07-28-2022 10:31 AM
I sell coins only. With the cost of shipping through us mail so high, I want to use ebay shipping. No matter what I try, I cannot get eBay shipping to come up under shipping options. My listings are in the parameters to use ebay shipping. If I set up my listing using a different catagory (exnumia) I can get eBay shipping. But I'm not reaching my customers unless I'm in the right catagory. Can anyone help? I know it can be done. I've seen you guys do it. Thank you
07-28-2022 10:43 AM
Are you referring to the eBay standard envelope? https://www.ebay.com/sellercenter/shipping/ebay-labels-services/ebay-domestic-shipping-services/ebay...
You have to make sure your item weighs 3oz or less for it to show up. The dimensions also have to be within what is described in the link I posted.
07-28-2022 11:00 AM
Your coins have to have a sale price $20 or lower to qualify for ESE
07-28-2022 11:05 AM
@zero29zero wrote:Your coins have to have a sale price $20 or lower to qualify for ESE
Good point. Didn't even bother to look at OP's listings.
07-28-2022 11:05 AM
Thank you. I've tried everything in the link. I can only get it to come up if I use a catagory, exnumia, but not the catagory the coin belongs in. Several of the sellers I buy from get it to work in the right catagory. I've even called eBay. They couldn't provide an answer. I refuse to jack up prices to cover shipping. I know shipping prices are costing me business. Last year I was doing 10k a month. I'm lucky to sell 3 coins a month now. I'll try again,my friend.
Thank you for responding!!
07-28-2022 11:15 AM
Are you saying that you don’t see eBay standard envelope come up on the listing form?
When I use sell similar on your Roosevelt dime listing the envelope option does come up as the first choice under standard shipping.
07-28-2022 11:18 AM
@pjcdn2005 wrote:Are you saying that you don’t see eBay standard envelope come up on the listing form?
When I use sell similar on your Roosevelt dime listing the envelope option does come up as the first choice under standard shipping.
Probably because it's < $20. Most of the OP's listings are over that.
07-28-2022 01:04 PM
That sounds logical but I don't think they block on the listing form based on price. I used a bin price of $30 and was still able to use that option on the listing form even though I wouldn't be allowed to print a standard envelope label for an item of that value.