re: DESIGNER Anri chess sets

Re: " RARE " ANRI CHESS SET ONLY 120 EVER MADE " RARE " eBay item # 250649676526 I'm sure that this item number is raising a lot of curiousity here ? It sure got my attention when I first saw it. I have already contacted the seller who says that there are Anri labels on the kings-Queens and I have written the company itself in an attempt to verify this set's authenticity as it does not show up in any of the information that I currently have. I have no idea if I will get anything back or what I expect to hear but I will post as soon as I hear anything if at all from the factory. He also posted this question and ammended his description to reflect the label issue. I personally see a lot that says Anri but another friend says that it is not up to Anri standards which I don't personally understand ? I think that he is referring more to the theme of the set which is very atypical for Anri but I believe possible, none the less. Evidently I am not the only person interested in hearing about this set ? Clay aka NoyBear
Message 79 of 120
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Re: DESIGNER Anri chess sets

Clay, The set is listed in the booklet on ANRI I got From Floyd Sarisohn. Its at the top of about the fourth page in from the back. Its Item #71819, is designed by Claude Caron, representing Caribbean Native Life and and the booklet says it is probably the rarest set in the ANRI Collection. Looks like if someone has the money it may very well be worth getting. -- Edited by d-baron at 06/12/2010 7:40 PM PDT -- Edited by d-baron at 06/12/2010 7:41 PM PDT -- Edited by d-baron at 06/12/2010 7:42 PM PDT
. . .

If you go with the flow you'll either get washed out to sea or be dammed.
Message 80 of 120
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Re: DESIGNER Anri chess sets

Hi, Clay! You're right! You sure are not the only one interested hearing more about this set! Thanks, BTW, for posting info and a link to it in this group. (I have been neglectful lately about checking my "saved searched" notices.) Any other input from other ANRI fans, such as Floyd S. or Robert Van. D.? FYI, all: I will not be bidding, as the asking price is really too much for my pocket. So, in my nosey quest, I looked up who (currently) the one and only bidder was/is... I acknowledge that it is none of my business, of course, but I was just curious... In checking, one winds up seeing a "private listing, bidders identities protected." Ok, I can live with that. Duncan, good research! You used to be the "new guy on the block", but I see you are getting savvy! John, VT.
Message 81 of 120
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Re: DESIGNER Anri chess sets

Returning to the ANRI set that Clay Noybear recently brought to our attention. I see that it did go for a pretty penny. Re: " RARE " ANRI CHESS SET ONLY 120 EVER MADE " RARE " eBay item # 250649676526 _________________________________________________________ There is another, much more common (relatively speaking) ANRI up for bid on ebay, namely, 150451373912. Price seems to be on the high side. But as I understand it, one ANRI chess collector called ANRIs the "antiques of the future". At the risk of encouraging the collection of these sets, and therefore potentially increasing competition which could/normally would drive up the price of these sets, I do have to agree with that unnamed collector of high caliber and good taste (in my opinion). Wooden ANRI sets are indeed well carved and painted. The detail is really pretty good. John, VT.
Message 82 of 120
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Re: DESIGNER Anri chess sets

And ANOTHER (nice, but way too expensive) Anri out there... (The same one was put up for bid by the same seller a few weeks/months(?) ago... someone has GOT to convince this seller he is from Mars to be asking such a price. Then again, he has every right to ask for whatever he is asking. I just hope he is not holding his breath.) Moderators/leaders may, of course, relocate this posted message here - or this specific ebay item - to the "joke" thread, since his asking price is a joke (in my opinion). Cranky John.
Message 83 of 120
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Re: DESIGNER Anri chess sets

I'm curious, whatever happened to Clay anyway? Doesn't appear he ever came back to see if there were responses of any sort to his question/post?
. . .

If you go with the flow you'll either get washed out to sea or be dammed.
Message 84 of 120
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Re: DESIGNER Anri chess sets

Clay did check back on a daily basis and did read your kind reply that it was indeed done by Anri and was that rare. My chess information, books and so forth, are packed in several boxes and unavailable still as I continue to remodel my house so I am "busier than a one armed paper hanger" these days. Thanks for wondering if I was still alive and ... Clay Neubert
Message 85 of 120
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Re: DESIGNER Anri chess sets

Well you know what they say about curiosity and the cat- I went through the same thing with all my books while I was remodeling a room into a library, all my books were packed up and stored wherever I could find space. Unfortunately, I took too long, some of my books were showing some damage by the time I was able to get them out of storage and back on the shelves. Hopefully you have a better storage space for your books, a quicker time turnaround, etc., than I did.
. . .

If you go with the flow you'll either get washed out to sea or be dammed.
Message 86 of 120
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Re: DESIGNER Anri chess sets

Hi John, Thank you for tip on that ANRI King Arthur set. First time a see the ANRI name printed carved on the back's of the king and queen like this. I checked my ANRI sets but they don't have it. -- Edited by r.van.der.veur at 06/27/2010 1:44 PM PDT -- Edited by r.van.der.veur at 06/27/2010 1:45 PM PDT
Message 87 of 120
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Re: DESIGNER Anri chess sets

Hello, Robert. Your're welcome. Hmmm. Regarding 150451373912 (with an asking BIN price of nearly $2,000...) Interesting about the "Anri" name engraved on the backs of the king(s?) and queen(s?). I had not looked all that closely at those pictures, though I can easily see the obvious name, now that you specifically pointed it out. I was, I admit, so preoccupied by the relatively high price, that I missed that unique feature! Regarding the $30,000 ANRI (asking price, that is... and never to be realized) previously mentioned (220620988619), I took a little closer look at that one again. It certainly is one big set. Nice. I like it. Who says size does not matter? 😉 (But not at that price.) The seller is only about 2+ hours (Hampton, N.H.) driving time from my house. Maybe I should go and take an even closer look (and perhaps "educate" the seller about market values?) Nah! Not to digress to much, but I'd like to see ANRI make a miniature wooden figural set - along the lines of the very small and thin, wooden matchstick sets. I think, but am not sure, that such wooden matchstick chess sets (extraordinary in their detail as well as micro-thin carving) have been made or at least sold by our CCI Treasurer, William ("Bill") Fordney. I have briefly looked at various internet chess websites for such a set, but I have not as yet found one to which I could place a link. Bill? You there? (Or are you already in Cambridge?) John
Message 88 of 120
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Re: DESIGNER Anri chess sets

Obvious to (I would think) us ANRI chess collectors, that 350368352541 is not an Anri (unless I am mistaken, which is always a possibility, you know...). Some similarity in s tyle of carving, but certainly not the quality and detail. Seller does not seem to be suggesting that it is an ANRI, but some beginning collectors might think it is. Just trying to be helpful, (and having a party of my own now, Duncan.) Signing off for now, having arrived home safely with no DWI - John from the Northeast.
Message 89 of 120
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Re: DESIGNER Anri chess sets

Well, a month or so has gone by (where has the summer gone?) and the seller of this set (350368352541) is still trying to sell it. Before I go out and do some outdoor chores on this glorious summer day (and ashamedly procrastinating once again in returning some past-due emails), I thought I'd bring this set up again for possible discussion. Why do I bring up 350368352541 again? Because - despite the relatively poorer quality of the carving - this set - like an itch waiting to be scratched - persists in reminding me of ANRIs. Even the HOS (House of Staunton) has much better quality carving in their figural wooden sets (you didn't know that, did you?... that HOS has high-end carved figural chess sets, eh? 😉 ) than this particular set shows... This set is an ANRI "wannabe", as it seems to be screaming out in silent desire, "Buy me, buy me... I am as good as any old (or even modern) ANRI." Kinda like a relatively modern French Lardy Staunton set from the 1950's, crying out in desperation, wanting to be in the same immediate family as Staunton British Chess Company Sets and/or Staunton Jaques Sets... Well, yes, my Lardy cousin... you are a descendent (or better said, related in some spirit) with your earlier versions of BCC or Jaques perfection... (, if that does not get Guy Chesspurr into this thread, I don't know what will...! 😉 ) Is this set (350368352541) "collectable" or could it be seen as a "collectible". Answer: Of course! (A qualifier must be added, however, in a potentially and acknowledgingly snobby.... er.... I mean selective and refined and - for lack of a better word, - "discriminating" attitude). The qualifing phrase would likely be, "by some collectors..." 😉 Ok, back to this 350368352541... well, maybe not. Maybe I have blabbed enough this morning. Time to give someone else a chance to pipe in... :-) John. Off to chores, as the fog (mist and mental type) has lifted, and the discriminating, schizophrenic-like Jekyll-Hyde personality has returned!
Message 90 of 120
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