01-31-2025 09:53 AM
I have been selling with eBay for 26 years and have received several FedEx Shipping Adjustments over the last year and they are never for legitimate reasons. I am one who is careful to round up to the next inch and next pound when printing shipping labels, so I don't get any surprises. I had to write about the most recent "adjustment" I received, because it is so outrageous. Ebay has sent it to their FedEx disputes team and I am holding my breath. One item I sell is boxes of blank snow skis that come 3 pairs to the box. The box measures 3-1/2" x 5-1/2" x 78" long and weighs 25 lbs., so I enter 4" x 6" x 79" and 26 lbs. when printing the label. Most of the time on shipping these boxes of skis I chose the FedEx 2 Day One Rate Extra Large Box option, which allows me to use my own box, can be up to 50 lbs., up to 119" long, and up to 2200 cu. in. My box meets all of these guidelines. I paid $26.37 for the label and delivered it in person to the FedEx facility, as I always do. The shipment was received by the buyer and a few days later (yesterday) I received the dreaded email, "There's an adjustment on your shipping labels". What is the cost adjustment you ask? $497.64!! FedEx is claiming that my 26 lb. 4" x 6" x 79" box somehow grew to 17" x 18" x 75" and so now has a Billable Weight of 139 lbs. Being that it was shipped 2 Day, that explodes the shipping charges exponentially. I contacted the buyer to ask about the box of skis he received and he said the box measures 3-1/2" x 5-1/2" x the length of the skis and sent a photo of it. FedEx has definitely made a mistake, but I've had them deny refunds in the past when I've asked eBay customer service to dispute it for me. I am simply told there is nothing more eBay can do. I can't contact FedEx directly about it, because the first thing they want to know is what is the Account Number? Since the labels are purchased through eBay labels, it is eBay's account number and I do not have that information, so I'm at the mercy of how hard eBay will fight for me. Usually, it has been something like $30 I'm disputing, but this time it's a whole different ball game. I sure hope I receive justice on this.
01-31-2025 09:58 AM
Sounds like FedEx failed when auditing your package. That's a giant discrepancy on dimensions. Probably your package had a hitch hiker (another package piggybacking) when the machine scanned it.
Come back to let us know if the dispute is found in your favor.
You did follow the correct process by contacting eBay CS to file the dispute - that's the only thing you can do when you buy the label using eBay's FedEx account.
01-31-2025 10:04 AM
'delivered it in person'...I would have not done an eBay label then. You didn't save any money.
Going to the FedEx facility...you can get a quote and get the correct charge.
Curious, if one takes it to the FedEx facility and paid for the postage there, can they charge you more after you made a purchase at their facility?
One should never be charged extra if they paid in person at the FedEx, UPS or USPS place.
I hate surprises and it's time consuming to receive refunds.
01-31-2025 10:14 AM
FedEx 2 Day One Rate is much less expensive when purchased on eBay vs purchased at retail. There are also differences in package qualifications purchasing on eBay vs retail - eBay's rates are better, more flexibility on packaging, etc.
Telling someone to buy a label for that service at FedEx retail is like telling someone that wants apples to buy liverwurst instead. 😉
While a lot of cost adjustments are legit, this one was clearly in error so hopefully the dispute will come out in the seller's favor.
01-31-2025 10:22 AM
Fedex is corrupt to the core, all the way to their corporate offices. They allege that they are protected under the Tarmac agreement and NO ONE has authority over them. They are very well known for running the "price adjustment" scam. They do this all the time. Unfortunately it is nothing new.
Also, employee theft runs rampant at a couple their hubs and they know it but don't care.
I used them religously for 20 years with ocassional problems that I could always get sorted out but about 4-5 years ago their overbilling, theft, and damage issues really ramped up, and now I rarely use them (and hold my breathe when I do). I will opt to pay a little more to use UPS/USPS because in the end Fedex will probably overbill you anyway. Also, I do the same as you and round weight and dimensions up and always have.
Good luck, I hope you get it sorted out because that is ridiculous.
01-31-2025 10:51 AM
Was it a pretty rectangle box, with beautiful corners, straight lines, and just the right amount of WELL stuck tape? (not too much but not too little). And the correct type of packaging tape?
01-31-2025 11:31 AM
Yes, it was a rectangular box with well taped ends and all along the length. I use commercial 3" wide clear packaging tape that I buy by the case. I am one of those who rub down on every square inch of the tape when I apply it so it does not have any loose corners that can get snagged and cause the tape to be pulled off. Been doing it for a very long time!
01-31-2025 11:38 AM
wastingtime101 answered it well, but I will add that I am 5 minutes from the UPS and FedEx local hubs, and 2 minutes from the main post office, so it is convenient to drop off packages when I have them ready to go, instead of waiting around for a daily pickup. I also get to have them scanned in right when I drop them off, so it protects my Top Seller shipping metrics. It is definitely MUCH cheaper to use eBay labels than my own FedEx account, unless I don't get refunded this crazy adjustment!
02-07-2025 08:35 AM
Good News! Ebay was able to determine that the FedEx "adjustment" was a mistake and they have refunded me the $497.64 charge! They were able to see a photo on FedEx.com that showed the package as delivered, and it matched my size description and refuted the outlandish FedEx scanned dimensions. Evidently, FedEx drivers sometimes photograph a delivered item when there is no one at home to receive it, so that worked in my favor. Evidently, the scanning that was done by FedEx may have had another package right on the heels of mine that confused the machine. Gee, I wonder how many times that has happened to other shippers? Ebay said that me having a record of shipping many of this same box of skis (same dimensions and weight) would have been additional evidence in my favor had it been needed. I also had the recipient send me a photo of the box and the dimensions that proved my case as well. Here's a few things I learned through this:
1. If I am selling an item that I expect to have many sales on, especially if going by the FedEx 2 Day One Rate method, make sure to take photos of the first one that I sell, showing the scale displaying the weight, a measuring tape showing each of the dimensions, and a photo of the shipping label.
2. Take the package directly to FedEx and get a receipt showing the weight and have the clerk measure the box and write the dimensions on the receipt with their signature.
3. Keep these records in case an adjustment charge pops up down the road on one of my shipments of this item.
4. If an unjustified adjustment is charged use this community forum to voice my objections as well as asking customer service to pass on my case to the shipping team. My post here was noticed by an eBay shipping representative who privately messaged me and got this taken care of.
Thank you for those of you who commented on my post!
02-07-2025 08:38 AM
See my update and resolution above. Thanks!
02-08-2025 03:09 AM
I feel for you have had that happen with a video game system.