thoughts on this? it could be costing us sales. whenever im making a listing and choosing which shipping policy to list as the primary, i of course aways want to choose the cheapest shipping option because that is the one which will be displayed to buyers. the cheaper the better. i do alot of golf clubs and always ship in a 48x5x5x or 44x5x5 or sometimes a 40x5x5 whatever kind of club i'm shipping. ups just went up again and now im thinking about changing to fed-x. its usually always cheaper. yet when i make a listing from my home zipcode 78006 it shows a very high price like $19.50. that's how much it would cost me to ship to my neighbor down the street. yet when you put in other zipcodes from new jersey or California it shows a price of like $15. and ups is at like $20. so id want to use fed-x in those situations to list as a primary but dont understand why it is so inflated in my zipcode. or if its inflated in other zipcodes as well. asking golf club sellers do you just list fed-x as primary and hope the people in these pricier zipcodes know to check details and pick a cheaper option? i find a lot of buyers dont check that and just look at the shipping price that is listed. or do you go ups ground because it seems to be more stable across the board and not have the spikes like fed-x? and hey, if $5-$10 isn't a big deal to you then fine and good for you. why cant ebay show a small list of all the prices for all the carriers you have listed on a policy so they'd know there could be a cheaper option? or display the cheapest one out of all the carriers you have for that zip code as the main one? id like to express this to ebay. do i have to call or is there a place to drop them an email? i mean right we're basically paying them to run a website so id at least think we could suggest a change to that website that could benefit both of us. more sales for them and us.
ebay nobody and especially new users knows to go and hit that little underlined "details" button to see other shipping options!! they need to see the cheapest option first or see all 4 at once! fed-x is way cheaper to some zip codes but extremely expensive to other locations. you cannot use this as a primary because it will show crazy shipping prices to some zip codes. people in those cheap zipcodes need to be able to see they have a cheaper shipping option. youre dropping the ball here!!!