01-04-2021 09:54 PM
On November 15th I dropped off 49 packages in the back of the post office and handed the worker my scan sheet. I watched him scan it and left without getting a receipt. Every single one of those packages ended up on my "item not sent on time" or "delivered late" report with eBay even though I watched him scan the sheet. It took me forever going back and forth with ebay trying to get them removed. I went up to the post master's office and spoke with him 3 times getting a letter from him and more information about what could have happened. He said it was an area glitch where none of the scans from that day in the St. Louis area showed as accepted at all. So they went and sat at a sorting facility for around 2-weeks then before getting another scan. When it finally received another scan it made it look like it was the origination scan.
Fast forward to January 2nd, this past Saturday. Ever since that happened to me I wait in line to get a receipt for my packages. I shipped of 30 this Saturday and got the receipt. The same thing has happened again. They are all stuck in pre-shipment info, every single one of them.
Just wanted to give people a heads up. I don't know if this just in my area, I'm in St. Louis Missouri area. And I'm not sure how this is even possible. The receipt has all the information on it, shows they were all scanned received. Now I have to message all my buyers from that day and explain that I have a receipt but it shows USPS is not in possession of the item. I was on the up-tick of feeing more hopeful with them after the new year, but alas, the air has just been let out of my balloon.
01-04-2021 10:10 PM
The only easy answer is to stop using USPS. They are incompetent. And eBay isn't far behind.
01-04-2021 10:16 PM
Accept for more than half of my shipment was going to Puerto Rico, that is the only option there is. So it’s not a one size fits all solution.
01-05-2021 03:50 AM
Not accept, except. Sorry I was half asleep.
01-05-2021 08:21 AM
I got an acceptance scan for my eBay printed USPS PRIORITY Mail package yesterday morning at my post office. Package (on eBay and USPS site) shows USPS Awaits Item - no scans after 24 hours. Luckily? I have the USPS paper receipt with confirmation of receipt. What does it mean? How is this possible? Should be a "fun" journey to get this resolved (not a scan sheet but an actual receipt from the scanned package).
01-05-2021 08:39 AM
I've had a similar experience where I've watched my carrier scan every.single.package. as he picked them up at my doorstep, only to see half of them not get an accepted/in USPS possession/picked up notation on the tracking.
Carrier says the only thing he can think is that for some reason they're not all uploading correctly.
01-05-2021 11:34 AM
I also had a receipt from a scanned package the same day and the same thing happened. It has now since been 3 days and no more scans. Looks like I haven't dropped them off. I am so glad I have the receipts, it's for 31 packages total.
01-05-2021 01:08 PM
That is apparently what happens with Scan Sheets. BIG sellers think they are a great idea, er, until something like this happens. If you want to insure that each package gets scanned, stand in line at the window. It pizzes off buyers when they see "Item Received" and then "Awaiting Acceptance". Apparently you don't get the official USPS Acceptance scan until each package on the scan sheet is individually scanned. During busy time, looks like that scan gets passed over.
I stood in line for an hour the other day just to get a repaid label scanned! The reason for the delay? Some clueless eBay seller standing at the counter paying for shipping on 18 separate packages! {weigh, scan, inquire to contents, etc.}
01-05-2021 02:22 PM
As was posted below, the problem may also be the SCAN form itself. I don't use ebay (use pirateship.com). Last year there was a period of about 2-3 days when their SCAN sheets did not work (they were scanned at PO and I also got the receipt).
Fortunately pirate has great customer service, and they fixed it promptly. Other than that occasion, the reliability of the SCAN form as far as I am concerned has been 100%.
01-05-2021 03:19 PM
I did stand in line and get my scan sheet scanned and received a receipt. I'm not sure why that is a disconnect? I have the receipt from the post office that says all my items were scanned in from the scan sheet.
01-05-2021 03:24 PM
I actually spoke with our Post Master today and showed him the receipt and the scan form and he was baffled. He had me go in back with him and he pulled it up in their system to show me what it looks like on their end. So when they bring up the scan form number it shows all 30 packages numbers. Then when you click on each individual package it shows none of them have been accepted. Even though the scan sheet number clearly shows it time stamped on Saturday the 2nd. So he made a call to St. Louis regional post master who told him that it should populate in once it receives another scan, however he's never heard of this and I haven't either. Today's shipment and yesterday's shipment, both with scan forms, all show time stamps correctly as shipment received when it was scanned at the counter. So pretty much I just wait and see I guess. They will start populating on my late shipment report but eBay has said that since I have the receipt that they will remove those. I emailed all my customers and let them know. Seems like it's a mainframe issue from the scan sheet populating over acceptance. This is the 2nd time it has happened to me so it's something that isn't isolated now.
01-05-2021 03:54 PM
Fortunately, my scan receipt from yesterday morning (with yesterdays date) popped in along with this afternoons scan receipt from the distribution center. An acceptance scan AND signs of movement (yes - cause for me to celebrate these days)!
Good luck too you!
01-05-2021 04:02 PM
So I just checked all of mine and they all received a scan today but it shows it was accepted today, it did not back date it to when it was actually scanned and dropped off. 3 day difference. I will be making another trip up to the post master tomorrow and let him know that they need to look at this issue. I have the time stamped receipt showing it scanned in January 2nd at 11:15 am. All of the tracking numbers show that they were just accepted today, January 5th at 3:49 pm. Also, the single package I had separate from the scan sheet also shows exactly the same. Maybe it was just a location issue for January 2nd then? It doesn't makes sense that it would only be a scan sheet problem if a single package also has the same issue. I have a separate receipt for that package. So the information the post master was told is not correct either. USPS really needs to look at their infrastructure. Their system seems to have a lot of bugs in it.
I'm so glad yours showed up today! That is cause for celebration!
01-05-2021 04:34 PM
""Every single one of those packages ended up on my "item not sent on time" or "delivered late" report "" "It took me forever going back and forth with ebay trying to get them removed."
That is commendable that you vigorously pursued the matter until resolved and was able to have eBay removed the inaccurate information from your reports.
01-06-2021 11:53 AM - edited 01-06-2021 11:54 AM
Yep! Looks like the info the Postmaster gave you was incorrect. 🤔 The way things work there is the scan sheet DOES have the packages on them, but they are not "officially" received until they get a USPS scan on each package.
I think the point is that someone could have a bunch of Priority Mail packages {with Insurance} on a scan sheet, drop the scan sheet and get it scanned, but leave off a couple of PM packages and then file insurance claims. So the USPS doesn't consider them officially "received" until they get that physical scan of each package.
Now you know. Sorry it was this much energy & effort to fix it too!
So if you want to insure that your packages are all officially "received" and so noted as "timely" with eBay then you get to stand in line for the individual scans. 😱
Or get the Postmaster to do his job and make sure his employees scan every package on a scan sheet! 😳 LOL! Yeah, right! 😎
Thanks for the updates!