08-02-2022 08:29 PM
I have always used calculated shipping. Multiple items ship at the total weight, minus a few ounces for the packaging.
Due to cost increases I am now trying to combine comic books at Flat Rate. Calculated FC rates are super-high, so I am creating Business Policies with flat rate shipping, which includes my discount, and factors in supply costs into the price.
So... my dilemma...
1 comic costs $5-6 to ship USPS FC.
2 comics $7
3 for $8
4-8 fit inside a flat rate mailer $9
9-16 inside a regional, or priority box for $8-15 depending on distance.
How can I make this more clear, automatic and easy for buyers? Flat Rate business policies, plus combined shipping rules, or discounts? Is it possible to make a promotion: Buy 1, get 2 for $x, 3 for $y, etc?
Hope my post isn't too cryptic, but I feel like maybe there is an easy way to accomplish this without having to keep giving partial refunds, and leaving buyers confused with a poor experience....
Thanks for your feedback!
08-02-2022 08:47 PM
Shipping cost: $6.00 add $1.00 for each additional comic book purchased and made on the same invoice.
08-03-2022 05:29 AM
Thanks very much, that is how I have it setup now, but is it possible to automate this further and weights increase into the priority mail range?
Thanks again for your help
08-03-2022 04:29 PM
From my own experience you need to add on the same invoice otherwise you will be charged 30 cents for each transaction. In the case, if the person bought one and paid for it and bought another and paid $6. for shipping again. (Happened to me many times) I contact them and tell them I can ship them together and refund them $4.50. They are happy to accept. Otherwise I will ship them separately.
Your question: but is it possible to automate this further and weights increase into the priority mail range?
No need to. If some one purchased 4 they would pay $9.00 which would be padded flat rate envelope. I am not sure but I think you could ship 7-8 comics in a flat rate padded envelope protected with cardboard. This is the best buy of all the mail especially if you buy your labels on Ebay. I have shipped 50 rolls of penny's boxed and put into a flat rate padded envelope and never had a problem.
08-04-2022 05:28 AM
Thanks! That is super helpful! 🙂