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anyone else running into GSP not shipping your items?

long story short, but ive been having issues with GSP since sept-october of last year, and ive contacted ebay multiple times. every time i get a different answer...


GSP is enabled on all of my items, roughly 4000.  only 87 are showing shippable via GSP.


the last rep i spoke to in late december said they were able to reproduce the error.  GSP was being selected on my end, but it wasnt applying on the back end.  a ticket was created and they said the team would dig into it.


today i contacted them again to see if there was an update, and there was.  they said everything is working as intended, but Pitney Bowes is rejecting the part numbers, and wont say why.  i was willing to accept that at face value, but after 5 mins of searching, i can find multiple issues with that.


example 1 - i have multiples of the same part number listed, but they fit different applications   only 1 "application" is being allowed on GSP.


example 2 - out of a whole series of items listed, only select sizes are being let through, and theres no rhyme or reason to whats let through.


example 3 - competitors items are showing up as shipping via GSP, but mine with the same part numbers arent..

example 4 - i have some of the same items listed on another account.  while that account is having the same issue, some of those same items are showing up as GSP shippable.


i really really dont want to deal with USPS/UPS and import forms ever again, but if i cant get this fixed i might have to.

Message 1 of 12
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Re: anyone else running into GSP not shipping your items?

Can you provide some item numbers from examples 2 and 3? Maybe people here can spot something that will help.


USPS rates increase July 1st & 14th. Read more here.
Message 2 of 12
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Re: anyone else running into GSP not shipping your items?

i dont want to bury this thread in numbers, but i can throw a few up.


this is my entire store with the shipping location set to Sweden. everything here are the only items GSP is showing up on.


but than theres things like this that show up as shippable -


where as this, the exact same thing but from a different series, doesnt show up -


again, shows up -


doesnt -


right hand rotation is shippable -


left hand rotation of the exact same item isnt -



competitions item that can ship via GSP -


and mine that cant -



Message 3 of 12
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Re: anyone else running into GSP not shipping your items?

@westmichiganpropeller wrote:

but than theres things like this that show up as shippable -


where as this, the exact same thing but from a different series, doesnt show up -

The first item offers eBay's new EIS - eBay International Shipping which is being slowly rolled out and replacing GSP.


The second item has all international shipping locations excluded. Can you go in to edit that listing and take a screenshot of the shipping section so we can see the backend settings @westmichiganpropeller?


USPS rates increase July 1st & 14th. Read more here.
Message 4 of 12
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Re: anyone else running into GSP not shipping your items?

they both use the same shipping settings




and the messages i got from ebay facebook


Message 5 of 12
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Re: anyone else running into GSP not shipping your items?

@westmichiganpropeller wrote:

competitions item that can ship via GSP -


and mine that cant -

I'm wondering if the word "blade" in your listing title and description is why yours was blocked and the other seller's wasn't. Often times blades and knives are blocked by GSP and this could be a case where the keyword is triggering the block, even though this is a boat propeller..


USPS rates increase July 1st & 14th. Read more here.
Message 6 of 12
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Re: anyone else running into GSP not shipping your items?

GSP is being replaced by eBay International Shipping.  When you go to this page:


Do you see GSP or EIS?


If you see GSP then go to the "I'm interested" link on this page:


and see if you can opt in to EIS because maybe the switch over will help.


If you're already using EIS, still click the "I'm interested" button (it's an e-mail address) and provide some item numbers like you did above to ask if they can help. That's what I would do.


USPS rates increase July 1st & 14th. Read more here.
Message 7 of 12
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Re: anyone else running into GSP not shipping your items?

Ok starting point, something has to determine if it is not eligible, my guess a bot catching a word in the in this day and age of "reimagining" things, be more creative in your description.,  I like you have a store with almost 3,000 listing and have run into the same issue where things have mysteriously changed, and as much as I hate it I set here revising and updating things back to the way it used to work as much as possible...ebay is totally clueless when it comes to shipping, especially with their shopping cart that does not work and combining items....the amount of lost sales it creates is staggering on a collective whole, both for seller and ebays fees coffers! But then again it is ebay and to be expected....

Message 8 of 12
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Re: anyone else running into GSP not shipping your items?

good idea, but no go there either.  ive got tons of listings without the word blade in it, those are all blocked too.  ive got a ton without the world "propeller" even in it, and half of those are blocked...


and no, EIS is not an option thats showing up on my account.  im trying to stay away from EIS too, they have a $500 limit on items, and ive got a lot of items that are over that price.


heres another interesting one i found this evening - 

gsp enabled, but to canada only -


and same thing, just a different part number -

wont ship out of the country.

Message 9 of 12
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Re: anyone else running into GSP not shipping your items?

GSP is on its way out so that could be causing these issues.


EIS policy page raised limit from $150 to $500 but last I read, items were still being restricted to $150 and they updated the policy page too soon. That was last week though, not sure if it changed since then. They're working on increasing to $500 though.


Many buyers will use a freight forwarder if the seller doesn't offer international shipping, but there are also several direct international shipping options you can look into. Just throwing that out there since the migration to EIS is inevitable.


USPS rates increase July 1st & 14th. Read more here.
Message 10 of 12
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Re: anyone else running into GSP not shipping your items?

found and "fixed" the problem already.  now if i can just get ebay to actually fix it.


the entire Boat/Propeller category is effectively being blocked from GSP. 


i listed a couple of new items in Boat Parts/Other this afternoon and just noticed that they all had GSP enabled on them.  and that gave me an idea...


i took one of my "blocked" items and moved it from the Boats/Propellers category to the Boat Parts/Other category.  within seconds GSP was enabled on it and working as intended. 


*quick edit - i just moved that same item back into the Propellers category.  instantly blocked.  and i mean instantly.  like, as soon as i hit the submit edit button and it brought me back to view the edited page, it was already blocked. 

Message 11 of 12
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Re: anyone else running into GSP not shipping your items?

That's where my initial thoughts went - blocked product/category - but when I asked for item numbers the results provided didn't match that theory.


You had some items where right hand rotation went through GSP but left hand rotation didn't and when I checked they were both in the same category. Both items listed on the same day, no revisions.


These inconsistent results are what had me doubting a category/item block.


If it is a category block, there's nothing for eBay to fix because those blocks are determined by Pitney Bowes, not eBay. If you list your product in the "other" category to get around the block you run the risk that your packages will be rejected when they get to the GSP hub.


USPS rates increase July 1st & 14th. Read more here.
Message 12 of 12
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