05-01-2023 11:08 AM
Starting yesterday, pressing the button on an item page to place a bid - which opens a bidding box that rides above the main page - results in a blank box that acts like it never completely loads, making it impossible to bid on anything. I have tried multiple devices and browsers, including devices from which I have never before logged into eBay, and all have the same broken performance.
Many people are reporting this problem in the forum. There are second-hand reports that some people have resolved the issue by changing browsers, but nothing has been posted (that I've seen) mentioning any specific browsers that still work with eBay. If anyone is aware of a browser that still works with eBay, please post the browser with version number and operating system.
What I want to contribute is a technical observation. I don't know if this is related, but when eBay stopped working I checked the Javascript Console for error messages, and found something interesting:
Failed to find a valid digest in the 'integrity' attribute for resource 'https://ir.ebaystatic.com/cr/v/c1/cobrowse_4.17.2/js/GlanceCobrowseLoader_4.17.0M.js?group=20315&sit...' with computed SHA-256 integrity '47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU='. The resource has been blocked.
This relates to a property called Subresource Integrity that lets a website authenticate that specific files used as part of the website are genuine. The error message indicates that this authentication is failing for some javascript code that is used by eBay. IF (and I don't know) this code is needed for opening the bidding box, that would account for the problem many people are having.
I hope this reaches someone in eBay technical support who can investigate.
(Reposted to technical issues from the buying forum, where others were discussing the bug, at the suggestion of other users.)
05-01-2023 11:11 AM
FYI, related discussion: