01-28-2025 04:08 PM
I don’t even know what to say or feel after this one, truly disgusting treatment by both Fedex and eBay.
I have been a eBay member since 2003, I have absolutely flawless feedback as both a seller and buyer. On 12/28, I sold an iPad to a buyer in Puerto Rico with 100% feedback as a buyer, none as a seller. He paid for the item using Fedex Ground Economy, I did not choose this option, thought it to be regular Fedex Ground which it is not. It is actually a notoriously slow blended service with USPS called Fedex Smartpost. Since the price tag on the shipping was $32 I wrongly assumed it was covered for the sale amount, not the limited to $100 amount as I found out later. The item went out on the 30th, label fully taped over. It arrived at the Ellenwood Georgia facility on the 7th, was updated as departed the Fedex location at 4:42AM on the 9th and I have not heard a single thing since. The longer tracking number that accompanies the Fedex one does not even register on the USPS site and the current Fedex one is the last one on the 9th that says “Will be updated soon”.
The buyer sent in a INR on the 22nd, the last day quoted by Fedex as the delivery date, after spending not less than 2 hours a day since the 22nd on the phone with both Fedex and eBay, I have gotten nowhere and have filed an appeal because eBay refunded the buyer. Here is the most frustrating part…
I wanted to put a trace on the package as soon as the 22nd came and went. Fedex claims I can not do that because I am not the account holder who generated the label. eBay who is the Fedex account holder claims they have no way to do that because they do not handle tracking and it is out of their hands. So both companies with super frustrating consistency played this finger point game and continue to do so. It gets worse, if I lose the appeal, then eBay is actually going to take out $132 MORE out of my bank account than they put in!! I get double screwed even though I did everything right. The communication between my self and the buyer has been above and beyond, all the screen shots, the texts, everything. Even on the phone calls to eBay, I was being told I am doing everything right, they can see it all.
This conduct is verging on criminal, I just don’t know what to say anymore.
01-28-2025 04:47 PM
Never ship anything to PR using any type of ground service unless the buyer is willing to wait for 10-15 days or longer for it to arrive.
Plus you had the new year in the middle of the week and that made your first leg of the trip much longer than normal.
USPS Priority will get it there within a week or sooner.
FedEx Ground Economy, not so much.
As a seller, we have to enter the correct option for the shipping into the listing OR suck it up and upgrade to the appropriate carrier and service, at our cost, or face the consequences of a potentail INR. Especially with expensive items. Even throw on a signature required.
Best of luck on your appeal. Hope the shipment makes an appearance right away in PR.
01-28-2025 04:55 PM
Thanks, I don't sell nearly as much on eBay as I used to due to how much of a cut they take so I just can't keep track of all the changes anymore, big or small.
I'm gutted by this, my funds are super tight this quarter as some big contracts have shifted. I don't have faith that this will go my way, that seems to be the pattern with eBay and sellers these days.
01-28-2025 04:56 PM
"In 2021 FedEx remanned Fedex Smartpost to Fedex Ground Economy. In the past, final delivery was made by the U.S. Postal Service(USPS), However
FedEx is now often delivering these packages directly."
I got this from the internet.
01-28-2025 04:57 PM
'remanned' should be renamed...
01-28-2025 06:04 PM - edited 01-28-2025 06:05 PM
@12345jamesstamps wrote:"In 2021 FedEx remanned Fedex Smartpost to Fedex Ground Economy. In the past, final delivery was made by the U.S. Postal Service(USPS), However
FedEx is now often delivering these packages directly."
I got this from the internet.
It isn't the case for me.
The seller sent my package via FedEx SmartPost on Jan. 20, 2024.
The tracking number shows FedEx SmartPost.
The tracking number works on FedEx's website but not on USPS website.
I had to put 92 in front of the FedEx tracking number.
And how did I know this, you may ask? I didn't.
Fortunately, I have USPS Informed Delivery and the daily email I get from USPS this morning told me to expect a package from eBay with tracking # 9261xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx which matched the FedEx tracking number starting with the 61.
So, anyway USPS has the package and will be delivering it to me.
FedEx SmartPost stinks!
01-28-2025 07:57 PM - edited 01-28-2025 08:00 PM
I'm done with eBay for good, they denied my appeal, claimed I can't start the claim process with the case open.
Also "I sincerely believe that this incident is not your fault. The buyer was only refunded because the item did not reach their address and appears to have been lost in transit. The fact that you shipped it within your handling time indicates that the fault lies within the courier." But you are still ok with taking an extra $132 out of my account to line your pockets, wow.
They put $540 in my bank account and will take $672 out. This is unbelievably bad treatment, I can't even put out a claim on this package until tomorrow, one that Fedex will not pay (only $100) because they will say the package is out of their hands. They also said this which is laughable at this point:
"I also suggest that you communicate with the buyer so they can send you a repayment once the item finally gets delivered. All the buyers that I have transacted with have been willing to work with me so my first suggestion would be to message the buyer and explain the situation for them to help you resolve this."
You have got to be kidding me, with USPS as the final delivery method in Puerto Rico, this is not happening. You are truly a disgusting company eBay, you ought to be sued for the way you treat your sellers.
01-28-2025 10:21 PM
You are blaming eBay though you selected and purchased shipping for a sub-standard ground service for a shipment destination across big water to an island.
I did this recently with an inexpensive item to PR. Shipped USPS Ground Advantage. Why did I do that? Because I forgot to not use a ground service to PR.
I knew that in the past, just forgot. I think that one took ~12 days.
If it was an expensive item, it probably would have dawned on me to use USPS Priority.
01-29-2025 01:35 AM - edited 01-29-2025 02:00 AM
I did not select the shipping type, the buyer did after he agreed to purchase the item and I did not see any way at the time to change it. I also had never heard of Smartpost but as a soon to be former FedEx account holder, had indeed heard of FedEx Ground so it did not dawn on me that FedEx Ground Economy was different.
And life happens too, I had a major distraction in having my son made a suicide attempt the week of the sale so blame me all you want.
The bottom line is that I am out $672 and eBay does not care one bit about anyone else but them selves.
This company is a criminal laden scam.
01-29-2025 03:58 PM
Sorry to hear of your troubled son. Hoping he overcomes.
No matter how you slice it as a seller, the seller and seller only is responsible for purchasing shipping, shipping the item and also delivery of the item. The seller has many carrier and service options available to choose from. They are at your fingertips every you buy a shipping label thru eBay.
Policies are the same for all sellers. Sellers are responsible for delivery of the shipment. Always.
I had another one similar today. Buyer from Hawaii purchased from a listing where I had USPS Ground Advantage as the service. I upgraded the shipping at my cost to USPS Priority so the carrier will use air service rather than taking a chance on a boat ride.
$4.11 more for Priority but that is how the shipping game is played unless I want to flirt with an Item Not Received case.
Sincerely hope your son recovers fully.
01-30-2025 08:36 AM
Oh yeah, it is all my fault, I get it, this board is great about rubbing that in your face.
01-30-2025 09:12 AM - edited 01-30-2025 09:13 AM
It is not about throwing anything in your face. The post is informative due to long time experience.
Shirking responsibility will never be a winner.
The time was taken to share shipping and ebay policy information.
If you sold once online, you are likely to try it again at some point. Perhaps not on eBay, but elsewhere. The policies for shipment delivery are the same, same, on any venue that uses a payment processor.
Meet up venues for cash might work better if you have the stomach for that sort of transaction. I don't do that myself, PITA on a certain percentage of buyer contacts.
Good luck in the future.