01-24-2019 06:36 PM
Any thoughts on shipping items (1 ounce) without tracking? I have some inexpensive items, and if I can ship cheaper than first class, it would make it more profitable. Does eBay require me to ship with tracking? I know it increases the chances of fraud, but I wasn’t sure if there were any other issues to consider. Thank you in advance!
01-24-2019 06:58 PM
eBay doesn't require tracking.
01-24-2019 06:58 PM
The only cheaper options are First Class letters and First Class flats (AKA Large envelopes). But USPS has strict rules about what can be mailed that way. For letters, the maximum thickness is 1/4 inch. For flats, the maximum thickness is 3/4 inch but the piece must also be flexible and of even thickness (variation in thickness not more than 1/4 inch). If you can't met those requirements, then your only option is First Class packages.
01-24-2019 08:06 PM
@eyem4jesus wrote:but I wasn’t sure if there were any other issues to consider.
Some people put their PWE (plain white envelope / untracked) items on a separate account than their account that has a top rated status.
01-24-2019 09:03 PM
Only if the items are flat enough to meet letter requirements will there be any shipping savings. The post office sends letters through a sorter too, so if the product can't handle being squeezed in a sorting machine I wouldn't send it that way. IMO it's not worth the risk.
01-24-2019 11:02 PM
To qualify for FCP [first class parcel] the package must be at least 3/4" at some point in the package [not the entire package] OR stiff, not flexible.
It doesn't have to be both, just one OR the other. I ship lots of books. I put some cardboard strips in the books to keep them stiff during shipping in the hopes of keeping the carrier from bending the books. For me it works well for me. I stiffen the package and ship FCP.