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Thanks, eBay!

Just wanted to say thanks to eBay. I like how you made it so that when somebody quotes another post, it @mentions the user they quoted. That is a nice improvement, and I really like it.
Message 1 of 31
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Thanks, eBay!

@castlemagicmemories, IMHO, the BEST of the Star Trek films! "Wrath of Khan" is the "Empire Strikes Back" of the Star Trek universe!

Despite "Return of the Jedi" originally being called "Revenge of the Jedi," but "Revenge of Khan" was coming out so it got did "Revenge of Khan" to "Wrath of Khan."

Or some kind of story like that!

Showing my geekdom, my childhood best friend and I used to be able to recite every line in "Wrath..." and I think I could still give it a pretty good go!

@castlemagicmemories wrote:

The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.


(Star Trek, Mr Spock and Capt Kirk)

Message 16 of 31
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Thanks, eBay!

doug@ebay wrote:

@castlemagicmemories, IMHO, the BEST of the Star Trek films! "Wrath of Khan" is the "Empire Strikes Back" of the Star Trek universe!

Despite "Return of the Jedi" originally being called "Revenge of the Jedi," but "Revenge of Khan" was coming out so it got did "Revenge of Khan" to "Wrath of Khan."

Or some kind of story like that!

Showing my geekdom, my childhood best friend and I used to be able to recite every line in "Wrath..." and I think I could still give it a pretty good go!

Geeks of the world, unite!  Right there with you, Doug!  


Here it comes!  Smiley Happy 


IMO, the Wrath of Khan SHOULD have been the first Star Trek movie made, and it was actually expected by fans as the original episode, Space Seed, ends with the line, only hope that in a hundred yearsthat crop won't have sprung right out of the ground and come looking for us.


So dare I say, logically, that was the perfect episode to be the basis of the first Star Trek Movie.  I was disappointed with Star Trek the Movie, although it did touch on the V-ger theme which was from the original series.


Thanks for sharing that, you still can give it a pretty good go!


Live long and prosper!  And if you have any problems, you could just get Scotty to beam them over to the Klingons, where they will be no tribble at all.  They aren't happy anyway; remember

the swaggering, overbearing, tin plated dictator with delusions of godhood remark and calling the Enterprise a garbage scow!  


Wait, she should be hauled off AS garbage was the rest of that comment.  Scotty didn't like that!

Message 17 of 31
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Thanks, eBay!

Ha ha, good one @castlemagicmemories. You have me beat as a Trekkie! I will say I still do have a pretty interesting Star Trek collection...some may wind up on eBay ha ha.

Ahh, Star Trek the Motionless Picture. I saw it in the theater and was not thrilled. We do have the great opening scene and the Klingon Battle Theme music though! And interesting to re-visit the v-ger theme...though it at some point got a bit overdone.

Wrath would have been perfect as is as the first film in the re-boot!

As far as the shows, only TOS did it for me. Captain Kirk was prob my first hero and idol.


@castlemagicmemories wrote:

doug@ebay wrote:

@castlemagicmemories, IMHO, the BEST of the Star Trek films! "Wrath of Khan" is the "Empire Strikes Back" of the Star Trek universe!

Despite "Return of the Jedi" originally being called "Revenge of the Jedi," but "Revenge of Khan" was coming out so it got did "Revenge of Khan" to "Wrath of Khan."

Or some kind of story like that!

Showing my geekdom, my childhood best friend and I used to be able to recite every line in "Wrath..." and I think I could still give it a pretty good go!

Geeks of the world, unite!  Right there with you, Doug!  


Here it comes!  Smiley Happy 


IMO, the Wrath of Khan SHOULD have been the first Star Trek movie made, and it was actually expected by fans as the original episode, Space Seed, ends with the line, only hope that in a hundred yearsthat crop won't have sprung right out of the ground and come looking for us.


So dare I say, logically, that was the perfect episode to be the basis of the first Star Trek Movie.  I was disappointed with Star Trek the Movie, although it did touch on the V-ger theme which was from the original series.


Thanks for sharing that, you still can give it a pretty good go!


Live long and prosper!  And if you have any problems, you could just get Scotty to beam them over to the Klingons, where they will be no tribble at all.  They aren't happy anyway; remember

the swaggering, overbearing, tin plated dictator with delusions of godhood remark and calling the Enterprise a garbage scow!  


Wait, she should be hauled off AS garbage was the rest of that comment.  Scotty didn't like that!


Message 18 of 31
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Thanks, eBay!

Totally agree; TOS was it.  I saw the Motionless (love that, LOL)  picture in the theater as well.  Just wasn't thrilled.  Wrath of Khan was far better, IMO.  I loved the original movie with Chris Pine, they could not have done a better job casting everyone.  


Ahhhh, Captain Kirk.  Sigh.  Try to see the original pilot, The Cage and The Menagerie.  Jeffrey Hunter was Captain Pike.  Series was not picked up, only Majel Barret and Leonard Nimoy made it to the second pilot, Where No Man Has Gone Before; William Shatner was Captain Kirk, and held the role for the rest of the series.  Some Trekkers can tell you the star date of every episode and what planets were in each (I'm not one of them).  The minutiae just boggles the mind!


Beaming down now and getting off my soap box, LOL!







Message 19 of 31
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Thanks, eBay!



(10 points for the movie reference 🙂

Message 20 of 31
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Thanks, eBay!

@castlemagicmemories hope we don't get in trouble for taking this off topic!

I liked the first reboot film as well, thought it was well cast and a good story. Reboots and remakes always make me skeptical!

I think you're testing me now, ha ha. Definitely familiar with the evolution and the original pilot, but have always preferred Kirk over all of the "other" captains. I do have a "Star Trek Compendium" signed by Majel Barrett, BTW! Nice lady.  I have some nice old ST books in my collection.


Off the top of my head, fav eps, prob the tupical ones ha ha: Amok Time, Devil in the Dark, Space Seed, Enterprise Incident, The Naked Time, Patterns of Force. Shoreleave, Mirror Mirror, Balance of Terror, Arena, The Man Trap.


@castlemagicmemories wrote:

Totally agree; TOS was it.  I saw the Motionless (love that, LOL)  picture in the theater as well.  Just wasn't thrilled.  Wrath of Khan was far better, IMO.  I loved the original movie with Chris Pine, they could not have done a better job casting everyone.  


Ahhhh, Captain Kirk.  Sigh.  Try to see the original pilot, The Cage and The Menagerie.  Jeffrey Hunter was Captain Pike.  Series was not picked up, only Majel Barret and Leonard Nimoy made it to the second pilot, Where No Man Has Gone Before; William Shatner was Captain Kirk, and held the role for the rest of the series.  Some Trekkers can tell you the star date of every episode and what planets were in each (I'm not one of them).  The minutiae just boggles the mind!


Beaming down now and getting off my soap box, LOL!








Message 21 of 31
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Thanks, eBay!

" hope we don't get in trouble for taking this off topic!"


For what it's worth, I have always felt that it should be up to the OP to decide if something is going off topic and not the mods...I have a feeling that you trekkies will be safe if that is the rule!

Related image


How much better life would be, if a liar's pants really did catch fire!
Message 22 of 31
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Thanks, eBay!

@hidy-hoo wrote:

" hope we don't get in trouble for taking this off topic!"


For what it's worth, I have always felt that it should be up to the OP to decide if something is going off topic and not the mods...I have a feeling that you trekkies will be safe if that is the rule!

Related image


Thanks, Hidey!  

Message 23 of 31
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Thanks, eBay!

With apologies to the OP for the derailment here!


And Doug, YOU won't get into trouble, you work for Ebay, you can do whatever you want!  LOL  I, on the other hand, am expendable...Smiley Sad


Yes, exactly!  I was VERY skeptical about the reboot, because there was just SO much that could go wrong.  I saw commercials about it that showed a romantic encounter between Kirk and the green girl, and thought it might be too graphic.  So I had my reservations, but asked a fan who saw it what they thought, and they approved.  Still, I waited til it hit tv.  And was very pleased with it.  It was VERY believable, Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Karl Urban, Zoe Saldana, et al were incredible.  


It might interest you to know that Devil in the Dark was shot when William Shatner's father passed away.   When Spock was mind melding with the Horta, and saying, Pain, pain! William Shatner said, somebody get that man an aspirin.  

I understand Leonard Nimoy was not happy with that.  Supposedly this was William Shatner's favorite episode.


Wow, you really know your Star Trek, Doug!  I had no idea you were so well versed, my apologies for giving you info you were already well aware of.  Very impressive!  Quite a list of episodes there.


Ok, here's mine.  The Trouble With Tribbles, City on the Edge of Forever, Who Mourns for Adonis?, Shoreleave, Catspaw, The Squire of Gothos, Requiem for Methuselah, The Omega Glory, Miri, the Enemy Within, I may be missing some!

Message 24 of 31
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Thanks, eBay!

That should be Hidy; sorry!

Message 25 of 31
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Thanks, eBay!

And of course, Captain Kirk was the quintessential Captain!


Although Patrick Stewart, Picard, was ok, as was Jonathan Frakes, Number One, they just couldn't match the swash buckling, dynamic Captain Kirk, William Shatner.  I read that he played that role with Alexander the Great in mind, but also put himself into his interpretation.  I didn't care for any of the other Captains;  I especially didn't like the Borg, too creepy.  The original series was it for me; none of the others had that appeal.  The classic rules.



Message 26 of 31
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Thanks, eBay!

The Tholian Web, The Gamesters of Triskelion, Elaan of Troyus, For The World Is Hollow And I Have Touched The Sky, A Piece Of The Action.  (Fizzbin!)

Message 27 of 31
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Thanks, eBay!

@castlemagicmemories, ah yes! You reminded me of some I forgot: Piece of the Action, Catspaw, Squire of Gothos, Enemy Within. I don't think I mentioned Bread and Circuses either!


Thanks for the trip down memory lane! Makes me want to watch some Trek!


@castlemagicmemories wrote:

With apologies to the OP for the derailment here!


And Doug, YOU won't get into trouble, you work for Ebay, you can do whatever you want!  LOL  I, on the other hand, am expendable...Smiley Sad


Yes, exactly!  I was VERY skeptical about the reboot, because there was just SO much that could go wrong.  I saw commercials about it that showed a romantic encounter between Kirk and the green girl, and thought it might be too graphic.  So I had my reservations, but asked a fan who saw it what they thought, and they approved.  Still, I waited til it hit tv.  And was very pleased with it.  It was VERY believable, Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Karl Urban, Zoe Saldana, et al were incredible.  


It might interest you to know that Devil in the Dark was shot when William Shatner's father passed away.   When Spock was mind melding with the Horta, and saying, Pain, pain! William Shatner said, somebody get that man an aspirin.  

I understand Leonard Nimoy was not happy with that.  Supposedly this was William Shatner's favorite episode.


Wow, you really know your Star Trek, Doug!  I had no idea you were so well versed, my apologies for giving you info you were already well aware of.  Very impressive!  Quite a list of episodes there.


Ok, here's mine.  The Trouble With Tribbles, City on the Edge of Forever, Who Mourns for Adonis?, Shoreleave, Catspaw, The Squire of Gothos, Requiem for Methuselah, The Omega Glory, Miri, the Enemy Within, I may be missing some!


Message 28 of 31
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Thanks, eBay!

Absolutely Bread and Circuses!  Worshippers of the SON.  


The first list of episodes I posted are some of my all time favorites.  The others, not as much, and I confess I pulled up a list of episodes to spark my memory.


We left out some other stellar (pardon the pun) episodes, I, Mudd, Mudd's Women,  Space Seed, (well, you listed it, I didn't), Day of the Dove, Whom Gods Destroy.  Love that line in the Mudd episode, where Kirk says, that sense of Enterprise, while elbowing Mudd.


I got For the World is Hollow and I have touched the Sky mixed up with The Paradise Syndrome.  This is the one where Kirk is considered a God after he loses his memory, and he marries the Indian Princess, Miramanee.  


It's amazing what three short seasons has become.


As for memorabilia, I have the two Leonard Nimoy LPs (a gift), a few Star Trek episode compilation novels, a Star Trek Trivia Book, and an Enterprise ornament.  Really wasn't into the memorabilia.  You win on memorabilia!


Thank YOU, Doug, for this trip down Memory Lane!  

Message 29 of 31
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Thanks, eBay!

Definitely an Alpha male.  (Kirk)

Message 30 of 31
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