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wah wah... vintage gas mask listing deleted for being a weapon

suckage, had a listing within a few hours of ending with a bid and multiple watchers - and ebay deletes it.

BUmmmer! (it was a used gas mask m40)


eBay email said they dont allow weapons and ammunitions.


sellers beware.

Just a humble seller.
Message 1 of 9
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Re: wah wah... vintage gas mask listing deleted for being a weapon

It is ignorant on the part of eBay to delete the item, as it is not a weapon or ammunition.......
But this is their house and their rules and we are but pawns in the game of eBay......
Message 2 of 9
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Re: wah wah... vintage gas mask listing deleted for being a weapon

I have one as well that has been listed for about 3 years now and with no interruptions. I guess yours is a weapon and mine is not 🙂 . At least they are consistent.

Message 3 of 9
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Re: wah wah... vintage gas mask listing deleted for being a weapon

Isn't a gas mask the exact opposite of a weapon?

Message 4 of 9
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Re: wah wah... vintage gas mask listing deleted for being a weapon

That was my first thought, you have it for PROTECTION.


I used to make thousands a month selling on ebay, nowadays it is pennies on the dollar compared to even last year.


The funny thing is that other selling venues are booming for us.

I keep downscaling on ebay and selling elsewhere, bigger profit margins and a lot less of the insanity.


Next time my store is up for renewal, i'll close it. And just keep the 50 free listing, imagine you can add BIN price to those listings but not the ones you pay for.

Just a humble seller.
Message 5 of 9
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Re: wah wah... vintage gas mask listing deleted for being a weapon

This former thread on the subject suggests
that the DoD is requesting that eBay take down such listings as being 'military grade'.



You love me for everything you hate me for

Message 6 of 9
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Re: wah wah... vintage gas mask listing deleted for being a weapon

@yccomo wrote:
It is ignorant on the part of eBay to delete the item, as it is not a weapon or ammunition.......
But this is their house and their rules and we are but pawns in the game of eBay......

It would certainly be nice, though, if they had someone working for them that can tell the difference.

That is a scary thought that E-bays management cannot tell the difference between an actual weapon and an item used to protect against a weapon.


Message 7 of 9
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Re: wah wah... vintage gas mask listing deleted for being a weapon

How is a prepper supposed to PREP!
How is a cosplayer supposed to COS!


But fortunately the guidelines only apply to some and not others. lots of m40 gas masks sold recently


My Sales Jan-March 2019:

52.0%Down Compared to Jan 1, 2018 - Mar 31, 2018
71.2%Down Compared to Jan 1, 2017 - Mar 31, 2017
61.9%Down Compared to  Jan 1, 2016 -  Mar 30, 2016
80.5%Down Compared to Jan 1, 2015 - Mar 31, 2015
Im beginning to see a pattern here!
Just a humble seller.
Message 8 of 9
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Re: wah wah... vintage gas mask listing deleted for being a weapon

The government does not want us peons to survive the coming apocalypse. Defensive equipment like armor, bullet proof vests, etc, are illegal to buy in the Land of the Fee. A nation who's Constitution spells out in the plainest, most unambiguous terms, that the People have the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. What a sham of a nation. And you can't sell a vintage gas mask on eBay. Sheesh.

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