08-09-2022 05:46 AM
My customer accidentally requested local pickup when purchasing an item from me. They want me to ship it to them and pay me thru paypal. Am I allowed to do that??? What is the correct way to add shipping costs to a sale after the fact? HELP PLEASE! Thanks, Kate
08-09-2022 06:17 AM
How could they 'request' local pick up if that wasnt one of your options?
08-09-2022 06:24 AM
If they "accidentally requested local pickup" but have not paid yet, don't understand the problem. Every current listing of yours has a shipping cost included. Am I missing something?
08-09-2022 06:57 AM
Soh.maryl. They did pay. And I sent them a message that same day asking how/where they wanted to pick it up. They did not answer for 3 days. Then they asked me to ship it. I said I couldnt do that without them paying for shipping, and so they offered to pay shipping via Paypal. But I know ebay wants a cut of the shipping so I am trying to do this correctly and cannot figure it out. HELP!
08-09-2022 06:58 AM
It WAS an option. But they seem to have not understood it, or they pressed that button accidentally. Either way, they now want me to ship it and they will cover postage via Paypal... but I know ebay wants a cut of the shipping and I dont want to get sideways with ebay. So, how do I NOW do shipping?
08-09-2022 07:01 AM
Sorry I didnt see local pick up option on your two sales. If you dont want her to just PP you the shipping, then you need to cancel the transaction using problem with buyers address so you dont get a defect. Then relist it for her with the shipping fee, and have her purchase it again.
08-09-2022 07:04 AM
Ah I do see that option now when opening the listing.