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Redirected to an external site

On the payments board, a "buyyers cant pay" question from Sri Lanka says this when you click on their feedback.   

A pop up says you are being redirected to an external site, and you must click go back or continue. What is this all about? 

Message 1 of 44
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Redirected to an external site

@wastingtime101 wrote:

@wastingtime101 wrote:

To the Community team: 


Another thing to note. On the Community home page, clicking "load more" to see additional posts generates the same pop up warning.

More problems spotted kyle@ebay .



When I open links, I generally open them in a new tab. On my laptop (a Mac) that's Cmnd + click on the link.


But with this new change, when I Cmnd + click, the external link warning pop up appears, and if I click the button to proceed it opens the link in the same window instead of a new tab.




Another change: when you type or paste a URL it used to default to open in a new tab. That HTML was programmed right in. Now that's unfortunately gone.


This is what's shown when I click the HTML tab, opens in same window:


<p><a href=""></a></p>



But if I type in the same URL then click the chainlink icon up above, that opens a pop up window and the default opens in a new window.


Note the difference in code when I open the hyperlink pop up, the target blank direction is added:

<p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></p>


Even with the code to open in a new window, it's not working. I can't open the above USPS link in a new tab by clicking or by forcing it with keyboard commands or by relying on my browser preferences which I have set to open links in new tabs. All methods are failing because of this new pop up overriding everything.

Hey @wastingtime101 thanks for bringing these to our attention as well.  If you notice any others, keep us updated and we'll continue to get them in front of the right team!

Message 16 of 44
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Redirected to an external site

It's been happening all morning for me as well.  Hours.  I'm not good with computers, so I had no idea.  I was just starting to look into what the fix would be.  For me it still seems to be only when I go to read the full text.  

Message 17 of 44
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Redirected to an external site

just got this also

Message 18 of 44
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Redirected to an external site

And I get it, too, on every board.




Screenshot from 2023-09-13 12-16-17.png

Message 19 of 44
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Redirected to an external site

kyle@ebay These problems persist.


eBay subdomains still result in the offsite warning. Here's one of many examples:


Still prevented from opening off site links in new tab or window.

Message 20 of 44
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Redirected to an external site

@wastingtime101 wrote:

kyle@ebay These problems persist.


eBay subdomains still result in the offsite warning. Here's one of many examples:


Still prevented from opening off site links in new tab or window.




I just tried the link you posted, and it worked fine for me. I did not get any popup or warning about gong off-site.


Message 21 of 44
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Redirected to an external site

OK, so it's just me?



Message 22 of 44
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Redirected to an external site

Firefox on Mac in case that helps, Kyle.

Message 23 of 44
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Redirected to an external site



If I right click and choose "open in a new tab" (my normal process) it works fine.


If I just left click to open in the same tab, I get the "External site" pop up.





Firefox and Windows, up to date.

Message 24 of 44
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Redirected to an external site

Interesting. I get the warning whether I try to open in new tab (my default) or in same tab. Thanks for the update, Lace.

Message 25 of 44
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Redirected to an external site

@wastingtime101 wrote:

kyle@ebay These problems persist.


eBay subdomains still result in the offsite warning. Here's one of many examples:


Still prevented from opening off site links in new tab or window.

Hey @wastingtime101 thanks for bringing this up!  It seems odd to me that you and I both get the notice, but @lacemaker3 isn't.  Either way though, I have sent that over to get added to the exclusions.

Message 26 of 44
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Redirected to an external site


Using Firefox on Win10, I've regularly been able to right-click-open in a new tab without a warning. So that is how I routinely click those links.


Here is another false warning to report to the programmers:  


ShipScript has been an eBay Community volunteer since 2003, specializing in HTML, CSS, Scripts, Photos, Active Content, Technical Solutions, and online Seller Tools.
Message 27 of 44
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Redirected to an external site

kyle@ebay I still cannot open external links in new tabs or windows. I'm forced to leave Community if I click on an external link. Is that being addressed?


Can you exclude these as external since they're eBay-owned?

Message 28 of 44
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Redirected to an external site

@wastingtime101 wrote:

kyle@ebay I still cannot open external links in new tabs or windows. I'm forced to leave Community if I click on an external link. Is that being addressed?


Can you exclude these as external since they're eBay-owned?

Hey @shipscript and @wastingtime101 thanks for this additional info.  Opening in a new tab is certainly a work around for these links.  But we are also continually working to get all the correct links to be blocked (and NOT blocked, obviously).  So let us know if you run into others!

Message 29 of 44
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Redirected to an external site

That's the problem kyle@ebay . As outlined in numerous posts above, I am prevented from opening in a new tab or window. I am forced to leave Community to open a link. Doesn't matter if I use keyboard shortcuts, a mouse, or browser settings - since this change I can not open external links in new tabs. Can Khoros fix that block?

Message 30 of 44
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