05-14-2021 10:44 AM
So after made my label for fedex i notice that was not bill for the label but got stuck with Billed after use with fedex. Does any one know what that mean by " Billed after use "
still looking for fedex charge in my management payments but cant find it
05-14-2021 10:50 AM
You will be billed upon delivery of the package.
Many have complained that the cost charged is much higher that what is estimated when you print it. Personally, I have not found this to be the case.
Be sure to measure and weigh CAREFULLY using your scale and a measuring device. I always prefer a flexible type seamstress measuring device to a rigid tape measure since you can measure girth with it.
05-14-2021 10:55 AM
Yea i have done that mesagure the box and weight it . 10/7/5 box with 4lb 03 . hoppy charge wont be too bad just wait and find out later
05-15-2021 04:18 AM
This pretty much matches my first experience using eBays FedEx label for shipping. I was billed about 3 weeks after it was delivered and I was happy that the estimated cost from eBay was actually off by a bit to my favor.
A side bonus was, the label and all it's tracking info (size, weight, where it scanned and when, etc.) all became available in my FedEx account online. Far more comprehensive than eBay tracking was.
05-15-2021 04:29 AM
I also don't know what that means.