01-13-2023 05:00 PM
I sold a couple of items on August 31, 2016, for about $16 each. I don't remember any INR ever and there are no records over 4 years old. They were both returned to me unopened and marked undeliverable RTS today 01-13-2023, six and a half years later. I do not plan to take any action and the items are obsolete since they are smartphone screens, but I wanted to let you all know that stuff happens.
01-13-2023 05:05 PM
01-13-2023 05:06 PM
My personal record is two and a half years. You have me beat by miles!
01-13-2023 05:22 PM
Holy Cow!
01-13-2023 08:17 PM
Must be that lucky day today..
01-13-2023 08:55 PM
I would bet someone bought a bunch of stuff and never opened it. Then that person passed away and the family sent everything RTS hoping for credits.