01-26-2022 09:58 AM
Hi, I'm trying to contact ebay customer service because I'm not having the option other than USPS to shipping the item I sold
01-26-2022 10:02 AM
It's hard to help when you've provided no details. Are you using the app or the website? What's your package size/weight?
Have you tried simply expanding more options on the shipping page? There are buttons at the top of the shipping label page on the website that show all the carriers. Click on any that you want to remove from the list of options or scroll down to the bottom and click to show more options.
01-26-2022 10:44 AM
As mentioned above if you are going to ask a question you need to provide details.
By "other options" do you mean UPS or FedEx?
There are some place that neither of them ship to. The most obvious example is a P O Box. I have seen tags where the buyer puts both a P O Box address and a street address. However, as soon as the computer sees P O Box it shuts out UPS and FedEx. If that is the case here then simply open the edit address and remove the P O Box leaving only the street address.
On the other hand I have also had some occasions where UPS or FedEx was not available even for a street address. For example someone who lives out in what we city folk call "The Boonies". Or if not that then an area where UPS / FedEx do not have a distribution route usually because of a very sparse population.
01-30-2022 07:13 PM
Same issue for me as well and absolutely no help from eBay. All options except USPS priority are greyed out. Five different items to ship to different customers and the same result on all of them. If you find anything out post here and I'll do the same if I find anything out.