12-14-2020 05:53 PM
Well, so far the tracking uploads are not current.
For the past 3/4 weeks, USPS tracking is crazier than crazy.
I am in Baltimore and for the past 3 to 4 weeks the tracking states that the item was in the possession of USPS..meanwhile, people are asking where the packages are.. and that they are still stuck in Baltimore..
I use a Universal Tracking app that tells me a bit more.. most of the shipments show that they are running late..which is more than I get from the post tracking
I do hope that eBay will consider this problem, which is not the seller's fault.. I also have heard that eBay is refunding for " Item not Delivered " this is soo not right!
As an example item shipped on the 5th of December to Nashville TN..is still in transit this hour..That's 9 days!!!
As a cautionary measure ( which I learned years ago) I have all packages scanned at the counter, so that I have physical/paper proof that the shipments were made..
Totally Frustrating!!
12-14-2020 06:29 PM
Helping buyers understand shipping delays
12-14-2020 06:34 PM
If you research package delays on the internet you will see that there is some news with tractor trailers parked outside with loads of Christmas’s merchandise and they have to wait for half a day to get the items out or in to the PO. Forgot what city this was but it probably happening in lots of big cities.
12-14-2020 06:49 PM
I have the same issue with a pkg "stuck" at the Baltimore facility since 12/8. The buyer has opened a "request". I've explained what I know, but other than that I feel I'm at a stand still. This is so frustrating.
12-14-2020 07:00 PM
Tracking on eBay, tracking sketchy o USPS site. It just has to be understood that we are all in a Shipping dilemma for a bit. Risk it or step away for a bit. We need to each make our choices.
I believe that most everyone are just trying to do their best, whether it be buyers, sellers or employees of USPS.
Best of luck and Happy Holidays.
Remember, kindness is free🤶
12-14-2020 07:00 PM
12-14-2020 07:06 PM
We have had some items show (on Ebay) "label created, usps awaiting shipment" when I personally took the items to the post office and waited for them to be scanned. But when I input the tracking number on the USPS website it showed additional scans and that shipments are delayed.
I have been sending screen shots of this tracking and suggesting that the customer go on the shipping site for the most up to date information.
12-14-2020 07:26 PM
I have been reporting the interface problem between what eBay is pulling into the posting tracking and what USPS actually shows for several weeks. So far eBay has done nothing to fix the interface problem and I believe is is causing serious problems with some buyers perceptions as to the actual shipping status of the item.