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Ebay Thinks I'm from US!! US buyers sees Domestic Shipping instead of International Shipping! HELP!

I have big problem as a Seller:

I've recently updated my Ebay Selling Profile and Payoneer.

Ebay Thinks I'm from US!! US buyers see Domestic Shipping instead of International Shipping!!

My location is Israel. And it says Item Location and Seller location Israel - for Buyers - but they still see and requested to pay Domestic (Cheaper, faster) Shipping!!

Also, the Listing & options think I'm US and give US options and limitations. Like 20$ max.

And US buyers see and Pay Domestic Shipping. It's a huge issue, and I can't place any listing like that...

I don't even have Listing Making on Ebay App because my App Region is outside the US. 

So what's wrong here?

Also I can only set prices in US$ not EU, GBP or ILS.

Please help me sort this out ASAP! It's important for me to keep selling.

Thanks in advance. 


As you can see in the image, the Domestic Shipping is USA only!!

Also see my recent Listing :


Message 1 of 20
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Re: Ebay Thinks I'm from US!! US buyers sees Domestic Shipping instead of International Shipping! HE

@bladeye48 wrote:

I have big problem as a Seller:

I've recently updated my Ebay Selling Profile and Payoneer.

Ebay Thinks I'm from US!! US buyers see Domestic Shipping instead of International Shipping!!

My location is Israel. And it says Item Location and Seller location Israel - for Buyers - but they still see and requested to pay Domestic (Cheaper, faster) Shipping!!

Also, the Listing & options think I'm US and give US options and limitations. Like 20$ max.

And US buyers see and Pay Domestic Shipping. It's a huge issue, and I can't place any listing like that...

I don't even have Listing Making on Ebay App because my App Region is outside the US. 

So what's wrong here?

Also I can only set prices in US$ not EU, GBP or ILS.

Please help me sort this out ASAP! It's important for me to keep selling.

Thanks in advance. 


As you can see in the image, the Domestic Shipping is USA only!!

Also see my recent Listing :


Try this.... log out then log back in to because you're obviously logged into US

Also check your Shipping Policies to see what's up there. 


Message 2 of 20
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Re: Ebay Thinks I'm from US!! US buyers sees Domestic Shipping instead of International Shipping! HE

That sadly didn't work, signed OUT  both my App and my Web browser on phone and signed in through your link, it changes to sign in page.

The Listing still doesn't make sense look at rhe cricled:

Item Location Israel

Seller location Israel

But Domestic Shipping USA ???h

How do I fix this? 

My location and aop location is set to Israel too and Ships to Israel as well!!!





Also what is this Selling Limit nonsense that I found by accident trying to sign back in, it's not shown anywhere on my profile or my app or web, it's super hidden, same for Payoneer:

I only used 107$ why would I have 10$ left?

And my other listing is 300$ 

And I have ine for 150$

And I already sold a product few yeaes ago for 500$

What the hell? Why am I limited? What would happen to my 300$, 150$ listings? She what if I need to sell for more??

I'm selling games lot worth roughly 300-340$ soon.



Message 3 of 20
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Re: Ebay Thinks I'm from US!! US buyers sees Domestic Shipping instead of International Shipping! HE

It tells you above the orange box why you are limited.You're limited to how many items and dollar amount you can sell because you are a new seller.

Again go into the listing and look at what you chose for shipping details. If you're not shipping to the US then exclude it. 

Also read here>>Setting up your shipping options | eBay

Message 4 of 20
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Re: Ebay Thinks I'm from US!! US buyers sees Domestic Shipping instead of International Shipping! HE

If you list on, then "domestic" shipping means shipping to a US address.  You need to either (1) find a way to sign in to, or (2) enter an appropriate flat rate price for shipping to US buyers under "domestic" shipping.


The limits on flat rate shipping prices apply only to a few media categories, so you need to either list in other categories that don't have those limits, or add the cost difference into your asking price.


Every seller has listing limits, which are primarily based on your recent reputation as a seller. Since you apparently have almost used up your allotment for July, you will have to wait until August to list $300 games.

Message 5 of 20
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Re: Ebay Thinks I'm from US!! US buyers sees Domestic Shipping instead of International Shipping! HE




Even if you've sold years ago you are still considered a new seller. We've all been through it. 

Please read here>>Selling limits | eBay

Message 6 of 20
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Re: Ebay Thinks I'm from US!! US buyers sees Domestic Shipping instead of International Shipping! HE

You don't understand. I want to ship WORLDWIDE.
I don't mind if it's local (which is unlikely since nobody buys here locally on Ebay) or Internationally: US, UK, EU etc.
I ship Worldwide Internationally everywhere. I just shipped an item today to UK.
Last time I sold a 500$ product to a Denmark buyer.

My issue is that Ebay thinks I'm from US despite my location and item location being Israel.
How can I bypass or fix and solve this?

US Buyers would expect to get their package in a few days, and they will also pay LESS because they see a lower price...
And if I increase the price (which it won't let me for now because it limits me to 20$!!) then US buyers would think "this can't be right, why US domestic is 30-40$ shipping?"
And I can't say it's Expedited because it's not.
I want to have both local and international shipping but I want domestic to NOT BE USA.

Also how do I change my listing currency?

And how do I increase my Selling Limit?

What happens to my ONGOING 120+30$ Listing that's already running right now? What happens if someone buys it today? Do I still get the money?

Additionally, I want to place a 300$ listing of around 30 Games Lot tonight. Can I do that? What would happen? Can buyers pay for it? 
This Seller limit didn't show anywhere on Web or App - and I can't even find it anymore, I only found it digging for a way to change my region (which was Israel anyhows).


I don't understand - WHY do I have a "200" Selling Limit (which I can't even track or find anywhere in my profile and discovered it once by accident!) if I sold a 500$ items in the past?

And how can 200-110 = 10 leftover? LOL it makes no sense.

One more question: Where and when do I see  the money I made from the last Sell? Buyer already paid yesterday, but the money has not transferred to my Bank account yet... ? 

I registered to Payoneer when I made the 2 listings days ago, and gave them all the credentials and information including photos and everything.

My buddy is from the US and he told me he never heard of Payoneer and he doesn't need it to Sell anything.

Message 7 of 20
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Re: Ebay Thinks I'm from US!! US buyers sees Domestic Shipping instead of International Shipping! HE

But none of this makes sense.
First of all, I already sold a 500$ roughly piece of hardware few years ago, without any limit.
2nd, Ebay did not speak of any limit during opening of these listings, and didn't even limit my pricing at all. I can open as many as I want for any price.

3rd, What happens to my 120+30$ listing now that I have standing already?

4th what happens if I want to make a new listing for roughly 30 games for 300$ + Shipping ? 

I have a 300$ listing coming up tonight, and 2 more listing worth around 25-50 dollar each + shipping around 20-40$ each. 

5th The allotment makes 0 sense. I sold an item for 70+20$, how can I have only 10$ left if it's the only thing I sold this month??? Math is wrong.

6th What happens if I sell a single product worth more than low priced 200?  Do I get the money later?


7th - this is important: I just shipped an item a buyer paid for yesterday. In my "Selling" I see the money in the balance. But I did not receive the money to my Bank Account at all! I can't find a way to withdraw the money, which was supposed to automatically transfer to my Bank Account using Payoneer! (right?)

And worse: I just went into Payoneer > My Account and Balances - and it's 0 on everything!! Transactions are also 0. There's no income. No money from my recent selling. 

How can I see this money and have it directed into my account?

Buyer already paid, but I didn't get any money.

p.s Payoneer is new to me, I never had to use it before-  but eBay forced it on me, including 100 steps, verifications, credentials, photos to send and private sensitive info. Is this common? My friend is a seller from USA and he never heard of Payoneer or used it.

Message 8 of 20
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Re: Ebay Thinks I'm from US!! US buyers sees Domestic Shipping instead of International Shipping! HE


The only other thing I can think of is there could possibly be some sort of glitch with the mobile app. I've never listed using an app because they can be glitchy.  Try using a desk top or laptop. 

Payments are processed through a payment processor and takes 1-2 days to clear than they become Available funds then get sent to your bank or payoneer account...  it is never instant. 

Also, Since you are new/Infrequent seller there are payment Holds until the item is delivered to your buyer. 

Message 9 of 20
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Re: Ebay Thinks I'm from US!! US buyers sees Domestic Shipping instead of International Shipping! HE

I still need to solve these issues - and in dire need for a solution:

1) There's no such thing as placing a listing on il.Ebay! Once you go to any kind of action outside the home screen, like "Selling" or "My Ebay" - it automatically changes back to as usual! 

The issue is that eBay Thinkgs I'm from US and US buyers see "Domestic" Shipping with the Domestic shipping prices and shipping time! This is bad. And will turn off buyers from the US.
My Item Location Address is CLEARLY NOT US - and my Ebay Account Location & App Location are all set to Israel - and properly auto detected as Israel!

My Ebay App even gives me the same region restrictions as outside the US apps like: No being able to place Listings on Mobile - which is way more convenient and easy to do! I just can't create any Selling Listings on Ebay Mobile. Which is a non-US thing. Therefore none of this makes sense.

I also can't control my Selling price currency, it's locked to USD$.

Even when I view MY OWN listing I see the higher International Shipping Cost - as if I'm looking at a US listing, despite "ITEM LOCATION : ISRAEL".

2) I've placed all my listings on EBAY Website. Not the app. (since I can't). 


3)  Additionally I have more products to sell that are more expensive by themselves or together than 200$ limit... What happens when buyers pay for them if it's past the limit?


4) How can I increase my Selling Limits?  I tried requested it and it gets automatically rejected after 2 second. And why am I locked for the entirety of July if my listings are from June? 


5) On top of that I didn't receive my money yet. Which the Buyer apparently paid already YESTERDAY.

The money appears in "Selling" tab and on Selling in the App, but it doesn't appear on Payoneer yet - nor did any money transfer to my Bank Account yet... What happens with this sum? 

I noticed it's "On Hold" in Payments for some reason. Why would it be on Hold? I have had no issues with the Buyer. Can the buyer help me speed it up some how? 

When does it go to Payoneer and to my Bank Account (Automatically?)


6) Is there any fast way to improve my Listing Limit? I need to sell many items as soon as possible, and I can't sell the for loss undervalue just because of the very unreasonably low 200$ or 3 listing limit... 

(I have around 3-4 more around 450-500$+ worth of listings I want to place starting today). 


7) I've noticed eBay apparently charing me 15% Movie/TV Fee and 1.3% International Fee - but when I made the listing it said 0% fees on the bottom. It didn't say anything about future fees like that. Payoneer also mentioned 0% fees. So is this normal? Or did something wrong happen? 


😎 Is there anyone on Ebay I can contact to change my Selling Region and improve my Selling Limit? 


Thanks in advannce.


Furthermore, I just checked Payments and noticed eBay charged 15% Blu-Ray/Movie FEE?? + 1.3% International ??? Is this normal?? I remember reading the Payoneer table showing having zero fees. 


And I don't remember such a heavy fee on my previous sellings (PC hardware mostly). 


I really need help figuring these stuff out:

How do I make eBay realize I'm NOT from USA ?  How do I make US Buyers see the INTERNATIONAL price and shipping? 

How can I have the money from the deals transfer to my account & when?

And what happens to my listings when I'm under some vague low limit? Can I keep placing them? What if buyers pay and buy? 

Message 10 of 20
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Re: Ebay Thinks I'm from US!! US buyers sees Domestic Shipping instead of International Shipping! HE

I have placed my Listing on the Website. They don't let you place on App in my Country. Website has always been there's no such thing as selling or listing on IS Ebay. And My eBay and every tab basically shifts to It does show my country location and flag, and says "ships to israel" and like I said, it even automatically detected Item Location as Israel. My account addresses are Israel and detected properly.

So why would all listings be considered USA in Domestic Options?

I need to be able to ship to everyone worldwide internationally without issues with US buyers. 


Is there any way to speed up the payment? 

And does the fees make sense? 

Can I get my limit to increase beyond 200$ - as it makes it practically impossible for me to sell anything I want. (my next listing is by itself 300$ + shipping costs). 

I wrote everything above in order - Sorry for the double post (unintentional) 


Please answer everything you can in order. Appreciated. 

Message 11 of 20
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Re: Ebay Thinks I'm from US!! US buyers sees Domestic Shipping instead of International Shipping! HE

@nobody*s_perfect wrote:

If you list on, then "domestic" shipping means shipping to a US address.  You need to either (1) find a way to sign in to, or (2) enter an appropriate flat rate price for shipping to US buyers under "domestic" shipping.


The limits on flat rate shipping prices apply only to a few media categories, so you need to either list in other categories that don't have those limits, or add the cost difference into your asking price.


Every seller has listing limits, which are primarily based on your recent reputation as a seller. Since you apparently have almost used up your allotment for July, you will have to wait until August to list $300 games.


@bladeye48 wrote:

But none of this makes sense.





@nobody*s_perfecthas given you the correct information. I'm sorry if this is hard to understand, but it is correct, so if you want to resolve this, you need to stop arguing about it, and read and understand what they said.



Message 12 of 20
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Re: Ebay Thinks I'm from US!! US buyers sees Domestic Shipping instead of International Shipping! HE

I've explained before and addressed everything @nobody*s_perfect said, I'll explain again, and please see if you can help me:

Point 1:

"You need to either (1) find a way to sign in to"  

This is simple NOT POSSIBLE. There's NO WAY whatsoever to list under: 

There simply is no such thing.

Everything you do on eBay from "My eBay" to Selling to List an Item to any other action will redirect you straight to !

For example if you go to Selling > 



Now if I click on My eBay > Selling:




And if I select "List an Item" :


Another example - My eBay > Summery:




You see? There's simply no such thing as "list an item on" in fact nobody uses il.eBay here. It's the first time I ever heard about it and Google doesn't even offer that to us unless we search for it specifically. It's just for home page. 

New Listings and Listing Revisions and payments/dashboards are all on


Point 2:

"(2) enter an appropriate flat rate price for shipping to US buyers under "domestic" shipping."

This is exactly the problem: US buyers are 'fooled' and mislead to think I'm sending this from the US to US. Therefore, they expect lower shipping costs, shorter delivery times and other US conditions... Hence the issue!

Additionally "appropriate flat rate price for shipping to US buyers under "domestic shipping" is exactly what I tried to do numerous times: The problem is I can max it out at 20$ for most categories (not enough)  - which is not even close to be sufficient for IL > US Shipping prices  - Internationally - Overseas (ocean) - from my Country to the US or America. Especially for bigger packages or weight. 

Just to put in perspective, US sellers ship to my country usually for 30-50$ for standard slow mail. Not even Expedited or EPS. 


So, issue is: I can only make it 20$ which already seem high to US buyers.  And they expect it to arrive in 2-5 days or something unreal and impossible for International (cheap or standard) shipping. 

This not only turn off buyers, but if someone pays, I'll get less money than I should get to cover Shipping to USA (and I'll have to absorb that cost) and they will file a complaint to eBay that the item didn't arrive in time after a few days (which again impractical and unreal expectations to begin with!).

This just complicates matters further... And they can blame me for "misleading" them and delaying.


So I need to make sure that Domestic is Israel only! 

And that US - along with every other country in the world go under the Category: "International Shipping" > "Worldwide" > Flat Rate Costs that I set for my Shipping Category. 


Right now USA is the only country I have trouble with, because again, eBay think the listing is USA.

Despite Item Location and Seller Location being clearly ISRAEL.


Please assist me in resolving this!
(I've read all links provided, they aren't relevant/helpful to the issue at hand).

Message 13 of 20
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Re: Ebay Thinks I'm from US!! US buyers sees Domestic Shipping instead of International Shipping! HE

@bladeye48 wrote: ...

Point 2:

"(2) enter an appropriate flat rate price for shipping to US buyers under "domestic" shipping."

This is exactly the problem: US buyers are 'fooled' and mislead to think I'm sending this from the US to US. Therefore, they expect lower shipping costs, shorter delivery times and other US conditions... Hence the issue!....

No, they will see the correct item location.  The term "domestic" is being used in relation to setting up the listing, but won't appear in the listing itself.

Message 14 of 20
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Re: Ebay Thinks I'm from US!! US buyers sees Domestic Shipping instead of International Shipping! HE

@nobody*s_perfect wrote:

@bladeye48 wrote: ...

Point 2:

"(2) enter an appropriate flat rate price for shipping to US buyers under "domestic" shipping."

This is exactly the problem: US buyers are 'fooled' and mislead to think I'm sending this from the US to US. Therefore, they expect lower shipping costs, shorter delivery times and other US conditions... Hence the issue!....

No, they will see the correct item location.  The term "domestic" is being used in relation to setting up the listing, but won't appear in the listing itself.

I wish you were right... but I've tested it:

A friend of mine from the US check out my 2 Listings and he said and showed me screenshots where it shows him the Domestic Shipping and lower price as well. I was pricing the Domestic at 10$ and International at 30$ and he said he sees only 10$ Shipping- and he could even pay for it immediately at lower shipping cost.

Right now my listing has 30$ International Standard Shipping and only 20$ on Domestic

(because that's the limit for Domestic at that category) - so US buyers can actually pay less to buy my product and think it will arrive as faster domestic shipping...

Despite it clearly costing me a lot more money to ship overseas worldwide to the US - even more than EU International.  

You can check the Listing to see for yourself:
PS4 Games Lot - Great Amazing PlayStation 4 Games Bundle!! Perfect Condition !!! | eBay

Message 15 of 20
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