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"The selected item is no longer available." Can't view your own sold listing.

As a seller who have a few hundred of item listed, I find it very annoying and irritated that I can not view my own listing that I just sold recently.  Everytime I try to click my own listing that I just sold, it would open a page stating "The selected item is no longer available.", and show someone else item that is similar to it. I have no option to even view my own item.  I have buyer who had a question about the item right after they purchase the item. However I can't even view my own item to clarify the question they have. Is this the new normal or just a temporary glitch? Anyone have any idea how to view your own item that you just sold? 

Message 1 of 207
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206 REPLIES 206

"The selected item is no longer available." Can't view your own sold listing.

Not applicable

All of my sold and unsold items lead to "The selected item is no longer available" page. Not just today or recent, ALL OF THEM. eBay did this on purpose? If so what a freaking joke! What use is it for me to see what other items are available when I want to look at MINE? These people running eBay are making changes just to make changes, to make themselves feel important. Period. Stop this insanity!

Message 31 of 207
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"The selected item is no longer available." Can't view your own sold listing.

Yup. Whoever is responsible for this shouldn't be making decisions anymore. Ridiculous!


It doesn't matter why the community want's to see the original listings, what matters is the fact that we want it and find it important. PUT IT BACK!

Message 32 of 207
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"The selected item is no longer available." Can't view your own sold listing.

Not applicable

Also adding, what possible purpose does eBay think this serves to a seller? You just SOLD the item, why are they giving you other sellers with the same item to BUY it? Makes absolutely zero sense. Same goes for their promotions not working correctly and the new stores fiasco. Nothing is freaking working correctly and is a detriment to sellers AND buyers. Mostly detrimental to sellers because that seems to be their real ongoing plan these days. eBay lines their pockets with cash and shafts the sellers every which way possible. Just started selling again on eBay after a long time and it's only been a couple of months. Totally frusrated already with all this c-r-a-p. 

Message 33 of 207
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"The selected item is no longer available." Can't view your own sold listing.

The people who decided to do this should be escored out of the building and immediately fired.  I've neen on ebay since '97.  THIS is by for the stupidist thing the've done, and I've seem them do many stupid things.  I'm done here.   Plenty of other more user friendly competitors out there these days.

Message 34 of 207
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"The selected item is no longer available." Can't view your own sold listing.

@sai83her wrote:

Everytime I try to click my own listing that I just sold, it would open a page stating "The selected item is no longer available.", and show someone else item that is similar to it. I have no option to even view my own item.  I have buyer who had a question about the item right after they purchase the item. However I can't even view my own item to clarify the question they have. Is this the new normal or just a temporary glitch? Anyone have any idea how to view your own item that you just sold? 

Anyone have any idea how to view your own item that you just sold? 


So far I have been able to uncover one exception/work around.


GTC - Good Til Canceled listings where the seller also uses the "Out Of Stock" option. These listings at this time are still viewable. But that is it.


30 Day Listings at least in the category that I sell in which is Books, no longer appear to be viewable. When you click on a sold listing you are taken to the associated eBay Product Page. This is were The Real Pimps hang out.


I have 2 sold listings for the same book within my sold listings search results page that demonstrate this current phenomenon/NEW eBay experience perfectly.


Click the link below to see for yourself.

Red Rising by Pierce Brown Limited Edition Book.


These are 2 distinct listings that were created at different times.


1) The top one is the most current listing and IS VIEWABLE because it is a:

Multi-Quantity Item - GTC - "Good Til Canceled" listing with the
Out Of Stock Option Enabled! This even works for the listings whose quantities are currently at 0 (Zero).


2) The bottom one is the older listing and is NOT VIEWABLE because it is a:

Single Quantity 30 Day listing. This listing will take you to the eBay Product Page, where eBay will attempt to pimp another similar item (in this case a book), that has been associated with the Product Page via the ISBN.


go bad chicken   eBay(1).png




I desperately needed to retrieve information from both of these listings earlier today for the customers/buyers, and that is when I discovered that I could not open the bottom listing as it was a 30 Day listing.


This is madness! But, if this is how eBay intends to play it for the foreseeable future I guess I will be moving all of my listings over to the GTC - Good Til Canceled format with the Out Of Stock option enabled, in what will probably end up being a futile effort on my part to counter act another one of eBay's daft short sighted decisions.


Message 35 of 207
latest reply

"The selected item is no longer available." Can't view your own sold listing.

I have to stop reading the Sellers Board. Its just sad. Every day eBay messes with something else.


By the way, why do you think ebay purchased Terapeak. Ill bet they plan on charging sellers to research products. Just jamming their mitts further into the sellers pocket. Its sickening....

Message 36 of 207
latest reply

"The selected item is no longer available." Can't view your own sold listing.

I'm sure you hit the nail on the head with the Terapeak comment. S.C.U,M!

Message 37 of 207
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"The selected item is no longer available." Can't view your own sold listing.

Yep, this sucks for me as a buyer and a seller. 


They took them away so when buyers put in return requests, sellers cannot dispute because the seller's original listing will not be viewable. So sellers will not have evidence in the case of a SNAD or another type of case. This gives ebay more control. This is going to cause havoc for both buyers and sellers. 



Message 38 of 207
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"The selected item is no longer available." Can't view your own sold listing.

Either its fixed or your in a test I am not in. I can view my closed listings, purchased and sold.

The Race is over
The Rats won.
Message 39 of 207
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"The selected item is no longer available." Can't view your own sold listing.

@ceara2002 wrote:

Yep, this sucks for me as a buyer and a seller. 


They took them away so when buyers put in return requests, sellers cannot dispute because the seller's original listing will not be viewable. So sellers will not have evidence in the case of a SNAD or another type of case. This gives ebay more control. This is going to cause havoc for both buyers and sellers.

I sure do hope that this does not end up being the case. I am still slightly optimistic that this might just be one great big SNAFU/glitch on eBay's part and that they will acknowledge it sometime later next week, and then get to work on sorting this mess out, pronto. But if this truly does turn out to be intentional on eBay's part, and is actually working as it was designed and intended to, then you are absolutely correct, and I will then need to seriously evaluate my desire to move with the portion of my business that is currently located here on eBay.


It would be hard for me to work past the fact that I would not have complete access to my original listings in their entirety that I have just sold but have not yet even been delivered to the buyer. Much less having no access to them 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, etc after the fact.  Kinda of scary stuff.



Message 40 of 207
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"The selected item is no longer available." Can't view your own sold listing.

This is absurd.


I have been buying regularly the last two months but will have to suspend my use of eBay until this is fixed.


Until we can see the listings it is essentially buying grab-bags at a fund raising event.

Message 41 of 207
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"The selected item is no longer available." Can't view your own sold listing.

Fancy, you’re not alone, I can view everything as well. For now. Sigh.

Message 42 of 207
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"The selected item is no longer available." Can't view your own sold listing.

I realized that if you dont use product details (Or go to find another product to list your item), you can still view it after the fact. But things like Phones, DVDs Games, etc that you typically would use the easy way to do it, you will not be able to view the item once it has been shipped. At least that is what I am finding out so far. (No scientific proof though)  Since I listed some otterbox cases, TV's, etc that I didn't use search for product while listing. And I can stil view them, but the phones, (an iphone which requires you to use product details and which I had a complaint on today) I can't view anymore. *Sighs* hopefully they will fix this soon enough.

Message 43 of 207
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"The selected item is no longer available." Can't view your own sold listing.

I called eBay just now and yesterday.  The persons I spoke with both times knew nothing.  But they put me on hold again today and this time they awknoledged that it is a known bug/system glitch that came up June 1st 2018 (yesterday) and the ETA on fixing it, get this: 90 Days! They quoted me Aug. 30th.  So yeah, screen grab everything.

Message 44 of 207
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"The selected item is no longer available." Can't view your own sold listing.

It's highly likely this is an intentional change. Read post 11 from Trinton about a similar change.


If ebay takes away the  ability to research sold items, they just killed my business with the stroke of a keyboard. I was selling Apple products, Samsung phones and the like. Prices fluctuate weekly, sometimes daily. Reviewing SOLD items is crucial to pricing and competing in this category. Without it, I have no choice but to throw in the towel.

~Why be a second rate version of someone else when you can be a first rate version of yourself~

Message 45 of 207
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