12-30-2019 02:32 PM
As the title mentioned, I received a fake counterfeit Dyson Airwrap. Originally was suppose to be a gift. When comparing the original with the counterfeit, there are MANY indicators that shows that this item is legitimately fake! What steps do I go about this? This is the first time I ever bought a fake and the seller does not accept returns. I remember ordering from this seller and noticed the seller did not have that many reviews. I also noticed the seller sent the item from China and it took nearly 3 months to get here (but it arrived just in time before Christmas). I also asked this seller for a tracking number but did not get any response. I was scared of being scammed but now that I got the item, I can definitely tell it's fake due to the colors and overall appearances. Also, I heard if items are counterfeit -- that they need to be destroyed or something? I don't know what to do with it. This item was ~$400 when I bought it and it's a ~$550 item.
12-30-2019 04:59 PM
12-30-2019 05:35 PM
If there's no tracking @shopfordealstoday or the tracking doesn't show that you received the item you ordered 3 months ago, file an Item Not Received dispute http://paypal.com/disputes at PayPal, if that's how you paid.
Go back immediately and click Escalate to PayPal at the bottom of the page, then wait 11 days for your refund. Do not reply or close the case if your seller tries to contact you now. Just wait quietly for your refund.
12-30-2019 05:55 PM
@ga-8370 wrote:If there's no tracking @shopfordealstoday or the tracking doesn't show that you received the item you ordered 3 months ago, file an Item Not Received dispute http://paypal.com/disputes at PayPal, if that's how you paid.
Go back immediately and click Escalate to PayPal at the bottom of the page, then wait 11 days for your refund. Do not reply or close the case if your seller tries to contact you now. Just wait quietly for your refund.
Did you not read that the item was delivered?
So you are now encouraging the OP buyer to file a false claim for Item Not Received through Paypal?
Not only is that against board policy but a blatant lie.
Not cool at all.
12-30-2019 06:01 PM
@shopfordealstoday wrote:As the title mentioned, I received a fake counterfeit Dyson Airwrap. Originally was suppose to be a gift. When comparing the original with the counterfeit, there are MANY indicators that shows that this item is legitimately fake! What steps do I go about this? This is the first time I ever bought a fake and the seller does not accept returns. I remember ordering from this seller and noticed the seller did not have that many reviews. I also noticed the seller sent the item from China and it took nearly 3 months to get here (but it arrived just in time before Christmas). I also asked this seller for a tracking number but did not get any response. I was scared of being scammed but now that I got the item, I can definitely tell it's fake due to the colors and overall appearances. Also, I heard if items are counterfeit -- that they need to be destroyed or something? I don't know what to do with it. This item was ~$400 when I bought it and it's a ~$550 item.
Read this:https://tinyurl.com/w3qe52s
12-30-2019 07:16 PM
Hi albertabrightalberta,
Thank you for your reply. I have a Dyson Airwrap from QVC and when comparing the two (the other from eBay), I noticed different variation of the products so I'm 100% certain the other is a counterfeit.
THEY are almost indentical if it weren't for those variations so it's probably easy for the sellers to get away with this. The only problem is the performance. I tested the counterfeit and it made my hair frizzy. This was originally suppose to be a gift to my daughter.
The tracking number was updated around this month so it was way after I messaged the seller about when I should be receiving this product. The product came before Christmas and the tracking said I should get it by December 31st.
It has been 3 months which is why I'm worried about filing too late. I hope it's not. I filed one anyways when I figured where to dispute it...
I don't know what will happen next but hopefully the Buyer Protection will kick in for this. Otherwise, I lost $400 + $35 tax in all this. 😞
12-30-2019 07:18 PM
Hi ga-8370,
I did receive a tracking by the time the item actually arrived... even though the seller never directly replied to my messages. I received the item before Christmas when the item was said to arrive by December 31st.
I already opened a claim with eBay on it not being authentic just a few hours ago. I'm just waiting to see what the seller has to say.
12-30-2019 07:21 PM
Hi a*river*runs*through*it,
Yes, I did see those articles!!! Which made me more stressed that this is all possibly happening to me right now... When I compared the one I know is authentic since it came from QVC and the one from eBay, there is so many variations and indicators as well as the performance of the two.... that made me see how badly jipped I got. I don't know what can really be done now... Hopefully just a return and refund... but I feel bad for the next buyer that this might happen to as well. Apparently this seller sold 4 out of 5 of these products.
12-30-2019 07:41 PM
12-30-2019 10:15 PM
Do they care about authenticity? I really just want to point out that it's counterfeit so this person doesn't sell someone something like this again. I'll contact PayPal as well.