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Can't create shipping label via eBay

Hi all. 


When a listing sells, when I'm looking at item on eBay and I choose to purchase and print a shipping label, I always get an error. I have to sign into Paypal, go to the transaction where the payment was made, and do it through there. Is there a way to print it from eBay? My PP account is linked to my eBay account obviously, and it works for other things, I just have never been able to print a shipping label since returning to selling last month. 

Message 1 of 19
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Re: Can't create shipping label via eBay

What does the error say? What kind of label? USPS? Has it worked for you before? This has been a problem on eBay from time to time. It would be eaasier to help you with more information.


Here is the eBay page on creating and printing shipping labels.

Message 2 of 19
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Re: Can't create shipping label via eBay


Have your weight and package dimensions ready before you go to purchase USPS labels, too much time on Create label page can cause WE ARE HAVING TROUBLES PRINTING YOUR LABEL.

To reset, go back to My eBay (selling) Sellers Hub

Click under tasks, Print labels and ship.

Seems there is less Troubles buying and printing USPS labels that way.




Message 3 of 19
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Re: Can't create shipping label via eBay

Thank you for the replies. All my items are about the same, about 3 oz, small padded envelope that doesn't need dimensions. I ship USPS First class in a small package. I don't remember right now what the error says, something very generic like "We are unable to process your request". No alternative given, I just have to type in and purchase and print through there. This happens on both my selling IDs. I never had this problem when I was selling here before, about 4 years ago, but since coming back last month Ive had to do it through Paypal, instead of through the link on the listing page. 

Message 4 of 19
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Re: Can't create shipping label via eBay

i had the same problem so i just printed from pp and it worked.  it's totally lame that it often doesn't work from ebay but until they fix what can only be considered a bug,  printing from paypal works fine. your item will show up there and you should see a button to print shipping label.  i hope this helps!

Message 5 of 19
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Re: Can't create shipping label via eBay

  • It appears that you are not yet a Top Rated seller.
  • There is no reason for you to use eBay labels. eBay is giving you commercial pricing & $ 50 insurance for Priority Mail. Yes, eBay is punishing you for not being Top Rated by increasing the prices of your shipping, which in turn makes it less likely you will be Top Rated. This was even worse before the recent postal price changes as sellers who were not Top Rated were also paying a higher base rate while Top Rated sellers were paying a lower commercial rate. Of course before the recent postal rate changes anyone could just go to Pirateship and obtain commercial pricing regardless of their eBay account status. Lesson  - don't believe anything eBay tells you.
  • Pirateship gives you commercial pricing, $100 insurance for Priority Mail, and Priority Mail cubic pricing for small boxes. Its free and you can import your eBay orders there.
  • After you become Top Rated then use eBay labels for certain Priority packages as eBay will then give you $100 insurance and commercial pricing less 3%. You still will not get cubic pricing from eBay thus pirateship may still be cheaper for small Priority packages. eBay's claim of a 3% discount does not always show up in its label system for Top Rated sellers. Of course this 3% discount is really eBay returning part of the 10% commission they charge on shipping. You could continue using Pirateship for other types of services.
  • Set a bookmark for Pirateship in your browser's toolbar and have your browser store your login name and password so you can easily login into compare rates.
Message 6 of 19
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Re: Can't create shipping label via eBay

Thats strange, because the vast majority of items I've upload to eBay for 19 years have no package sizes at all as they are not needed and are a waste of time to enter. A 6" x 6" x 4" box and a 8" x 8" x 8" box that weigh the same will cost the same via 1st Class - the size is not needed at all.


A historic pattern I have noticed with errors using the old printing label system, which I still use for at least one account, has to do with how you handle your payments. PayPal has historically tried to make it difficult for users to use a Non eBay/PayPal credit card for labels. In the past it was only possible to use such a card if you first withdrew all your funds from your PayPal account. PayPal wants you to use the funds in your PayPal account or eBay/PayPal's credit card as this saves them money.


  • 1. Immediately withdrawing your funds and attemping to use a Non eBay/PayPal card has shown an increase of errors historically. The errors appear to be generated from eBay's interface with PayPal.
  • 2. Same as #1 but wait a few minutes before attempting to print your label. Far less errors.
  • 3. Use PayPal balance instead. Far less errors.
  • 4. Use eBay/PayPal credit card. Far less errors.

I've never seen an error generated by Pirateship, an approved eBay label provider which also interfaces with eBay's site.


eBay + PayPal = Errors.


eBay + Pirateship = No Errors.


It would seem the problem is the PayPal interface to create a label.

Message 7 of 19
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Re: Can't create shipping label via eBay

I just tried from PP, it wanted twice as much to ship it, and the dimensions were really general like small medium large, whereas ePay has exact dimensions so I know there won't be a mistake. Still, can't print from ePay today.
Message 8 of 19
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Re: Can't create shipping label via eBay

I was having this issue and fixed it by logging in and out of my account and the clicking "use classic label printer."

Message 9 of 19
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Re: Can't create shipping label via eBay

@resurrection_games wrote:

I was having this issue and fixed it by logging in and out of my account and the clicking "use classic label printer."

I can confirm having that issue myself this morning (for the first time, in my case). Fortunately the workaround of replacing "new_label" with "back_to_classic" in the browser URL for the shipping label form still works to bring up the "classic" form, with which I was successfully able to buy and print my label.



Message 10 of 19
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Re: Can't create shipping label via eBay

Yikes.  This worries me more than the picture upload.  I'm glad all you smart people have tips.  I haven't sold anything today...but just in case.

Message 11 of 19
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Re: Can't create shipping label via eBay

Did you have to do that for every label? We have a decent-sized quantity of packages to ship, and if I have to do it for every label I'll go insane!


Though it probably won't be too bad, it's better than just waiting it out. I wasn't going to stand and wait to print a label every 3 minutes...

Message 12 of 19
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Re: Can't create shipping label via eBay

Having the same issues. Tried multiple fixes with no luck.

Message 13 of 19
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Re: Can't create shipping label via eBay

Found a solution on the forum that worked for me.

"Here is how to get back to the Classic View that has been taken away from Sellers. If you cannot find the back to classic link, I have a workaround that works for me. When you have clicked on an item that needs shipping, you should see the new shipping/label making look, but you should also see that URL changed to have the word "gsblui" somewhere in the URL (the web address in your browser), and it should be followed by the words new_label? somewhere in the URL right after the part. Where you see the words "new_label" delete only those words and underscores and sub back_to_classic and leave the ? in the same location it already is within your URL, leaving the rest of the URL intact as-is. It will change back to classic view. "
Message 14 of 19
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Re: Can't create shipping label via eBay

This worked! It's a bit slower, but it works.


Hope eBay gets their stuff sorted out!

Message 15 of 19
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