09-13-2021 09:53 AM
Just an FYI, if you sell matchbooks and they still have any matches in them and you use USPS,
they can only ship via GROUND transportation. First class and priority go via air most of the time.
I was researching some prices and shocked to see how many do not know this or are ignoring it.
You can look it up on the USPS website. There are very specific instructions on it and how to properly label them too. Yes, ground is slower and costs more but It is not worth risking a federal fine.
08-26-2022 03:07 PM
So many sellers doing FCM. Hope ebay steps up to the plate and shuts listings down for seller's not following USPS guidelines.
08-10-2023 01:12 PM
Sorry, what is FCM? I'm researching how to ship 50 vintage matchbooks safely and legally no w.