04-28-2023 02:47 PM
Anyone had this issue? I am selling for many years, about 2 months ago eBay started calculating the handling times wrongly ( when they started the new International shipping program I think... ).
I mean If I sold an item on the 10th , with 2 business days handling it normally says SHIP BY 12th( 23:59)
At first it started giving me a day more, so that moved the "ship by" date to 13th in that example, but a few weeks later it went to 1 day less, so now it gives me 1 day instead of 2.
I alerted eBAY, they said it was a technical issue and will be fixed soon and if there are defects incurred on the account, to let them know and they would remove. Unfortunately defects happened due to this miscalculation... Called eBay many times, every next agent keeps explaining that I shipped those late and uploaded tracking late and teach me how to avoid that instead of fixing it for me.
Anyone been through that, please help, now got even worse, now my sales of 28th are with ship by date 28th...
04-28-2023 02:51 PM
There's something odd going on with your listings because I can see handling time on any seller's fixed price listings except yours.
Do you use business policies? If you do, try changing the handling time on your biz policy and save changes - then go back to 2 days and save changes.
If you don't use biz policies, pull a few listings you've had problems with into edit mode and check to see what the handling time says at the listing level.
I'd ask you to post a few item numbers you've had difficulty with so we could look at them, but after checking half a dozen of your listings so far I'm not seeing a handling time on any of them.
04-28-2023 09:14 PM
I use business policies, but somehow they are not going into consideration, yesterday I revised all of the policies and saved them again, no change. Also when you go to Shipping preferences, on my other account it shows the number of Excluded shipping locations. My default shipping policy is same on both accounts so the one that works fine shows there 3 domestic and 228 international locations excluded, the problematic one shows zeroes , only shows the shipping rate tables ( 2 ) that I have.
I also see difference in this. On the healthy account when I go to shipping rate tables it does not show the speed column, only Region /Cost/ Delete
On the problematic one in the shipping rate tables there is Region/ SPEED ( included handling time) Cost/ Delete
Under Speed I had 3 days, now changed it to NOT SET. Options are: Not set/ 1/2/3days
So I think it does not take my shipping policies into consideration, I ship all on time as I have for years, always been top rated, now dropped to above average as trackings uploaded on time is like 91%, when normally is 98.5%, because of that.
What really **bleep** me off is that even when I showed them the report I downloaded where it shows clearly it does not calculate dates right, still every next agent tried to convince me that I uploaded my trackings late...
I was wondering is there a way for eBay to reset my policies, so I make new ones. Just like the reset button on PC, to clear the errors accumulated so to say...?!
04-28-2023 09:17 PM
Not sure how to attach a file, I sent ebay support list with all transaction and item numbers from last performance report where I highlighted the problematic ones and showed them the issues like item sold on 13th with 2 days handling, ship by 14th, tracking uploaded on 15th in the morning and considered late...
How to attach files here, tell me what exactly you need to see. Thank you!
04-29-2023 02:13 PM
@direct*sales*store wrote:I use business policies, but somehow they are not going into consideration, yesterday I revised all of the policies and saved them again, no change.
I also see difference in this. On the healthy account when I go to shipping rate tables it does not show the speed column, only Region /Cost/ Delete. On the problematic one in the shipping rate tables there is Region/ SPEED ( included handling time) Cost/ Delete
Under Speed I had 3 days, now changed it to NOT SET. Options are: Not set/ 1/2/3days
I'm not 100% following @direct*sales*store.
Are you:
- Using business policies
- Using rate tables
- Using both business policies and rate tables
Your post mentioned both biz policies, found on this page:
and rate tables, found on this page:
Handling time is not part of rate tables.
Handling time is part of biz policies.
Can you provide more info here?
If you're using rate tables but not biz policies, then the handling time is set at the listing level.
If you're using both biz policies and rate tables, then the handling time is set within the biz policy.
Here's my advice:
If you're using biz policies, create a brand new policy. Assign that policy to your listings in bulk.
If you're using rate tables, but not biz policies, pull items into the bulk editor and bulk edit your handling time. Also - create a brand new listing from scratch (no sell similar, no relist) and see if handling time shows on the shipping tab once the listing is live. You can post an item number here if you don't know how to check.