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How Beneficial is Chat to you!

I use to attend chat regularly - but have found that most of the questions asked aren't getting answered. I'm in no way blaming the blues as I think they do the best with what they have to work with - but they pass things along and weeks later  - we still don't see an answer.


It was concerning today to read that a question asked 2 weeks ago about how small sellers can piggy back on the July 15th crash sale still didn't have an answer. The sale is the 15th 5 days away - so any advice should have been given today at the latest.


I feel bad for the blues as no one seems to want to provide them with answers for the community they interact with. I haven't checked out Facebook and Twitter lately but will have to see if those platforms are the same or if more information is passed on to sellers and buyers using social media sites.


I know threads are being moved left and right here and it's more of a hassle trying to f/u on situations and helping people with threads moving to who knows what discussion area. Does Ebay want to close the boards all together and just concentrate on the Social Media aspect?



Message 1 of 61
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@mam98031 wrote:

Because you missed the notification doesn't mean the notification didn't exist.  It just means you didn't see it.


Ebay doesn't leave the notifications of moving a thread up very long.  IDK why, they certainly should give it at least 24 hours, but currently they don't do that.

That's not the case. Because below this topic when it was moved, there was two topics below this one that had gotten moved BEFORE this topic.


They had the notifications still. This one did not. I specifically looked for one as this trend has been noticed prior.

Message 31 of 61
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How Beneficial is Chat to you!

Just because a person is a seller doesn't mean everything they want to post about should be posted on the Selling board.
Message 32 of 61
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How Beneficial is Chat to you!

@eleanor*rigby wrote:
Just because a person is a seller doesn't mean everything they want to post about should be posted on the Selling board.

I already covered that in my past posts. But I'll just reply with a question:


For what reason does a question to sellers, regarding issues related to sellers in chat, specifically mentioning the effect it has on small sellers, asking for advice on how sellers could take advantage of the crash sale, not belong on a sellers forum?

Even if we decide there's other places it could belong, what positive aspect do we have from it being here? Why on earth would we move it to a forum that it's guaranteed to never get a response? Take a look at the rest of this forum. It's a barren wasteland. 


It's guaranteed to never get a response by moving here. Are we trying to say that's not the intent of moving things here? Or having forums such as this on the list? 


As mentioned before, the only reason to typically separate forums like this is so you could get better dedicated support for these issues. I can't honestly accept that this is the reason. It doesn't make sense that this is done with any sort of constructive intent, considering more than 50% of the forums that exist, are solely forums that are barren and never get any sort of response from eBay. 


Posts are being moved here because no one will see them. If this weren't true, it would be so easy to prove me wrong. But take a look at this forum, the Catalog forum, the Motors forum, the Podcast forum, the App forums, the Tools forums, and so on.


Those forums are not for support. Those forums are a graveyard that topics are sent to so as few people as possible will notice when eBay does not have an answer.

Message 33 of 61
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How Beneficial is Chat to you!

For what reason does a question to sellers, regarding issues related to sellers in chat, specifically mentioning the effect it has on small sellers, asking for advice on how sellers could take advantage of the crash sale, not belong on a sellers forum?


Well that answers a lot.  Just because a question or thread is created on the Selling Board does NOT mean it was created by a seller, is only something for seller's to answer or is a seller specific subject.  This thread is a great example of that.  While it was created by a seller on the seller board, the topic was NOT specific to sellers or seller related subjects.  It is a general question regarding the Weekly Chat, which is also NOT specific to sellers either.

Even if we decide there's other places it could belong, what positive aspect do we have from it being here?

This board may not be important to you, but it is important to others.


Why on earth would we move it to a forum that it's guaranteed to never get a response? Take a look at the rest of this forum. It's a barren wasteland. 

Yes, clearly this is a inactive thread??!!?sunglasses


It's guaranteed to never get a response by moving here. Are we trying to say that's not the intent of moving things here? Or having forums such as this on the list? 

That guarantee isn't working.  People are participating.


As mentioned before, the only reason to typically separate forums like this is so you could get better dedicated support for these issues.

Well no.  Are you talking about "dedicated support" by Ebay or the members?  It is much easier to look at the list of threads by the various titles we have currently on Ebay.  Selling matters, buying matters, payment matters, etc.  If everything was lumped into one area, it would be difficult to go through threads to figure out which ones you want to participate in, offer assistance to others or learn from.  IMHO it would be one big heaping pile that good subjects / threads would get buried alive in.



mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 34 of 61
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How Beneficial is Chat to you!

@mam98031 wrote:

For what reason does a question to sellers, regarding issues related to sellers in chat, specifically mentioning the effect it has on small sellers, asking for advice on how sellers could take advantage of the crash sale, not belong on a sellers forum?


Well that answers a lot.  Just because a question or thread is created on the Selling Board does NOT mean it was created by a seller, is only something for seller's to answer or is a seller specific subject.  This thread is a great example of that.  While it was created by a seller on the seller board, the topic was NOT specific to sellers or seller related subjects.  It is a general question regarding the Weekly Chat, which is also NOT specific to sellers either.

Even if we decide there's other places it could belong, what positive aspect do we have from it being here?

This board may not be important to you, but it is important to others.


Why on earth would we move it to a forum that it's guaranteed to never get a response? Take a look at the rest of this forum. It's a barren wasteland. 

Yes, clearly this is a inactive thread??!!?sunglasses


It's guaranteed to never get a response by moving here. Are we trying to say that's not the intent of moving things here? Or having forums such as this on the list? 

That guarantee isn't working.  People are participating.


As mentioned before, the only reason to typically separate forums like this is so you could get better dedicated support for these issues.

Well no.  Are you talking about "dedicated support" by Ebay or the members?  It is much easier to look at the list of threads by the various titles we have currently on Ebay.  Selling matters, buying matters, payment matters, etc.  If everything was lumped into one area, it would be difficult to go through threads to figure out which ones you want to participate in, offer assistance to others or learn from.  IMHO it would be one big heaping pile that good subjects / threads would get buried alive in.



"While it was created by a seller on the seller board, the topic was NOT specific to sellers or seller related subjects.  It is a general question regarding the Weekly Chat, which is also NOT specific to sellers either."


I would be able to agree with that statement if we're looking at only the subject alone. Based upon the contents of the actual post/question inside the post, it's definitely seller related. Buyers won't know, and have no interest, on how to use the Crash Sale to their advantage.


"This board may not be important to you, but it is important to others."


That's an evasive answer that is deflecting what I said. My question was about what positive aspects it might have from being here. Which was relative to where it was originally. 


Besides, we can tell how important it really is since nearly 3 weeks there wasn't a single post or response in this forum prior to this topic. We can also tell by the "most helpful authors" how many people find this forum important. The answer being... not very. 


"Yes, clearly this is a inactive thread??!!?sunglasses"


We posted in it before it was moved. This doesn't change the fact that community members who did not see it on the seller forum almost certainly will not see it here. 


I'm sure you're aware of my point here, and that the activity in this thread is not a result of the forum it's now on, but in spite of the forum it's on. I just ask to please be realistic, as you know what I'm saying.


"That guarantee isn't working.  People are participating."

People who replied on the seller forum are participating. Furthermore, the question in the OP was obviously raised in hopes of getting attention of eBay in hopes of sellers getting some information on how to take advantage of the crash sale as small sellers.


The people who are able to do so, are not participating. Based on the activity here, they don't even check this forum. Or else the other topics without responses for so long would get responses.


Same as the Catalog and Motors forum, and the others I listed.


"Well no.  Are you talking about "dedicated support" by Ebay or the members? "


I'll paint a better picture that hopefully describes what I'm saying.


Let's say I'm one of the eBay community managers, or representatives in charge of the community. I'm in charge of the forums, I can make forums separated for users needs, for community members to get assistance, etc.


Ideally, we don't want a ton of different forums that have no activity. At the same time, we don't want just a couple forums with a huge amount of activity but no categorization. So we must achieve that balance. 


Having forums that are "too crowded" is just as bad as a forum that has "nearly 0 activity". Neither is ideal. As community manager, an ideal solution would be to combine some of the lesser used forums to some that have an adequate amount of activity and/or exposure.


But this isn't just about activity. It's about helping users, right? Considering this perspective, having "more forums with less activity" does have one single benefit. That benefit is you could have dedicated staff members to assist with the community. We seen eBay (at least claim they were) doing this in the past, particularly on the Catalog forum in recent memory. Having an inactive forum can make it quite easy to designate staff in charge of that community that has the authority to help them out.


Then comes the idea of "moving topics to the correct category". As a category manager, for what reason would you do this? Above, we talked about two major approaches that would help the community. 1) Separating in to categories with an adequate amount of interaction, and 2) Sending it to a community that could be better monitored by staff members and/or appropriate personnel that could assist.


Are we seeing either of these? Does that seem like the intent of the topics that have been moved? It's definitely not increasing interaction. It's definitely not sending the topics to a place they can get answers from appropriate personnel either. 


Now if we look at what's going on here, that's not what we're seeing.


We see forums, such as the Catalog forum I mentioned, that go for months without responses.

We see eBay staff replying to other posts, but ignoring questions that specifically were to them.

We see them saying they're going to provide a response, but then never get back to them.

We see topics moving places that they won't ever get "appropriate responses".

We see eBay sending community members to these forums, and then a forum environment that works against them.

We see an decreasing amount of visibility on the forum. Same as we see on the eBay site itself.

We see less transparency as (part of what the OP mentions) questions get ignored despite eBay saying they will respond.


Are any of these things a community should strive for?

If you were personally the community manager, would you be running things this way? 

If we really wanted these topics to get an appropriate response, are these the actions we would be taking?


I hope that makes sense.


And I wish there would be actual discussion and responses to the questions I bring up, because defending eBay without addressing these questions ignores legitimate issues with the direction things are going. It's easy to justify things if we want to, but only if we ignore reality. Ignoring reality means the intent is simply to "Be right" in a discussion, and not be helpful or constructive. 

Message 35 of 61
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How Beneficial is Chat to you!

>>>>"Yes it did."
>>Okay, where exactly...? Because I had this post right on top and reloaded the page and it was gone.

After I first posted in this thread here, I got around to the Selling forum and the notification of a mod move was halfway down the page. It has since disappeared. (No how long the move breadcrumbs stick around. A few hours maybe)

This topic could easily be in the Selling forum, and would get more exposure. As far as why it's here - I don't care. I have no interest in exploring the conspiracy theories.

My statements about proper forums for a particular post are the reverse of what you are arguing. I'm talking about "I was ripped off by a seller, wah, wah, wah" rants in the Tools&Apps forum. It doesn't belong there, I don't want to see it, and will be moved to a bigger forum like Bidding&Buying where the OP's fail can be seen by the masses. Or similar rant's that get moved from Seller Hub to Selling. Or Shipping questions in Technical Issues that get moved to Shipping& Returns.

Selling and Bidding&Buying are cesspools of venting, rants, and stupid, that I mostly ignore, but I don't want to see that stuff in Tech Issues, Tools&Apps, Seller Hub, or here. I believe it's better to keep those smaller forums on focus.

I never looked in Seller Hub until a month or three ago. Turned out I could help with some queries there, so I added it to my regular rounds. Then I started noticing that 75% or more of the posts were off topic and increasing. Almost decided to start remove it and start ignoring it again (I use custom nav menus in a forum script I run), until I found that the mods are pretty quick to move posts when prompted, and they pretty much move or close everything I report, so must agree with my assessments. I keep hoping that posters will get the hint that they need to post in the appropriate forum, but the nature of the thread moves with no warning to the poster, and the subsequent expiration of the breadcrumb notification doesn't help with educating them.

Look at this forum as a prime example. 95% of the posts get moved by the mods before I even get here - inappropriate topics ("Seller didn't leave me feedback" or "Seller Hub orders page suck") for this forum that get moved to the larger general ones. I like it too. This forum is lean and quiet, and it makes it easy to blast through it and the other specific smaller ones before tackling Selling.
Message 36 of 61
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How Beneficial is Chat to you!

I think you are arguing against something simply to argue.  The Weekly Chat which IS THE SUBJECT of this thread is NOT specific to sellers.  It is for ALL members.  Sellers may frequent it more often that buyers and some sellers are buyers too.  But the Weekly Chat is for EVERYONE.  


It is extremely unlikely that the OP of this thread intended for ONLY sellers to respond.  


The simple truth of it is that this particular thread did not belong on the selling board and does belong here on the Community Platform Feedback board because it is all about a board on the Community Platform NOT a specific subset of Ebay members.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 37 of 61
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How Beneficial is Chat to you!

@mam98031 wrote:

I think you are arguing against something simply to argue.  The Weekly Chat which IS THE SUBJECT of this thread is NOT specific to sellers.  It is for ALL members.  Sellers may frequent it more often that buyers and some sellers are buyers too.  But the Weekly Chat is for EVERYONE.  


It is extremely unlikely that the OP of this thread intended for ONLY sellers to respond.  


The simple truth of it is that this particular thread did not belong on the selling board and does belong here on the Community Platform Feedback board because it is all about a board on the Community Platform NOT a specific subset of Ebay members.

I'm definitely not "arguing simply to argue". I gave many examples of what is happening, and all those topics get glossed over or ignored without a response. If I were to "argue simply to argue" I would be picking and choosing in my responses. But what I seek is an actual discussion, so I'm making sure to respond to the entire messages without ignoring or leaving anything out

I 100% believe this trend is harmful to the community and all of us community members, as it's only making it harder to get answers or community support rather than easier.


This isn't the first thread I noticed this in. The same thing was mentioned in the OP as well. I would be surprised if yourself or any other forum regular didn't notice it as well. It's a trend.


You didn't think the OP wanted sellers to respond... who else would know the answer? Only eBay staff or other sellers that are knowledgeable on the subject would have the answer.


If this topic doesn't belong on the Selling board, then we can go through a whole slew of other posts that don't belong on every board we have on the forum. That's opening pandoras box and would be a moderation nightmare.


At the end of the day, there's still a correlation between the "type" of posts that are getting moved. It still doesn't change that the posts get less exposure.


I'm arguing in hopes of a "better community", or "more helpful community", or "constructive community" or whatever you'd like to call it. It was hard enough to get help here in the community to begin with, and things are getting worse again instead of better. 


I'll be frank, straight up and honest. The majority of responses on the community here are not helpful, or constructive. They're basically just "PR" for eBay. Justifying things somehow, giving them a pass, when never truly addressing the problems sellers run in to. Find something to blame it on, rather than finding a solution


It's akin to going to a doctor and describing serious symptoms, only to have them dismissed as something minor. No true diagnosis. No solution to the problem. Just dismissal, leaving those who are having problems with nothing but discouragement. 


Having been in the position numerous times where eBay has recognized a problem, admit the problem, and told us "Sorry, there's no team designed to help you, and nobody we can send you to for support". I've been told directly by managers that they have no idea of what advice to give, that there's nobody at eBay that is able to give us advice, and "come to the community forum for help", only to have the forum here be even more discouraging than being told by the company there's no help available.


At least on the phone they have to actually respond to the problem. They can't ignore seeing the problem with their own eyes and being unable to explain it. On the forum you're running a gauntlet of people dismissing the problems and blaming them on you, and as I said, basically doing PR for eBay rather than helping each other or giving solutions.


If we're really to call ourselves a "community", that shouldn't be acceptable. What % of the community would you say actually receives appropriate assistance when coming here for major issues when eBay CSR's literally guide them here?

Message 38 of 61
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Then you are completely off topic of this thread.  Maybe a new thread on target for what you seem to want to discuss would work better.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 39 of 61
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How Beneficial is Chat to you!

@mam98031 wrote:

Then you are completely off topic of this thread.  Maybe a new thread on target for what you seem to want to discuss would work better.

What I'm mentioning, the trend of moving topics, was mentioned in the OP. And it's literally what happened to this topic.


The majority of the discussion since it was moved was the result of it being moved.


That makes it pretty central to the discussion here and correlating with the earlier posts. 

Message 40 of 61
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How Beneficial is Chat to you!

Can anyone tell me please exactly what time this thread was moved?

Message 41 of 61
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How Beneficial is Chat to you!

@namele365 wrote:

Can anyone tell me please exactly what time this thread was moved?

Shortly after my message at 07-10-2019 03:35:17 PM (PST)

Message 42 of 61
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@zamo-zuan wrote:

@namele365 wrote:

Can anyone tell me please exactly what time this thread was moved?

Shortly after my message at 07-10-2019 03:35:17 PM (PST)

Thank you 🙂

Message 43 of 61
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How Beneficial is Chat to you!

Mentioning a different topic on a thread isn't typically an issue.  Many of us do that from time to time.  If flows with the conversation.  But now there has been much discussion about it and maybe more than what the topic is actually about.  So maybe it is better served to start a thread on the topic.  It is a good topic and deserves it's own attention.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 44 of 61
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How Beneficial is Chat to you!

Reason I asked is because I first began reading the thread in selling, I think.

Then came back later, found the thread on the main community board, and began reading without noticing the move.

Thinking I was responding in selling...

Guess I should pay more attention.
Message 45 of 61
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