10-27-2018 01:52 AM
To pre-empt nonsense, I am selling popular items + well priced + promoted listing >10%
getting essentially no views. and no sales for almost a week.
compared to the past 7 - 8 weeks of constant sales + over 4x the views for the same listings
furthermore recently added new in-demand items, my views and sales should be quadruppled , instead the opposite, is there anything that can be done or am i supposed to pack up and leave now?
10-27-2018 02:01 AM
1. Is this your main selling account?
2. Views are broken again for sure. On the revised mobile app some of my items show little views and 0 watchers but when I got to the main site on my laptop it's a different story. The few sales I have these days suggests the website is kinda okay but they botched the mobile app yet again.
3. I haven't yet figured out (no access to all their data) whether eBay implements rolling blackouts to distribute sales evenly to a larger pool of sellers to make those paying for stores keep paying to suggest there is some value, create the promise of a brighter eBay future for new sellers or whether buyers simply go in waves of their 2 week paychecks. There was a time it surely was every 2 weeks for a lot of my items but since that's now inconsistent it may also be an economic factor at play as well which there are signs of in the economy. It's hard to tell and most days I have to remind myself to keep focusing on my paying job and not invest too much time into a platform that doesn't allow me access to "smart data" and analytics to make better decisions.
10-27-2018 02:17 AM
yes i have just 1 account atm,
my competitors are selling same item for ~18% higher price.
its obviously broken somehow
10-27-2018 02:54 AM
You have a small set of listings - you've sold 12 of those within the last 3 months which is good considering you don't list much. You have 2 negatives which buyers will read and low DSRs which they take into consideration - they'll pay a little more to a buyer with great feedback because they know they'll get what they paid for. Both of those feedbacks say you incorrectly listed the item at 10oz instead of the 5oz they received. I'd be upset too.
My advise is to list some smaller items - to garner more positive feedback so those negative roll off the page or start a new selling acct and make sure that the items presented are exactly what the customer buys.
10-27-2018 04:40 AM
One of the first things I look at when buying items is the feedback for the seller. Those 2 negatives will stay on for a full year from purchase date. You also must be careful because ebay will stop you from selling if it goes to low. List some items and really make sure you list them properly and ship on time. You need some good transactions to help your business.
10-27-2018 05:08 AM
Bad DSRs, overseas, new seller, few listings, generic listing of not in demand, common OTC items.
...I wonder why you aren't getting any sales, you should be burning it up!
10-27-2018 05:39 AM
The negative reviews are likely proving to be part of the reason people are not buying and you are selling a medicinal type of product. Not sure how eBay pormotes listings. When I did a search for you product 'Differin' your listing was second--that might be because you are relatively close to my location. However, there are items priced similarly and lower than yours with free shipping. I would suggest you offer free shipping as that is likely one of the search descriptors people might use to narrow down choices given the similar prices of the product.
10-27-2018 06:03 AM - last edited on 11-01-2018 03:05 PM by kh-valeria
sold 12? try 60
.. to 0.
negative votes are both from the same person one of which was a return item .... ebays is on top of things
10-27-2018 06:05 AM - edited 10-27-2018 06:07 AM
also, i thought i had preempted all this nonsense.
all of your suggestions , if true, would have prevented me from selling for 7 weeks fine.
but i was selling, alot off just 3 or 4 listings. now i had 12 of them up and getting 95% less sales and views.
doesn't take a genius.
10-27-2018 06:13 AM - edited 10-27-2018 06:16 AM
please, a dozen positive votes and 1 dopey troll who fakes one of the down votes...... and lied about amounts contained in the item for the 1 item that was received ......
in the end all irrelevant since i sold 5x what you stated during the past several weeks.
iow, if the downvotes were to affect selling now, it would have affected it the past month too preventing selling
10-27-2018 06:25 AM
It's called a posting Id - best to educate yourself before spouting nonsense. I've been a seller here for 20 yrs - and many of the other posters have been here 10+ yrs. We're being honest - not trolling. If you come here for compassion - you're not going to get that when the problem lies either within your listings or bad customer service.
10-27-2018 06:36 AM - edited 10-27-2018 06:37 AM
what nonsense? my sales? its a lot mroe than 20 just on my active page.
and with the addition of the newer items it should be much more by now.
there has not been more than 2 days in a row of no selling now its at 6.
by coincincidence 1/4 of the views getting previously.
is it clear yet?
my items are popular and priced lower than competitions (which are selling), and is high promoted %
result... 0 sales. broken
10-27-2018 06:45 AM - edited 10-27-2018 06:46 AM
... i should be like i had been the past 6+ weeks. LISTEN. its not complicated.
it went from lots of sales..... to no sales. from 430 views in 5 - 7 days to 140 in 7.
for the past day i lowered price to insanely low just to prove its broken... only 1 buyer got through... lucky guy got to buy a double pack ..... followed by listing immediately going silent again
over 25% cheaper than the competition...... which are selling. before you get confused again.... remember i was selling nicely for weeks. so all of your comments would have appleid to that period too . and prevented sales than too. but it didn't . something has changed.
10-27-2018 07:05 AM
See - you are attacking everyone - and are glossing over the fact that those 2 negatives have lowered your visibility. You could have commented professionally to the feedback for future buyers to see - but right now - seeing 2 comments about not getting what what was advertised has lowered your listings - and the DSRs are borderline - in the past people have had their selling privileges suspended - now a days they'll just charge you an extra 4%. Your listings may be promoted but you are so low in search it isn't helping much.
10-27-2018 07:20 AM - last edited on 11-01-2018 03:08 PM by kh-valeria
the 2 bad trioll* ratings... were from like 4 or 5 months ago.
so again i have to suggest that if that is affecting me now, it would have prevented the entire past several weeks worth of excellent selling
in fact i have gained 4 positives in about hte past 2 weeks.... so my rating is BETTER now than it was when i was selling 4 - 8 packages a day
same for your other arguements.... they are not bad news ratings etcetc. they are old and if they wer ethe problem they would have prevented past eeks of selling. the opposite. i gained a ton of psotivie ratings. and got even an item positive review. the bad rating from the 1 dopey buyer is not new..... what is new is ebay broke