02-27-2017 01:40 AM
I have been using the GSP for some years, mainly due to the ease of receiving my goods without it going missing locally. But, of late, it seems packages take forever in the US to reach the GSP in KY and then it lays for days on end, often 4 days+ before someone there actually starts working on it.
I again have a package which took about 5 days to reach the GSP and have been laying there the past 4 days without anything happening.
Is this common practice these days? Paying a lot when it seems USPS can have it delivered much faster and at better rates.
02-27-2017 11:27 PM
Time to the shipping hub depends on the seller, how fast they ship and by what type of service.
Turnaround time at the hub is supposed to be less than 24 hours. I don't know what the actual average is.
Lack of tracking update does not mean the item is still there. It just means that is the last place it was scanned.
02-28-2017 12:14 AM
I have the same problem with Pbi's GSP my item has been arrived to GSP center on 24/02/2017 and still pending there... i have now regrets just because of my anxiousty of incase my item get lost or something else because i paid alot extra to have a proper shipping and proper tracking
So i am blindly waiting if my item will arrive or not
03-03-2017 01:02 AM
Thanks for your replies everyone.
Yes, I spoke to some eBay staff and also did some reading up. There could be a 5 day turnaround time at the GSP. My latest package arrived at the GSP on the 24th of Feb and it only left the 28th. So, it just seems they may be busy or alternatively not working on weekends.
08-09-2017 03:56 PM
PBI is a joke. Im in san diego, have a package from GB took 4 days to get to los angeles... and there it has sat for 15 days now with no progress! What is wrong with them,lazy? Or stupid?