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"The selected item is no longer available." Can't view your own sold listing.

As a seller who have a few hundred of item listed, I find it very annoying and irritated that I can not view my own listing that I just sold recently.  Everytime I try to click my own listing that I just sold, it would open a page stating "The selected item is no longer available.", and show someone else item that is similar to it. I have no option to even view my own item.  I have buyer who had a question about the item right after they purchase the item. However I can't even view my own item to clarify the question they have. Is this the new normal or just a temporary glitch? Anyone have any idea how to view your own item that you just sold? 

Message 1 of 207
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206 REPLIES 206

"The selected item is no longer available." Can't view your own sold listing.

@berserkerplanet wrote:
If you add nordt=true and orig_cvip=true it goes straight to the original listing.

This automates doing that, but take a bit of effort:

In what universe are esoteric, convoluted, obscure work arounds for regaining a site's basic elementary functionality acceptable?  Certainly not the real world we live in.

If it works, sell it. If it works well, sell it for more. If it doesn't work, quadruple the price and sell it as an antique.

-- Ferengi Rule of Acquisition #80
Message 196 of 207
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"The selected item is no longer available." Can't view your own sold listing.

@moo*cow*corner wrote:

Jumping in late, with a reply to the general topic...


This is stupid.


For now, I'm selling mostly dinnerware. Many times prices are all over the map, both live listings and solds.


Some sellers sell singles, while others sell lots of every size under the sun...up to and including full services. Shipping schemes and combined shipping rules are all over the map too, according to what each different seller chooses to offer.


When researching, I go into ads to read descriptions and look at pictures, because lot size, stated (or not) and/or visible flaws, general condition and shipping info all help me set my initial asking prices.


Also, it cracks me up to see how far off most of these redirects really are....


A buyer comparison shopping for replacement dinner plates is not going to be interested in bowls or mugs.


I've seen redirects offering items where the only determining similar factor seems to be the manufacturer. For example, offering Mikasa dishes in a completely different pattern isn't going to be helpful.


Blue Willow is a popular pattern. Lots of different companies did their own version. Most buyers/collectors of this pattern stick to one maker. They will only be annoyed by being pushed to items from anyone else other than what they want.


I've also seen offerings by different manufacturers in totally unrelated patterns and colors.


If I were the elephant-sized seller in this market, I'd be happy dancing all over my warehouse. I can see frustrated buyers just leaving ebay and going to their website, even at MUCH higher prices. Frustrated sellers will probably just quit altogether.


Although I understand the concept, it was poorly thought out and even more poorly implemented.


I've been flirting with the idea of a future pretty major (for me) expansion. I have more inventory than I know what to do with. I had originally planned on upgrading my store by the first of the year. I have another ID all set up and ready to go for other general merchandise.  


If ebay is going to charge sellers for data, I hope they let us know exactly when and how much very soon. I think this is just might throw a huge wrench into my plans. I may be wasting my money, work, time and space. That's a depressing thought for sure. Bah!

I wonder if that would work.  It's one thing to utilize a free service, but if you have to pay for that, would any actually do that.  And the data is skewed as Best Offers accepted don't show, it just shows sold and the original price.

Message 197 of 207
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"The selected item is no longer available." Can't view your own sold listing.

I looked at a rare shirt of Ringo and get an email that it ends at 5:24 CST today. About 8 minutes to go, so I click and it takes me to a completely unrelated shirt of another listing with no link to the original listing.


Now ebay isn't even waiting for LIVE listings to close before highjacking the EXPERIENCE. Or did the seller just end the listing, I'll never know


Out of sight, out of mind. Was going to bookmark old listing to see if he relists. Come on ebay. Get your $*% together. Enough already with these disruptive and desperate changes. When is this insanity going to end?????



~Why be a second rate version of someone else when you can be a first rate version of yourself~

Message 198 of 207
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"The selected item is no longer available." Can't view your own sold listing.

@ymeagainlord wrote:

alan@ebay wrote:

@ymeagainlord wrote:

alan@ebay wrote:

My earlier post didn't cover all scenarios. This should provide a better picture of the change:

We are aware that this week some sellers who use search to find ‘completed listings’ occasionally were unable to see their view item page for items that have sold. Some sellers have also reported being rerouted to a page that shows only active listings. We are also aware that some buyers were also unable to see the view item page for items they have purchased.


Buyers and Sellers who have an ‘affinity’ to the item (bought the item or sold the item) should not be redirected when viewing the item they bought/sold. However, if the buyer or seller is not logged in and we do not know their identity, then they would also get redirected when trying to access the original listing. Buyers and sellers can always see the items they bought and sold on their My eBay – those items should not be redirecting.


Yesterday we were able to successfully roll back this new experience back for items that are linked to the eBay catalog. For items that are not linked to the eBay catalog, the experience remains the same; you will be redirected to a similar active listing.


This change was made to improve the user experience of buyers who land on a closed listings page from search engine results and don’t have a means to buy the item. We want to give buyers a more direct way to find items they are looking for. Unfortunately, this has some unintended consequences on some of our seller community.

Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't this "redirection" exactly what Google got antsy about a few years back? An eBay link that ONLY ever took the searcher to an eBay page of "similar" (but not very often were) listings?

Spot on and you read my mind!  

Message 199 of 207
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"The selected item is no longer available." Can't view your own sold listing.

>>In what universe are esoteric, convoluted, obscure work
>>arounds for regaining a site's basic elementary functionality
>>acceptable?  Certainly not the real world we live in.

My fix is none of those things.

Fixing the issue and moving on is a real world approach. Continually whining about it in a thousand threads isn't going to fix anything (unless everyone here thinks some sort of viral "Chick-fil-A" thing is going to shame eBay into a 180), and is textbook denial of reality.

The reality is that eBay did this thing. I don't like it either. It may be a bug, it may be an unintended consequence of other code changes, it may be intentional, it may get reverted to the way it was, or it may not. I don't care. If eBay is going to fix it if a bug, or backpedal on it if intentional, then they will. Otherwise, you're still in the same mess.

I took care of the problem a week ago in my browsers, and the only reason I know it may still exist is the dozens of threads that continue to appear daily. The few tests I've done by turning off the redirection, show that it appears to be pretty much staying "broken" so far.

The fix isn't esoteric. Install a simple addon in Firefox, type in the code I posted, and you are done - the problem is gone as if it never exited. eBay may break it again (and I'll fix it again if they do if it's still possible to fix it.)


This Redirector fix is one of the simpler ones I've ever posted - yes it requires installing an addon, but it's easier than installing GreaseMonkey and getting a script up and running (which would be another way to effect a fix - another poster posted a a simple GM script in Tech issues a couple of days ago to address the problem in  slightly different way.)


The reality is that all websites are doing things that some people don't like, many which are cosmetic issues that are easily fixed with scripts and/or CSS. There's a big community of coders out there providing solutions, fixes, themes, addon buttons, etc for numerous websites, but those scripts, rules, and CSS code require installing additions to the browsers to overcome browser user scripting and styling access deficiencies.


If you don't use Firefox, too bad, you are using the wrong tool for the job. If you use the latest Firefox quantum, and addon tools aren't available and/or my or other peoples fixes don't work, again, too bad. There are some similar addon tools for Chrome. Safari, IE, and Edge? You made your choice to use inflexible browsers, you get what you get dished up by websites, and have no recourse other than to say "Thank you sir. Can I please have more? I love pink text on a blinding white background".


Complaining about changes like this does nothing 99% of the time (100% of the time in eBay's case). Being proactive and applying fixes is the only path to sanity.

Too lazy to install the addon and plug in the rule, and want to stand on principle?  Knock yourself out and suffer with broken search.


That's reality.



Can you tell I'm annoyed? Smiley Mad


Message 200 of 207
latest reply

"The selected item is no longer available." Can't view your own sold listing.



Yes, you can fix it but the short story is ... we shouldn't have to keep doing this to just keep up with eBay's constant need to tinker with stuff.

Message 201 of 207
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"The selected item is no longer available." Can't view your own sold listing.

No, the short story is you people keep saying that. "Somebody's gotta do something". "This can't go on". "Blah, blah, blah."

Here we are on page 5 of THIS thread (one of dozens), and all I'm hearing is "This is an outrage".

Is it fixed? No. Is it going to be fixed?. No. Can anything be done about the potential impact on sales as a result? No.

Something I read in another thread here, that is so far unverified, is that the change is to have google search results present searchers with a live listing when they click a google search result link, even from an ended listing search result. I can see why eBay would do that, but think it's stupid, counterproductive, and annoying for everyone but the noobs coming in from google. I guess if that is the reason, then eBay thinks those googlers are the chosen ones, is forgoing existing buyers for the fabled new ones they think are out there, and is assuming sales conversion rates will increase.

If that IS the case, then the search you see today is likely the new reality. Either workaround it (bookmarklets, the Redirector fix, manually massaged URLS), express your outrage by voting with your feet and leaving, or just continue to talk about how much of an outrage it is.

I threw out a life preserver that was ignored, but my conscience is clean, and I'm done . My search works just fine.
Message 202 of 207
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"The selected item is no longer available." Can't view your own sold listing.

Glad I'm not the only one to find this change incredibly frustrating and valueless. Typical overpaid over-rated silicon valley code monkeys playing with scripts they don't understand and destroying customer experience, no doubt getting their wellness meditation breaks to dream up this nonsense.... If it ain't broke don't fix it... Too bad there isn't any competition to keep them on their toes.... oh wait... hello Amazon...

Message 203 of 207
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"The selected item is no longer available." Can't view your own sold listing.

Although tbh I've got some good deals on bidspotter... 😉

Message 204 of 207
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"The selected item is no longer available." Can't view your own sold listing.

@sandmansales wrote:

I looked at a rare shirt of Ringo and get an email that it ends at 5:24 CST today. About 8 minutes to go, so I click and it takes me to a completely unrelated shirt of another listing with no link to the original listing.


Now ebay isn't even waiting for LIVE listings to close before highjacking the EXPERIENCE. Or did the seller just end the listing, I'll never know


Out of sight, out of mind. Was going to bookmark old listing to see if he relists. Come on ebay. Get your $*% together. Enough already with these disruptive and desperate changes. When is this insanity going to end?????



Sorry that happened to you before the listing ended!

Message 205 of 207
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"The selected item is no longer available." Can't view your own sold listing.

@sai83her wrote:
Yes, item in my "SOLD" list are effected. Looks like I could still view some of my sold items from last week to a few days ago, but just "some". However all the listings that I have sold today 6-01-2018 refers me to a link like that one above without giving me the option to view my listing that I just sold. A member had a question about one of the accessories in the picture, and I can't even bring up the listing to view it in order for me to answer their question. I need some help here.

Yes, there used to be a clickable word hidden in the listing in hopes you would not find it and use it.  Apparently, too many people figured this out. So they removed even this small hidden link.

Message 206 of 207
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"The selected item is no longer available." Can't view your own sold listing.

in the early days of ebay, it was illegal for a seller to change a single word on a sold listing.  That was so the buyer could go back and double check what they bought.  now nobody can see what was bought, neither the seller or the buyer.


I wanted to purchase the same thing again from a seller the other day.  There used to be a button that said buy another, i would use that link.  now that is gone and my purchase page has the original purchase listed twice for the same day.


i must confess i have not read this entire thread, only a few pages.  but i have had a bellyful of new experiences, things not working, and crummy sales.



snow dogs that have owned me

SheRa ‘Barbarian Queen’ Sept 16, 1995 - Nov 17, 2006
Thor ‘God of Thunder’ Nov 17, 2006 – Nov 26, 2007
Mishka ‘Little Bear’ March 26, 2007 – Oct 22, 2016
Conan ‘Wolf’ Nov 14, 2007
Message 207 of 207
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