03-02-2022 01:20 PM
I have mailed many postcards and coins with the eBay standard envelope option with no issue. The post office just returned one of my envelopes and I was told by the Supervisor at the local USPS office that even though we used to be able to use any envelope as long as it met the measurement and weight requirements, they will no longer be accepted. Anyone else heard of this change?
03-02-2022 01:22 PM
I use these on a daily basis without issue.
You've run into a USPS employee that is 100% uninformed.
03-02-2022 02:52 PM
If there are other USPS offices near you, you could try there.
03-03-2022 09:34 AM
I had ran into this issue yesterday. I had my first sale in my store for a Pokémon card and obviously very excited about it. After printing out the label to the PWE, I happily took to over to the USPS where I ended up not being so happy anymore. The clerk who took my envelope looked at it and said that the only way to mail it out would be either Priority or Certified with Signature. I asked why and she stated that the eBay with tracking doesn't mean anything to them. It was either those two choices or it wasn't going to be shipped. So, me wanting to get the card to the customer ASAP, I forked over $ 8.02 for a 2oz envelope.
03-04-2022 08:52 PM
If you had simply dropped your item into the mail slot it might have gone OK.
03-22-2022 02:45 PM
Three times now I have debated this issue with my local post office. The Vermont postal service refuses to recognize this agreement with Ebay. They have basically intimated that I was a liar or an idiot. The issue should not be where you drop it off. That is skirting the problem. The real issue is whether or not there is said agreement. In three one-hour chats with Ebay I was blown off with a myriad of excuses and double speak. Finally said since I was not a contractual partner,
I had no right to the agreement certification or anything else that would prove there is an agreement. So either Ebay is misrepresenting this so called agreement or the Postal Service is clearly ignorant of the status of their own department. Next stop: letters to USPS, in DC and the legal dept of Ebay. It is absolutely insane to wonder if the postal service will recognize a legal agreement with ebay if it exists. By the way the post office said the shorter tracking numbers ebay issues on their envelopes cannot be looked up by them. The system does not recognize them. This is just totally unacceptable and a shame to the entity misleading the public in this way.
09-08-2022 07:07 AM
Tampa, FL postal will not accept eBay Standard Shipping. Talked with eBay CSR and he acted like it was not an issue. Customers charged extra postage (we refunded them) and several items returned to us. It's a mess and eBay is not addressing to help sellers.
09-08-2022 01:49 PM
As I posted earlier. Some of us sellers ship 100s of orders using this system without problems.
It's not an ebay issue. It's clueless PO employees that are the issue.
09-08-2022 07:29 PM
I have shipped 1000 of these a month since they were introduced.
Never hand standard envelopes to postal employees inside the post office. They know nothing about them and will apply their own made up standards to them. You don't even want to put them in the box in front of the post office, because the people who work in the post office are the ones who empty those.
You ideally want to drop them in a box that isn't serviced by the same post office as the return address on the envelope. I had massive problems with them at first until I found a box a few miles away serviced by a different post office and suddenly my problems went to zero.
Also, the advice of never giving standard envelopes to the person at the post office counter really extends to never giving any packages to the person at the counter. That is a great way to let someone who hates their job decide to reject your package for some reason.
10-14-2022 10:56 AM
That is the problem. "It might have gone OK" is that what eBay is saying.
10-14-2022 11:25 AM
So tigerofhappiness, it is still a toss up whether the envelopes will be accepted by USPS? I bought the standard 6x8 envelopes that eBay linked to the their website and the post office at the front would not accept them.
To be clear, drop these packages in blue boxes and not at the front desk.
10-15-2022 07:42 PM
The general opinion of the card community is not to use the envelopes ebay is pushing, they attract too much attention from postal employees. I have purchased many thousands of single cards over the past decade and maybe 1 in 100 came in a mailer like that. Everyone else used normal letter envelopes, although some outfits actually have them custom made with card slots in them.
I use regular letter envelopes. If you search my other posts I am sure you can find multiple times where I went over in exact detail how I pack and ship cards in standard envelope.
Don't hand them in at the counter. Just drop them in any blue box. I prefer to not let them go to the office that delivers my mail because I had a problem a few years ago with them just sticking a rubber band around the whole stack returning them to my house.
03-03-2023 05:54 PM
This service is garbage. I have 30 to 40 of these returned for postage due every month. When the service first came out I had no issues at all. Post office has gotten extremely lazy with these, don't let them fool you they know they need scanned but just don't bother. After this weekend going back to first class shipping I have had enough. Using this service last year I refunded buyers over 1000. Oh and the insurance is a joke too.
03-03-2023 07:21 PM
I use this service about 500 times every month without issue while selling stamps.
I bypass the counter and drop them in the slot in the lobby.
Not a problem for me. No returns and they all get delivered.
03-04-2023 07:01 AM
@dirk12955 wrote:I use this service about 500 times every month without issue while selling stamps.
I bypass the counter and drop them in the slot in the lobby.
Not a problem for me. No returns and they all get delivered.
Stamp sellers will never have any issues with them being returned. It is card sellers who overpack the cards that are having the issues.
Remember card sellers, these things have free built in insurance that pays out without issue, there is no reason to overpack the cards.
Here is my video on how I have shipped over 20,000 orders standard envelope. My damage claims round down to zero, and the insurance has paid out on all of them.