07-17-2021 03:14 PM
there was an option As "sell one like this" in listing. why it's not there anymore?
This option it a big time saver.
07-17-2021 03:36 PM
I still see it.
07-17-2021 03:37 PM
Were you trying to list something?
07-17-2021 03:42 PM
Still there in my listings and let me start one from Sell Similar/Like this, etc. Where are you not seeing it?
07-17-2021 05:03 PM
I see a "Sell Similar" option when I look at my own items in the Seller HUb.
And I see "Have One to Sell?" with a "Sell Now" button when I look at another seller's listing.
I see these using both Firefox and Chrome on a Windows 10 computer.
07-17-2021 05:29 PM
Maybe log off and the log back in and try?
07-17-2021 10:28 PM
I am hitting my fingers with a hammer to prevent myself from typing what I really think. Sri Lankanstan strikes again I see.
07-18-2021 08:16 AM
@jayjaspersgarage wrote:I am hitting my fingers with a hammer to prevent myself from typing what I really think. Sri Lankanstan strikes again I see.
It should come with a flag warning at initial post....lol
07-18-2021 09:37 AM
07-19-2021 01:35 AM
Please PM me what you think.
Thank you.
07-19-2021 01:37 AM
Not yet. Once I listed two of my handmade items And my account permanently suspended. but once I talked to them they gave my acc back. So Now I'm working on selling.
07-19-2021 01:41 AM
Yes. I'm a beginner. New For Selling
07-19-2021 02:37 AM
Has eBay accepted you as a seller ?
Do you have Payoneer reegistered ?
In Sri Lanka, Payoneer is available now, but I think it may only allowed for Businesses and the Sri Lankan Government may still forbid individuals from accepting foreign funds.
Please contact your local government body to find out the rules now surrounding this problem many Sri Lankan sellers are experiencing. No one here can really help you as we have no control over the money laundering and anti terrorism laws regarding acceptance of foreign funds in your country.
07-19-2021 04:27 AM
Thank you very much for helping me. eBay have given me permeation to sell my products and also I have a Payonner acc but I already connected my PayPal Acc to my eBay acc. I did not list any products yet because I thought to learn more stuffs before I do. So your kind support is a big thing to me. Thank you very much once again.
07-19-2021 04:33 AM
This can be seen mine too. earlier we had a option as "sell one like this" in others listings . Now It was not there. Thanks for kind attention