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where is the ‘causal seller’ descriptions

i have sold consistently for the last 100 days, sold $20-$200 per transactions, completed  over 25 transactions, over $1000 in sales, i’ve had their own agents tell me i graduated from funds availability then i got my payments instantly with no hold or tracking. then  a day after i have holds again. i’m now told i’m a causal seller. but no information is listed to telll me what constitutes that. ebay has hung up on me, disconnected me, lied to me, and ignored me for the last time. i’m now for my own mental health and legal course,, asking where does it list anything on causal sellers and what criteria puts someone in that field?

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where is the ‘causal seller’ descriptions

not to mention the original content i wrote was modified , it had my message say i was selling for 10 day’s and not 100. 

Message 2 of 16
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where is the ‘causal seller’ descriptions



Can not locate it right at the moment, but at one time is seems that the feedback count as a seller was a factor in "payment holds", and graduating out of the hold group.

Message 3 of 16
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where is the ‘causal seller’ descriptions

Selling for a couple/three months and having a "10", for now- would make you a 'casual' seller, although there is no definition for that or any other kind of seller- Officially.


But, if holds were removed- it could very well be for a particular 'category' and until you've been here selling in 'other' categories, you very well may be on a 'hold' for that category (you sell in 'cruise ship' and then 'clothing/shoes). It also depends on the $ amount of the item- ie. your shoes are over $100, you've been selling for less than 3 months, and very little in 'expensive' shoes- so they will hold that for a while. 


At the categories you are selling in, with a 10 in 3 months- just plan on a year at that rate, if you continue selling at that rate. 

Message 4 of 16
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where is the ‘causal seller’ descriptions

IIRC the new-seller funds hold for any specific listings is based on your status at the time that listing went live, not on your status when the item sells. So perhaps the recurrence of holds is due to the sale of older listings.


I have been selling on eBay since 1999, I'm a very active member of these help discussion boards, and I have never seen any definition of "casual seller." In fact, the term is very rarely used so I doubt that it has any formal definition at all.


As the linked Holds policy reveals, your funds can be held for reasons other than being a new inexperienced seller. Some of the justifications are so vague, they amount to eBay saying, "Because we felt like it."

Message 6 of 16
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where is the ‘causal seller’ descriptions

@corvettestainless wrote: ... At the categories you are selling in, with a 10 in 3 months- just plan on a year at that rate, if you continue selling at that rate. 

I don't know of any eBay system that relies on feedback.  The OP has 31 Sold items worth over $250, and one of his feedback is over 90 days old, so he has met the basic definition of "experienced seller" for that specific type of hold..

Message 7 of 16
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where is the ‘causal seller’ descriptions

@jorbut6817 wrote:

 i’m now told i’m a causal seller.

Have ya sold any kitchen tables?

Message 8 of 16
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where is the ‘causal seller’ descriptions

I can't address the 'casual seller' description, but I think you said your 100 day number in the original post was in error... you meant to type 10?


There are three criteria for gaining access to your funds with no hold.

1) 25 Transactions

2) $250 in Sales

3) 90-Day Initial Wait Period


No way to get there without meeting all three criteria. Keep it up!!

Message 9 of 16
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where is the ‘causal seller’ descriptions

as i have already written, i have achieved all 3 criteria listed. ebay says ii am liSted as a casual seller. so what places me under that title?

Message 10 of 16
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where is the ‘causal seller’ descriptions

the first payment that was being held was a listed item from less then 20hours prior,  after i  compoleted all the criteria.  

Message 11 of 16
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where is the ‘causal seller’ descriptions

and  that is fine reason, but this isnt joe's sidewalk  lemonade stand, this is ebay. i dont get how i can be listed as a category that they cant explain or make  public. its like carnival cruise  or disney cruse line changing their  rewards programs and giving past guests titles  lets  say 'vfip  plastic' level,  telling them they;re plastic level,  but no where on the line's website does it list anything about this plastic level . what is annoying  is getting 8 different copy/paste responses that don't go anywhere. if there  was a line that said 'or ebay  may  hold payment just cayuse we want to **bleep** you off' i'd accept that. but it doesn't.t

Message 12 of 16
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where is the ‘causal seller’ descriptions

i think i am making more of a deal then i should but it comes down to simple logic: i have never been told abouut new item, if  an  payyment is held, they have no response to 'why'. an  algorythm was written with data to stop that payment.   why that innfomation isnt accessible begetts me. yes ive sold shoes for  upto  $200  but ive had transactions that  were above $300. i dont know why a different category should reset 130 or 140 consistent selling days wiith 0 negative responses, $2200 in sales, 30 transactions, no at-fault returns, or whatever things ive missed. its just petty.

Message 13 of 16
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where is the ‘causal seller’ descriptions

@atikovi wrote:

@jorbut6817 wrote:

 i’m now told i’m a causal seller.

Have ya sold any kitchen tables?

@atikovi  Thank you for giving me the biggest laugh of the year!

Message 14 of 16
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where is the ‘causal seller’ descriptions

Hi, I'm sorry you are being frustrated by eBay. Their customer service is notorious for giving bad information to sellers. There is nothing in the policies or User Agreement that references such a designation as "casual seller". However, I did find a forum conversation from a seller in 2014 who basically said the rep told her the same thing. I included that link below if you are interested in looking at it. That was the only reference I found to it. It is quite possible that telling you that was the reason for your new hold, was a rep simply giving you a meaningless answer.

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