05-03-2024 04:08 AM
Is it just me or is the UPSS having a really bad couple weeks? I've had several items not even scan for tracking. Many buyers complaining they haven't gotten anything I mailed out beginning of last week.
I also have an item I bought on 4-22 last scanned 4-26 coming from CA. Still waiting. A one of a kind item that cost me $350. Irreplaceable and the USPS has not even updated the shipment.
Anyone else seeing issues or know anything about what's going on?
05-03-2024 06:55 AM
How are you shipping your items? Being picked up? Or are you dropping them off?
05-03-2024 07:21 AM
I sold an item to a buyer who lived 65 miles away in an ajoining state. It took almost 2 weeks to be delivered. For 4 days the USPS update stated "In Transit to Next Facility, Arriving Late". The package went to 3 other states during this time. I was told by a USPS rep that "the machine scanned the barcode incorrectly". Unbelievable.
05-03-2024 07:32 AM
The postman that picks up packages was robbed last week at gunpoint. I lost 2 packages.
They are moving distribution out of NH so packages go to the old center in NH and than are shipped to Massachusetts. They often sit around waiting to be moved. I have at least 3 packages still in transit and 2 that are going from state to state.
05-03-2024 10:05 AM
No scan issues from my local USPS offices. I either use the self kiosks & scan the parcels, or I provide the clerk with a scan sheet for the entire lot of parcels.
Knock on wood, all of my shipments have been also receiving timely subsequent scans while in route to my respective buyers.
05-03-2024 10:45 AM
Sadly, it's happening to me, too. I have "delivered" showing up on 5 separate items, but I have not received anything they said delivered. It's a cumulative from about a week or two's bidding and winning, and they all say "delivered to mailbox" at just after 5 pm yesterday. I'm closing my Ebay account, and will not do any selling. This is a big problem, and I don't really have any answers, except that perhaps insuring and shipping via another carrier could be a solution.
05-03-2024 01:46 PM
I've had issues with delays and fewer scans this year. The PO is currently understaffed. Every USPS location in the US has help wanted posters in the lobby. Unfortunately, it's also an election and year and there is a possibility maleficence for political gain is at play.
05-03-2024 10:10 PM
No problems here. Out of curiosity, I checked the tracking on everything I've shipped in the past two weeks and they were all delivered in 2-5 days, with the exception of the ones I shipped on Tuesday (they're going cross-country, so they likely won't arrive until Monday).
05-05-2024 03:30 AM
I live in Amherst, NH. Dropped off 7 ESUS envelopes containing baseball cards at the Amherst PO lobby outgoing slot on April 22. Only 2 were scanned. Spent 1 1/2 hours with eBay explaining each item number and the problem associated with each one. eBay finally removed the defects from my Seller Dashboard. I was on the phone with eBay last night pertaining to another defect. This one was also mailed April 22. The first scan was April 30 8:50 pm Baltimore, MD. Received a replay this morning from the Support Team stating I didn't mail the card in time. What? I replied back, "You mean to say I drove 6 hours and 26 minutes to Baltimore, MD to drop off an envelope which cost me 88 cents to mail and drove 6 hours and 26 minutes back home?".
05-06-2024 01:55 AM
You shipped it ground advantage ,then your package packed in the shipping container which sat on the floor in the sorting hub for 3 days before the truck showed up , which Seem's to be a problem a long with bouncing it around couple times before the buyer get's it . go to your PO and ask for the internal system scan tracking it has more details.
05-06-2024 02:01 AM
Well the USPS is planning to close down The big sorting center down in Maryland and the big W. DC. sorting center also by sending them into Both Virgina and W. Virgina's smaller sorting centers. I do hope the Govenor's and senators fight Dejoy's plan's . Other wise this will be two times worse for delays and loss's ,Compaired to what is going on in GA.
05-06-2024 06:44 AM
It's out of control at this point and I'm seriously considering finally stepping down from eBay as a seller after 27 years. I've experienced delays for all of my shipped items in the past 2 weeks, in some instances with no scanned updates reflected in tracking. One item took 2 weeks to deliver one state away! Another buyer sent me an absolutely scathing email just this morning with all sorts of nasty accusations that should all have been directed at the Post Office. For me, the problem is apparently the sorting facility in Kearny, N.J. where ALL of the mailed packages get sorted before being sent to their next destination. It's reportedly a nightmare there, understaffed, with tons of backed up packages. Worst of all, is the ticking clock that kicks in once a buyer files an "item not received" case with eBay. As you well know, once the package arrives after the case is closed (mind you, only 4 days from start to finish), eBay will NEVER reverse the charge back to the seller, so I'm most likely screwed in this instance (and out $90) if the item doesn't arrive in the next 3 days.
05-06-2024 06:55 AM
I have not been having any major slow downs or lack of scans. I drop all of my packages off at the post office and have them weighed and scanned in. Some GA packages are getting delivered to zone 8 in 2 days. So some GA is going by plane. Even media mail is moving along, 5 days to zone 8. Another GA package, 3 days to zone 6. It is working well for me.
06-24-2024 07:28 AM
We ship over 1500 items per month USPS. I agree that they are terrible about scanning items in and have been slow in delivery. We however have only had 1 item get lost in the last few years. It is terrible that ebay stats get dinged when you ship on time and the USPS drops the ball.
06-24-2024 09:40 AM
I had only one item to ship and took it to the post office and it never got scanned and it was delivered today.