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Are Shipping Costs - Out of Proportion? How can they be "Determined"

I am "Reviewing" 2 items on eBay:


08-11 Volvo S40 V50 Left Halogen Headlight Assembly 31265706
Shipping: Whitesboro, New York - 715 miles
$70.95 eBay International Shipping
2x Front Disc Brake Caliper w/ Bracket for Volvo S40 2004-2011 V50 C70 C30 Mazda
Shipping:  Austell, Georgia -1,540. miles 
$39.85 eBay International Shipping.
So, why does it cost:
$70.95 to ship 1 Headlight to me in Nova Scotia Canada
$39.85 to ship 2 Front Brake Calipers with Sliding Brackets 

Both: using eBay International Shipping?

I'm SURE,  the Calipers would be SUBSTANCIALLY HEAVIER in Weight  *with Dimensions- Slightly More *. 2X the Distance at 1/2 the Price~

Are Sellers, allowed to charge above the costs of EIS?

Headlight.pngBrake Calipers.png
Message 1 of 19
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Re: Are Shipping Costs - Out of Proportion? How can they be "Determined"

It has been a long time, but from what I was able to pull up, I believe the box size I used was 21 x 11 x 13 and it was about 15 lbs  If I come across the actual cost, I'll update you.

Message 16 of 19
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Re: Are Shipping Costs - Out of Proportion? How can they be "Determined"

Thanks for your reply,

What I see is a "Shipping Charge" of $70.59 for the headlight 
How do "YOU know" that the shipping charge is $39.00 to go to Illinois  -and a EIS charge is $30.00?   
I simply see the "EIS Shipping Charge" of $70.59





***There's a couple of Different Examples of Brakes- so I'm not sure which example, you are referring to with "Free Shipping"; as, there are none that state that, in my examples.**

When I see this listing- what I would "Think" the TOTAL Shipping Charge, would be is:  EIS $20.62 

Is this an Example of the "Domestic" Shipping Charge - only to send it to the EIS warehouse? Later to be Processed for Additional Shipping Charges 

Is the EIS Shipping Cost, in this listing -the Buyers Total Shipping Cost?;

- and the "Domestic Shipping Charge", is in the Cost of the Product?  (If so, do you think the Caliper, actually costs less that $44.99? I hardly think so!)


What I see in this example,  " EIS -Shipping Charge" of: $39.85 Brakes.png
Just how am I supposed to figure this is not what I would have to pay for shipping?
I see the box for "Duties" which will be determined at check out.

Where is there any indication, that there is an ("Extra") Shipping Charge (that is Undetermined.  Where is it Disclosed, that there is another charge).

Do I go to Check Out - after "Bidding on a Item" to find out, that the cost of Shipping is NOT $39.85?

Am I to assume,  that when I see a Shipping Cost in the listing it is the "Domestic Charge"; that it is cost to go to a Warehouse to be Processed, and there is an Additional Shipping Cost which is NOT BEING REVEALED in the TRANSACTION?

Maybe as Sellers, you are more Familiar with a "System".  As well as the Tools you are using to Calculate the Shipping Costs- and the Various Shipping Charges.  
I wouldn't "Put Forward", that Buyers are looking at these various costs - in the Same Perspective.

Am I mixed up with all of this?
There's 2 Charges for Shipping?
A Domestic Charge - to the Warehouse - and:
A EIS Shipping Charge
But there is only 1 Shipping Charge on the listings, and the "Buyer", is supposed to know if the Listing Includes - 1 or Both of the Charges?
Items are Shipped to Warehouse- that is Hundreds of Miles in the Opposite Direction.

There's 2 Charges - and Buyers are not aware - when or how the Shipping Charges are Calculated.

As well has a "Hidden Handling Charge"

I'll again, point out that in a Previous Transaction - the Seller sold an item of brake pads that were listed to fit my car - and did not- they initiated a Refund - and the BUYER (ME) did not get  Reimbursed  for the Shipping Cost....
I was told to go to eBay for the Shipping Charges - NOR did eBay Refund me - but gave me a COUPON FOR MY CASH which was NOT USED, and EXIRED one Week later! 

I couldn't open a RETURN because the Seller had- MESSED IT ALL UP!

The Buyer doesn't even know whom the Carrier is going to be- USPS /FED-EX/ UPS/, Canada Post?  Nor in my experience (in asking different seller) been able to get those answers.
This Information, is Important to me- because I do not have Postal Delivery to my Civic Address - No one in my Town does.

Mail goes to Mail Boxes or Community Boxes - and if a COURIER is used- I have a Difficult Residence, which is in the Back of a house - with 3 High Sets of stairs... which they commonly - do not go the the right Apt. or even house!  The courier, commonly drops the Package, at the Bottom of the Stairs  -AT BEST!  
I've even had a LARGE BED FRAME, left at the Bottom of my stairs, which sat there for 5 DAYS, for other Address-before I looked at it, and informed the Recipient.

If it has to be an actual Physical Delivery, I use a more Reliable Address - to a Friend's house.

My Preference, as a BUYER, would be for Sellers to just List their items with Free Shipping and they Pay the Cost - OR
List the Item for Sale with ONLY 1 SHIPPING COST for BUYERS. 
Not Excluding the "Duties Fees".

It is a Very Convoluted System.

Message 17 of 19
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Re: Are Shipping Costs - Out of Proportion? How can they be "Determined"

You're overthinking this. Let's simplify it:


- eBay shows you the shipping cost upfront. You don't need to know the breakdown. eBay simplifies it by showing you the consolidated cost.


- Duties can sometimes be paid upfront and sometimes cannot be paid upfront. eBay will make it very clear if you are paying duties upfront. If you're not paying them upfront, then expect to pay them on delivery if applicable.


- Some delivery services charge a broker fee on delivery. That would be the only charge you cannot know in advance because it's based on carrier and eBay International Shipping does not tell you upfront which carrier will be used for final leg of delivery.

Walk without rhythm, it won't attract the worm.
Message 18 of 19
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Re: Are Shipping Costs - Out of Proportion? How can they be "Determined"

To see a seller’s domestic shipping charge, you just have to change your ship to location and plug in a US zip code.

Message 19 of 19
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