08-10-2022 09:52 AM
I chose one of my items to search for:
New PERSANIMALS kitty CAT CLUBS 12" JACQUELINE KENT soft stuffed, sculpted face
$29.00 free shipping
I wanted a simple search that would not have a monstrous number of finds. Used simply "jacqueline kent" without quotes, under 600 items were found which included a mix of product categories. I always flip to Lowest price + shipping. Best Match is meaningless.
My item was not there . It was buried under "We’ve streamlined your search results to show you the best listings. See more results". That is deliberate throttling. Many buyers doing a search are going to miss that disclaimer completely. Several people here have stated unequivocally that Ebay never hides items. I call **bleep**.
I could have looked for "jacqueline kent stuffed animal" and it would pop up, but that's not the point. Ebay should NEVER throttle results. But should is not could. Ebay can make the judgement call without any repercussions except to the buyer and the seller. Yesterday I tried searches over and over. just curious. Never the same results twice. Eventually the persanimal became #8 under the initial Best Match. AI doing its work, but it was fleeting. Today the poor little kitty is back to being hidden.
And before anyone says, "people don't search that way". I do all the time. I search for a favorite brand, then flip to lowest + shipping. Rarely use categories.
08-19-2022 02:18 PM
So, are you thinking someone personally decided to hide your item?
Seriously? could you be more condescending?
10-10-2023 08:26 AM
I searched for one of MY items that stopped selling as well and found the same problem! If I were looking for a similar item I would just type in "curb chain" and sort for price plus US only. But only one item under $5 even showed up then. My chains, "Delicate Curb Chain Necklace" with all their variations and price points only showed up after I noticed and clicked through to the Omitted Results. ALL MY LISTINGS ARE PROMOTED. What good does it do if they're gonna hide them? No wonder they've stopped selling. Virtually ALL of the "default" lowest price listings are "Cuban link" and over $5. System is gamed. Period.
12-02-2023 08:31 AM
Can confirm it hides listings. Currently selling a new lego set, mine is the cheapest buy it now price but doesnt show in "streamlined" results.
12-02-2023 09:05 AM
@sephiroth_2005 I see it in top 5 results with best match
using LEGO 6487474 Grey Castle Set as search
12-02-2023 09:13 AM