07-24-2023 11:57 AM
I have over 1000 listings on eBay and now eBay is asking me to change all the USPS First Class listings
to the new USPS Ground Advantage. The only way I can see to do this is one by one.
This a huge time waster and I was under the impression from eBay that this was going to be an automatic changeover.
What gives?
07-24-2023 12:03 PM
No, everything but First Class was changed.
If you use business policies, you could just change the policy and it would update all the listings using that policy.
Some say you can use the bulk editor and change them, but I've never had any luck using it.
07-24-2023 12:06 PM
Hey @usapicker101 .
There are links in my signature below to help with both bulk edit options for non-biz policy sellers and to help with biz policy set up for sellers wanting to give that a try.
I personally use biz policies and with 1K listings I'd suggest you look into that option.
07-26-2023 06:14 PM
I took a look at business policies and it looks utterly confusing to me.
07-26-2023 06:24 PM
If biz policies aren't to your liking then don't use them. Use bulk edit instead.
But if you're willing to give biz policies a try, I suggest going through my tutorial one single step at a time. It will be less confusing if you read each step as you're going through the process. And if it doesn't work out, you can opt out at any time.
We can only make suggestions. It's up to you to determine what's right for your business and your comfort level with computers.
07-26-2023 07:17 PM
After reading another thread about all the problems sellers are having with business policies,
I don't plan on using it and will find my own workaround.
eBay just makes it harder and harder to do business here.
07-26-2023 10:32 PM
Take a look at the reports available from this tool:
If your listings do not include shipping discounts or rate tables, and don't offer USPS international, you may be able to upload a spreadsheet to Seller Hub Reports and fix your listings in a single session.
I see about 500 listings that have a First Class option, either in the first position or second, and almost all of them are calculated shipping, which means they are packages and not letters. Those packages can be converted to Ground Advantage in a FileExchange formatted CSV spreadsheet upload to Seller Hub Reports.
07-28-2023 07:36 PM
If eBay is asking you to change over 1000 listings to the new USPS Ground Advantage, there might be a bulk editing option available on the platform that you can utilize to save time. Bulk editing allows sellers to make changes to multiple listings simultaneously, which can be much more efficient than editing them one by one.
07-29-2023 12:43 PM
I used Business Policies, but eBay doesn't make it easy, as the page doesn't stay "up" after making a change and you have to go thru the hassle of clicking thru to it again and again!!