08-23-2017 12:33 PM
OK i'll admit.. I have no idea what this all means....can someone , in a nut shell, give me a version i can understand?
08-23-2017 12:42 PM
In a nutshell since over half the ebay buyers use Chrome as a browser ( according to ebay ) if you don't register with a company in Germany and share your ID and password with them so they can check your listings your sales might decrease due to buyers thinking your listing are unsecure.....
08-23-2017 12:44 PM
@bubbleman2010 wrote:In a nutshell since over half the ebay buyers use Chrome as a browser ( according to ebay ) if you don't register with a company in Germany and share your ID and password with them so they can check your listings your sales might decrease due to buyers thinking your listing are unsecure.....
so is this more about international selling? or US also?
08-23-2017 12:46 PM
@pingpong517 wrote:
@bubbleman2010 wrote:In a nutshell since over half the ebay buyers use Chrome as a browser ( according to ebay ) if you don't register with a company in Germany and share your ID and password with them so they can check your listings your sales might decrease due to buyers thinking your listing are unsecure.....
so is this more about international selling? or US also?
and then ..don't use chrome? it says that the http thing is removed? or replaced? see i'm soo confused.
08-23-2017 12:47 PM
@pingpong517 wrote:
@bubbleman2010 wrote:In a nutshell since over half the ebay buyers use Chrome as a browser ( according to ebay ) if you don't register with a company in Germany and share your ID and password with them so they can check your listings your sales might decrease due to buyers thinking your listing are unsecure.....
so is this more about international selling? or US also?
I think this impacts any buyer anywhere who uses Google Chrome as their browser. Chrome will never see the light of day on any computer I ever own ... they are just too snoopy for me.
08-23-2017 12:48 PM
It would be for both international and USA sales. Buyer will be shouwn a this is not a secure site warning if they are using Chrome and a listing has some HTTP in it...
08-23-2017 12:49 PM
Well that was a bust - tried checking and it doesn't do anything after you register.
08-23-2017 12:51 PM
oh so it is chrome the big issue here... now i ask, what? we have bben using chrome all these years, why now? the world security?
strange.....to me at least.....
08-23-2017 12:51 PM
This will give any buyer using Chrome a warning of an NON SECURE page..
That is distressing to many people. It's for the use of HTML coding.
So in the post by Sweet Tea or the link here: http://community.ebay.com/t5/Announcements/Stronger-Browser-Security-Standards-Ahead/ba-p/27389922
There's a program/link to test your listings..
If they have HTML, you can edit it out and your buyers will not see the warning on Chrome..
08-23-2017 12:53 PM
@tunicaslot wrote:Well that was a bust - tried checking and it doesn't do anything after you register.
yes it didn't help my understand or show me anything excpet i have no active content and the mobil friendly thing is weird...and all my are HTTP... so i said to myself , huh? now what.?
08-23-2017 12:54 PM
tryed it...and it didn't help clearify of "solve" anything except i use chrome...which i have and do...so still didn't know what it all means....
08-23-2017 12:55 PM
@pikabo-icu wrote:This will give any buyer using Chrome a warning of an NON SECURE page..
That is distressing to many people. It's for the use of HTML coding.
So in the post by Sweet Tea or the link here: http://community.ebay.com/t5/Announcements/Stronger-Browser-Security-Standards-Ahead/ba-p/27389922
There's a program/link to test your listings..
If they have HTML, you can edit it out and your buyers will not see the warning on Chrome..
So I'm guessing you are giving that company the same permission to access your listings/account that you do with a third party listing service? Because when I tried it they wanted my User ID and password to eBay.
08-23-2017 12:55 PM
ping if you cookie cutter list I just checked the newest item you listed and there are no problems with it so this issue will have no bearing on you....
08-23-2017 12:56 PM
ok thanks... i kind get it, but still wonder why this has happened and what exactly to do...I'll wait till they say i guess...
but maybe no Chrome?
08-23-2017 12:57 PM
oh good, thank you.... now find me a buyer! lol..
really, thank you....!