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It seems that the past few weeks USPS has gotten their **** together. My packages are starting to get delivered on time and tracking numbers are getting updated as well! Anybody else seeing this? We should get a extra stimulus check for what we went through. Luckily I was able to talk my buyers off the ledge and only got one mediocre review and had a seller change a negative into a positive. That was a 6 month long headache!

Message 1 of 30
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Not applicable

A pseudo ID to post with ?! Don't need that, I'm doing it right and have nothing to fear.

Message 16 of 30
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Heya All,


I have a question and then a lengthy comment....(just read the question if you're not "into that")


How do you file a "research request" with USPS? I have been unable to find out how to do this and my local office has not been able to help me with this, or find the time to answer a phone call- I do understand they are busy!!


My comment is from someone who tries to see things from both sides of the fence, despite the side I reside on. Some areas are so much better shipping-wise over the past month then they were back in November and December, however, I am still finding a large number or parcels ( mostly to the North East United States) that are a month since shipped that are still not there. It's rough. There are a few hiccups all over though still....understandable. I have been told there are still back ups in that area (NE) and they are doing their best to get to the help to me as a seller. I do refund someone who has waited a long time for an item, with or without an INR case. Some folks are understanding and willing to wait, and some.....are not- also understandable. I am not a huge volume seller but do sell on multiple platforms and in multiple countries- a few dozen items a day. What frustrates me is there seems to not be support from Ebay for these areas still, and I think there should be. I don't have a handful of cases on the west coast, just a hiccup here and there, which is just a cost of doing business. There is a hiccup in all areas once in a while, but they are relatively few. I have a small bucketful in the NE and think there should be some sort of help for us when shipping to that area. I do not know if it's a "first class" shipping problem only or not? Surely Ebay must be aware of the percentage of parcels delayed to that area from one of their technical algorithms. I consider myself a decent communicator and have been met with a bit of hostility (more than is normal) from good buyers, frustrated in that area. I guess I feel like buyers are tired, delivery personnel is tired, sellers are tired ( I know, first responders, essential workers, medical folks, seniors...etc). Everyone is just "tired". Customers mostly give us a break, but we need one from Ebay too. When folks open cases after a week ( in the NE specifically) without contacting me first, I know I am paying out on an order that will eventually get there. Insurance can't be filed prior to 21 days ( and they are dragging their feet due to covid and pushing this off another 14)( 3rd party shipping/ insurance company). I think we are often in a no-win situation when all fingers need to work together to make the "hand" function. I don't fight or argue. I try to have a very positive approach to customers, but there are those who don't want to hear it. I feel like I am being forced into shipping only "priority mail" which is going to cause me to have to charge for shipping (partially what it runs above first class), which in turn, will lower my product placement, and lower my sales. So, I feel like I am between a rock and hard place- either pay out hundreds a month in very late items, or lose more than that in sales due to charging a nominal priority shipping fee. I have waited a few months for all of this to clear up, but this might be the new normal, who knows? Patience is king.....but he gettin' old, if you know what I mean?? We are all in the same boat, or at least in the same ocean. I wish you all the best as we are part of the same community. Your success helps make this platform better for us all!! Cheers!!

Message 17 of 30
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@mjp29 wrote:

I must ask you.  Are some carriers not scanning packages because of this.

I have 2 packages never scanned into the system that were mailed.

Not because of this but because we have to make it back by dispatch with the outgoing mail we pick up a lot of times someone that is finished will run out and grab a bit off of one of the longer routes (usually  me as mine is the longest at 97 miles), sometimes this can get confusing. Other times a carrier may pick up several packages and be in a rush thinking"I'll san them attemptedd back at the office" then get back so late they literally are shoving the outgoing mail right at the driver of the dispatch truck. 


Seriously I am glad that even at almost 61 I still have bladder control (LOL I know TMI). Last week it was so heavy that I litterally didn't have time to run into the cheese house for a bathroom break. I leave the Post Office after caseing the mail around 9 to 10am and didn't stop until I pulled back into the Post Office around 5pm.


Message 18 of 30
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@Anonymous wrote:

A pseudo ID to post with ?! Don't need that, I'm doing it right and have nothing to fear.

I do right too, but I have in my early posting days had someone mess with my auctions because I called them out on saying they ship everything Media Mail and use covered Priority boxes as a hint to seller a way to save money. 


I have also had a guy blast me with racist **bleep** on Facebook Marketplace because of my anti tRump veiws on my personal page. Instead of just replying to my posts he tracked down my refinished school desks and loaded all sorts of weird S*** in the comments. I had to pull them for awhile, no one wants to see that when they are shoping for stuff for their kids.

Message 19 of 30
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Just the answer  {didn't read the block of text} - Use the 3 Step Missing Mail process.


Step 1 is just verifying eligibility and Step 2 is the actual Help Request where USPS goes looking for the package.   Note the time limits as once they expire you can go to Step 3.


Missing Mail  {<---Link here}

Message 20 of 30
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OK, now the block of text......


@drumlineproperties wrote:



My comment is from someone who tries to see things from both sides of the fence, despite the side I reside on. Some areas are so much better shipping-wise over the past month then they were back in November and December, however, I am still finding a large number or parcels ( mostly to the North East United States) that are a month since shipped that are still not there. It's rough. There are a few hiccups all over though still....understandable. I have been told there are still back ups in that area (NE) and they are doing their best to get to the help to me as a seller.

Yes, this is my experience as well and seem to recall others have noted backlogs still exist in the NE USA.


I do refund someone who has waited a long time for an item, with or without an INR case.

NO!  NO! and NO!  Never voluntarily refund without a case.   Why would you do that?  Do you want to suffer a MAXIMUM LOSS when the package eventually gets delivered?  Once you refund, you could spend 15.45 and file a Package Intercept with the USPS to get your item back.  Otherwise, eventually the item will be delivered and you are at the mercy of the buyer's conscience to pay you or offer to send it back if you send them a label.  Seem like conscience is in short supply these days.  So IF a buyer has not filed an INR case then do not refund until they do and you have to!  But hey, we see it all of the  time, sellers who want to be nice or who are nervous or whatever, jump the gun and give refunds.  Then a few days later the package is delivered and they are on here complaining eBay "should do something" to protect them, when in fact they messed up.


Some folks are understanding and willing to wait, and some.....are not- also understandable. I am not a huge volume seller but do sell on multiple platforms and in multiple countries- a few dozen items a day. What frustrates me is there seems to not be support from Ebay for these areas still, and I think there should be.

OK, that last sentence steps on a hot button for me.  Sorry, I feel some preaching coming on! 😱  Yeah, there is always ways to find where "someone" should or could do something for you.  I prefer to look at what I can do to protect myself, rather than rely on someone else.  Things a seller can do: buyer communication, Missing Mail, Package Intercept, INR extension requests.


I don't have a handful of cases on the west coast, just a hiccup here and there, which is just a cost of doing business. There is a hiccup in all areas once in a while, but they are relatively few. I have a small bucketful in the NE and think there should be some sort of help for us when shipping to that area. I do not know if it's a "first class" shipping problem only or not? Surely Ebay must be aware of the percentage of parcels delayed to that area from one of their technical algorithms. I consider myself a decent communicator Good!  This is the best strategy as a preventative measure.  and have been met with a bit of hostility (more than is normal) from good buyers, frustrated in that area. Yeah, well there are jerks every where, unfortunately.  There is a tool a Blocked Buyer's List that will help you avoid wackos in the future. I guess I feel like buyers are tired, delivery personnel is tired, sellers are tired ( I know, first responders, essential workers, medical folks, seniors...etc). Everyone is just "tired". yep!  I appreciate your even-handed view of things! Customers mostly give us a break, but we need one from Ebay too. When folks open cases after a week ( in the NE specifically) without contacting me first, I know I am paying out on an order that will eventually get there.

Are you aware that in December eBay made a policy change to the way INR cases are handled?  There was an announcement - See Seller's News link above.  Basically if there is movement over a 10-day period, eBay will extend the date for resolution of the INR case.  It isn't automagic, you have to contact CS and request the extension.  But I can tell you from recent experience filing INR cases that the times have been extended and can be extended.  have seen posts here where sellers have gotten extensions from CS - so that is what you can do and what eBay might do to help you out!

Insurance can't be filed prior to 21 days ( and they are dragging their feet due to covid and pushing this off another 14)( 3rd party shipping/ insurance company). I think we are often in a no-win situation when all fingers need to work together to make the "hand" function. I don't fight or argue. Again good!  Too many hostile sellers out there that take things personally! Glad you are part of the good guys!  I try to have a very positive approach to customers, but there are those who don't want to hear it. Yeah, well seems like we have a bunch that want it their way, NOW and "cancel" you if they can't get it!  Sigh. I feel like I am being forced into shipping only "priority mail" which is going to cause me to have to charge for shipping (partially what it runs above first class), which in turn, will lower my product placement, and lower my sales. So, I feel like I am between a rock and hard place- either pay out hundreds a month in very late items, Many sellers posted during the Holiday Season that through communication with buyers and advocating with USPS (MM Process) that they were able to stave off INR cases for the most part.  or lose more than that in sales due to charging a nominal priority shipping fee.  I have waited a few months for all of this to clear up, but this might be the new normal, who knows? Patience is king.....but he gettin' old, if you know what I mean?? We are all in the same boat, or at least in the same ocean. I wish you all the best as we are part of the same community. Your success helps make this platform better for us all!! Cheers!!  Sorry you are frustrated, I get it!  Many are too so you are not alone!  Keep being positive as I am sure you will!  Best wishes.







Message 21 of 30
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You, are certainly NO are a ROCK STAR!! Thanks!! Jen

Message 22 of 30
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I'm not coming down on any postal employees.  I know they are hard pressed during this covid.

But I do have an issue when someone tells the seller that it is their responsibility to do a scan.  A lot of sellers, like me, have scheduled pickups at their front door.  My package finally received a scan on the 8th day after it was picked up - thank goodness.  One would think it would have been scanned somewhere in 8 days of moving through the system.



Message 23 of 30
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I'm trying to imagine how the hell you drive with a load like that. Are you relying solely on the front windshield and the right sideview mirror until you can knock off some package height?

Walk without rhythm, it won't attract the worm.
Message 24 of 30
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@mjp29 wrote:

I'm not coming down on any postal employees.  I know they are hard pressed during this covid.

But I do have an issue when someone tells the seller that it is their responsibility to do a scan.  A lot of sellers, like me, have scheduled pickups at their front door.  My package finally received a scan on the 8th day after it was picked up - thank goodness.  One would think it would have been scanned somewhere in 8 days of moving through the system.



No one is telling sellers they HAVE to do a scan.  But in these changing times and the situation we are currently in, one has choices.  Manage the risks involved with NOT getting acceptance scans.  So if the scans aren't being done at your front door during pick-up then that is a problem, a business problem.  How will you respond and react to the business problem?  Look for solutions? Complain on social media?  Do nothing?


Hey, I'm just sayin'

Message 25 of 30
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From a retired Postmaster of 33+ years that was over 3 Lv 18 rural Post Offices and 24 carriers, both city and Rural, I THANK YOU FOR WHAT YOU DO! I had no supervisor assistance either.  Up until my last year before retiring I still was required(hated it) to carrier and deliver mail in heat and cold due to staff shortages that the District Office could give a rats behind about. Gee, where would I sit to perform your route inspections?!?!  🙂  Hated that too.  I'm sorry more customers don't realize what you and every USPS employee goes though each and every day. Our District had an 85% turnover rate because newbies would drop out a day or 2 after delivering mail. From someone that knows what your days are like, again - thank you! Hmm, Ohio plate - I may know you. 🙂

Message 26 of 30
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I am in Indy, which was one of the hardest hit areas. Yes, we are close to normal, but not quite there yet. Some days are still occurring between the main hubs and the post offices in the area, but it is rarely ever more than 2 days, which is no problem for me. 


I will say, after the dust settled..I only had one item lost through all of this. That is pretty impressive in my opinion.

Message 27 of 30
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@mjp29 wrote:

I'm not coming down on any postal employees.  I know they are hard pressed during this covid.

But I do have an issue when someone tells the seller that it is their responsibility to do a scan.  A lot of sellers, like me, have scheduled pickups at their front door.  My package finally received a scan on the 8th day after it was picked up - thank goodness.  One would think it would have been scanned somewhere in 8 days of moving through the system.



It was but there is a internal system that doesn't allways report to the on-line visable system. That is why if you sign up for text updates often times you will prompt the system to boot it to on-line visable. 

Message 28 of 30
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@wastingtime101 wrote:

I'm trying to imagine how the hell you drive with a load like that. Are you relying solely on the front windshield and the right sideview mirror until you can knock off some package height?

Yes, and often times I have packages wanting to slide down on me so I'm holding them in place.  You'ld think with packing my jeep daily I wouldn't suck so bad at Tetris.

Message 29 of 30
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@greatmidwestcoin wrote:

From a retired Postmaster of 33+ years that was over 3 Lv 18 rural Post Offices and 24 carriers, both city and Rural, I THANK YOU FOR WHAT YOU DO! I had no supervisor assistance either.  Up until my last year before retiring I still was required(hated it) to carrier and deliver mail in heat and cold due to staff shortages that the District Office could give a rats behind about. Gee, where would I sit to perform your route inspections?!?!  🙂  Hated that too.  I'm sorry more customers don't realize what you and every USPS employee goes though each and every day. Our District had an 85% turnover rate because newbies would drop out a day or 2 after delivering mail. From someone that knows what your days are like, again - thank you! Hmm, Ohio plate - I may know you. 🙂

We got a new sub. She hasn't been trained on my route yet but on the two smallest routes she had to follow BEHIND in her car talking on speakerphone with the carrier because of Covid and the fact that she had nowhere to sit. I guess that is how route inspections will be done too if there is ever a time that the Postmaster is free enough to do them.


Message 30 of 30
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