01-01-2020 04:57 PM - edited 01-01-2020 04:58 PM
At what point or dollar amount do you refund over shipping charges to your buyers, or do you?
I am seeing shipping fees that are not even close to the actual. This mostly happens when a buyer buys more than one item and ebay miscalculates the shipping.
When do you refund for the big difference?
I have noticed that only 1 out of 5 or 6 even take the time to say thank you for the refund.
01-01-2020 05:05 PM
I never refund a buyer voluntarily. I rarely get complaints. today I shipped a very large package, I under charged 10$ because the shipping rates changed on the first. I suppose if I was anything more than a hobby seller I would have given that a bit more thought yesterday. but you think this buyer cares about my under charge. the buyer pays, you ship, no need to complicate the matter.
01-01-2020 05:19 PM - edited 01-01-2020 05:21 PM
@soosin wrote: ... I under charged 10$ because the shipping rates changed on the first. ....
New USPS rates for 2020 go into effect on January 26; they didn't change today.
The item that you sold yesterday was listed with calculated shipping for USPS Retail Ground, a service which is not available online. If you printed postage online, you would have been offered Parcel Select Ground or Priority Mail, and both of those services are subject to a "dimensional weight" for packages over 1 cubic foot.
01-01-2020 05:21 PM
Anything over a dollar, unless the buyer has been a problem. and I don't expect a Thank you.
01-01-2020 05:21 PM
01-01-2020 05:25 PM
Not until $3-5, depending on mood. And no one ever says thanks.
01-01-2020 05:31 PM
01-01-2020 05:32 PM
I hope when you are refunding the overage you are taking into account the ebay & paypal fees you are getting charged on the shipping & taxes.
01-01-2020 05:34 PM
@estatesalequeen One correction, eBay does not miscalculate the shipping on a multiple purchase ... what is charged is determined by the Seller's (you in this case) Combined shipping settings. eBay has no program to go in to each listing, get the dimensions and the weights then create a new package size and weight for shipping purposes ...
To the main question on the thread, yes I refund partial amounts for shipping at the time of order ... a lot depends on the item, the paid shipping, etc. as to when I refund overages ...
01-01-2020 05:36 PM
I call ebay each time I refund shipping to have my final value changed.
01-01-2020 05:41 PM
@estatesalequeen wrote:I call ebay each time I refund shipping to have my final value changed.
Paypal is still charging you a now nonrefundable fee on the amount plus the tax.
01-01-2020 05:44 PM
01-01-2020 05:47 PM
I don't refund it if the items purchased were free shipping. If more than one item had calculated shipping I determine the actual shipping cost and the associated fees and refund the difference. I use calculated shipping on everything that weighs more than 1 lb., and free shipping for everything under 1 lb.
01-01-2020 05:48 PM - edited 01-01-2020 05:52 PM
I don't refund shipping overages. Ever.
To me, there's no such thing. It's a fantasy. If a seller wants to shoot themselves in the foot by giving refunds, more power to them.
Postage only has NEVER covered all of my shipping costs. It doesn't for any other seller either, because of the fees on shipping.
I have lots of shipping expenses that postage only does not cover. Firstly, there's both ebay and Paypal fees. Then there's boxes, bubble wrap, tissue paper, packing peanuts, tape, labels...and the list goes on.
It amazes me that people also think that my time spent in carefully packing pottery and glass has a net value of ZERO. Don't even get me started on that one...LOL!
01-01-2020 06:38 PM
I don't understand the point of this topic. Buyers are aware of the shipping charge before buying and are OK with it, otherwise they wouldn't have bought it. If it costs you less to ship, that's increased profit. You should feel under no obligation to the buyer because of it.