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Definite Mail Delivery Slowdown

April 15th, 2020
Hi Guys,
This isn't about anything I haven't received.  This isn't about any specific item.  It's about an issue that's affecting us all.  It's about the fact that there has been a definite mail slowdown ever since this Covid virus thing hit us. 
I know that because there are many, many items I've ordered that haven't arrived in the time they should have.
I'm sure all the Sellers are doing their best to make sure one's purchases are being mailed out in a timely manner, but what I'm asking eBay to do is to look into this issue of a nation-wide, if not a global-wide mail slowdown due to the Coronavirus.
I really don't know what I'm suggesting eBay could do to remedy the situation, but perhaps eBay could make a general announcement to all it's members, and to the global community at large, that there has been a noticeable mail slowdown, and eBay is doing everything in its power to keep everything moving... whatever that may be.
Okay, there's my concern; there's my thoughts on this very important matter.
I hope this msg is seen by the CEOs of eBay.
New York City
Message 1 of 26
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Definite Mail Delivery Slowdown

There is no reason to put out a statement like that as there is NOT a definite mail slowdown. I shipped over 50 packages to all corners of the country and received 10 the past 2 weeks, all in regular time. 

Message 2 of 26
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Definite Mail Delivery Slowdown

@klught wrote:
I really don't know what I'm suggesting eBay could do to remedy the situation, but perhaps eBay could make a general announcement to all it's members, and to the global community at large, that there has been a noticeable mail slowdown, and eBay is doing everything in its power to keep everything moving... whatever that may be.

eBay has no power to keep things moving. 


USPS, UPS, FedEx, and other carriers control how fast packages move.  Not eBay.

Message 3 of 26
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Definite Mail Delivery Slowdown

You are correct in stating there is a delivery slowdown compared to normal pre-virus times. In regards to the USPS, they rely on commercial carriers and FedEx to handle their quickest delivery packages. We all know that commercial carriers today are slim to none. I just ordered some items off Amazon and now being told June delivery expectations. I believe they are now throwing far out delivery times so people will be happy to receive them anytime prior to that. It's a changing delivery world every day now. I have several incoming parcels hung up for over a week. Of course, my delivery zone relies most on the Detroit mail hub which is getting hit heavy with sick calls, etc. I now see packages being routed to Cleveland which has never happened before. Expect later than normal deliveries. There is nothing we can do about that. As far as making a statement from eBay? I believe most sellers and buyers are factoring that into their brains. It stinks, but it's what it is, for at least awhile. Good luck!

Message 4 of 26
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Definite Mail Delivery Slowdown

I sell and buy on ebay. I don't see any domestic slowdown at all.

Message 5 of 26
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Definite Mail Delivery Slowdown

Except for Media Mail, there hasn't been much of a slowdown except in a couple of regions where the COVID-19 is most intense (New York being one of them).


But, things could indeed get sluggish with the USPS as more and more facilities/employees become infected.

Message 6 of 26
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Definite Mail Delivery Slowdown

Mine says it will arrive today, it was a 1- 1/2hr drive away yesterday at 11:40am.  Still nothing at 3:30 today, that pretty well means tomorrow .  Maybe their driving a zig zag.

Message 7 of 26
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Definite Mail Delivery Slowdown

I certainly agree, Mail is Slow, it's backed up by many days, I ship Priority and I see a day to 2 days, slower, when I check to see if items arrive for my customers. This is to be expected as we get by, one day at a time. Most of my orders from purchasing on ebay, are backed up due to Sellers taking the orders, printing the label, and it just sits. I have ordered items 2 weeks ago, and it's in limbo, This is not proper, if you are paying for high rate postage gauging. Sellers do not answer their ebay messages, I can understand someone getting ill, while taking my money, and printing my item, at least have a back up person if you continue to let your store remain open. My mailman picks up my mail daily. It goes out priority, yet I have use my settings to 3 days, if I need it, just in case. 


I never thought we would be at this point in life, Just Breathe, Pray, Be Compassionate to Others, Wash Your Hands, Clean off your items before shipping with anti septic cleaner, wear gloves and a mask. 


This is a time For Ebay To Step Up to the Plate for Us!! Why are my items, that are arriving fast on time, coming from Amazon.??? 


Stay Safe, and Healthy. 


My decision was to Keep My Store Open, and Keep House bound, and Not Venture Out, My Decision, Sending Everyone Blessings. 

Message 8 of 26
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Definite Mail Delivery Slowdown


Have  your  read these announcements that seems to address the issues you are concerned about -


BTW - haven't  noticed any slow down o delivery slow down  to CA, WA or WI from GA all First Class Packages - delivered within 3 days

"I have the right to remain silent but I didn't have the ability." Ron White, Fritch, Texas
"Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution." A. Einstein
"The Devil made me do it!" - Flip Wilson
"If the band can only play loud - they ain't no good - peps too!" J.R. Johnson
Message 9 of 26
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Definite Mail Delivery Slowdown

There is most certainly slowdown if you hit an affected area. And these are growing by the day.


I've posted in other threads -- it doesn't matter if it's Media or Priority. If you ship to an area where a USPS processing facility is shut down -- and they are definitely happening in Illinois or Michigan -- there's an issue. 


I had 2 chats with local post office workers this week as I tried to track down undelivered packages out there ("In Transit to the Next Facility") from the last 1-3 weeks.


The Michigan USPS worker said 2 of their 3 primary processing facilities are down, everything is going into the 1 that's open, and they are backlogged some 80,000 pieces he estimated. His words were "it's going to be a while."


The one in Illinois just said once one of their workers goes down with COVID, anyone around them is quarantined and everything has to be cleaned -- trucks, surfaces, etc. This is something that is most definitely happening -- you can find news articles from all over on it. So when they get hit, they get hit hard and become short-staffed. The backlog IS real if you end up shipping to one of these places.


I think if you hit one of these spots your package is going to be delayed -- likely weeks, not days.  And you might also be fooled into thinking everything's fine if you ship something and it doesn't get to one of these COVID-affected spots in 3 days as usual. I've had both. 80% might be running as usual but that 20% is not going to get there on time. 


At least Ebay appears to be helping more than usual. I was very happy that Ebay just "suspended" a case a buyer filed for that Detroit item that never got there and is still hanging in transit. I did a Facebook chat with a rep, provided all the tracking on this item, explained the closures there, and they took care of it ("suspended" as the word) to "allow additional time for delivery". Said in the chat they would do the same for any other items where someone filed a claim for undelivered item -- so that's a relief to some degree. If you end up in this spot, definitely go that route.

Message 10 of 26
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Definite Mail Delivery Slowdown

Last package I shipped out from CA, picked up and scanned at 7pm, made it to Texas and delivered at 7am. It took only 36 hours to deliver. But I have another package been in transit since April 1st. It's stuck in Michigan.
Message 11 of 26
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Definite Mail Delivery Slowdown

So far, so good for my USPS... coming and going. I can't complain!

Message 12 of 26
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Definite Mail Delivery Slowdown

I spoke with my mail carrier today and he said they are staggering times for carriers to pick up the items to be delivered so as to keep people from being in close quarters.  He is coming at a different time each day, based on when he can pick up.  Media mail is slower than usual.  I have reached out to my buyers of books on the slow shipping, and all have been very understanding.

evry1nositswindy  •  seller since 2013
Volunteer Community Mentor

Message 13 of 26
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Definite Mail Delivery Slowdown

@nkmipgolf wrote:

Mine says it will arrive today, it was a 1- 1/2hr drive away yesterday at 11:40am.  Still nothing at 3:30 today, that pretty well means tomorrow .  Maybe their driving a zig zag.

It's called Logistics.


Items don't move in a straight line.  


Literally I am on the edge of a 3 digit zone, 446. If it were a flat area I could actually see 438 from my back yard. If I were to mail something to someone on that road from my mailbox it would go to the sorting center in Cleveland, then to the sorting center in Columbus and then to their delivering Post Office and their mailbox. Seriously I could WALK it to their mailbox, even with my bad knees and allowing the dogs to stop and sniff and be back at my house in around 30 minutes. Instead it would take the system 2 to 3 days. Because each step involves the gathering of many packages and mail pieces, not just a individual piece.

Message 14 of 26
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Definite Mail Delivery Slowdown

I AM A BUYER ONLY now but I also have experienced delays in receiving packages
The worst is a package I should have rcvd 4/4 just made it 2 my state in md so it will take an additional 2 or 3 days 2 reach me
Mostly my packages have been timely - a few have been late
there r very few cases in my county so I am lucky there so far
Stay safe
Message 15 of 26
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