02-21-2023 05:55 PM
where has everyone gone? why is ebay sale dropping 20% year over year? some thoughts.
i cannot understand the situation on ebay for the past 2 years. we look at are results for the past 12 months and i see we outsold december 2022 with the sale from february 2022 by 20%. the same happens year after year, ebay's sales drop almost 20%.
our company sets up at comic cons for the past 30 years and we were up last year from 2021 but ebay is down. face to face sales keeps on improving and online ebay sales is turning into poshmark, will you accept 40-50% off your selling price. we advertise ebay and my website extensively to 1000's of customers at comic con most weeks and we can see the amount of folks visiting from my website and Instagram. we are bringing the customers to my store, my wife runs a post on Instagram and ebay gets 2-3 orders from the post.
the search engines is defective, at times it fails to find my own items in my ebay store. we will type a several words to help the result and some items with those words in the title don't show up. this is common day after day.
but what disappoints me most is your hard work is not rewarded. 3 years ago we would have had 4000 item for sale and today we are shy of 8000 and our sales are less than before. this is what doesn't make sense.
if i add more comic cons my sales go up for that year, but the opposite is occurring to ebay. i can deal with seasons, slow month, but the year over year comparisons, simply doesn't make sense.
ebay has a lot of problems and search engine seems to be one big factor, then there reach on google and others is another, if the other bigger sites, such as amazon and wal-mart do a better job or pay more. ebay is losing customers at a rate that has allowed competitors to vault ahead in sale, and this will continue, if something is not done quickly.
increasing costs internally to your sellers, only masks the drop in sales. if something is not done we will also we forced to sell on the other sites as many have already begun. once more and more sellers begin to sell on other larger sites you will see a comparison as more sellers post this information.
ebay is a brand that we all can respect, but dealers are being forced to make tough decisions about how and where their dollars are being spent. selling online has become very difficult. we pay to sell, and we expect a return on your capital, but the opposite is occurring as the return on investment, keeps dropping year after year. if ebay mimicked a 401k, you would twick the portfolio once or twice a year to maximize the return.
for some that mean leaving for other sites, a lot easier when you are small, but eventually even a large seller, is forced to do the same. i keep trying to justify hiring one more person to work and add more content online, we could easily put 3 to 4 times the amount for sale, but ebay sales keeps falling, killing that thought.
market share is falling, if the ship is not corrected quickly, the loyalty, your sellers have given you for so many year will be lost forever. ask the sears, blockbusters, and so many other giants of the past. we are all watching.
10-07-2023 05:02 PM
I have been selling on eBay for over 18 years and never received a return. Now eBay allows buyers to return for Any reason and then charge the shipping back to the seller. I took a break from eBay while I'll. When I returned to sell found all this rate changes. Insane $1.00 extra to list for just 3 days. No More free listenings per month, and the Slowest rate of views. eBay IS RUNNING OUT OF CUSTOMERS! I might make a purchase now and then, but sell on eBay, those 18 years are over!!!!!! GrandNationalMike Ruszkowski
10-07-2023 05:24 PM
I watched a youtuber earlier today who reported that today(so far) was his worst Saturday in 22 years on eBay. He has over 50,000 items listed and only had 3 sales today for $39. That's the magic and innovations of eBay I guess. One more update should mainstream everyone into the poor house.
10-07-2023 05:50 PM
ebay is dead today, there is something wrong with the site. Other platforms have a normal flow.
10-07-2023 05:53 PM
$200,000.00 last year with 5 times more items than I had 6 years ago. It is not worth the time and effort on eBay anymore.
OMG. Really? Only $200k a year? HOW do you survive on that?
God bless you sir.
Excuse me, I have to roll quarters so I can go get my Rx that costs $550 a month.
10-07-2023 07:55 PM
@sluice-monkey wrote:I have gone from doing a Million $$ on eBay 6 years ago to under $200,000.00 last year with 5 times more items than I had 6 years ago. It is not worth the time and effort on eBay anymore. I think getting rid of Paypal has really hurt them. Not worth it anymore.
"Gee! It must be because whatever you have people don't want anymore!"
Sarcasm aside, I've been crosslisting like crazy over to Poshmark and my items are actually being seen there and purchased. I can't imagine the third quarter reports being nothing short of devastating at this point if folks like yourself are having immense problems with the platform.
11-12-2023 09:04 AM
Got that right. What I have noticed, as well, is there are less buyers willing to pay what should be paid. They want if for nothing. Profit margins are in the toilet
12-05-2023 12:31 AM
I've been commenting on this for the last year. eBay isn't saying anything on this so your left to wonder. Liston I called eBay customer service they tell me nothing is going on with my account. I went from 8 thousand to 12 thousand average to maybe 2 thousand 500 hundred last month. I had to put my home on the Market and move into my retail store. Thousands of dollars of inventory expired expiring and lost over the last few years.
12-05-2023 06:20 AM
It ebays new business model that is destroying sellers. The site is an absolute cluster muck. Crappy search results and hard work is no longer rewarded. Everyone want to blame the economy, but thats just an excuse to hide a horrible concept. Other platforms are experience growth.
12-05-2023 06:21 AM
Returns are the only thing up on ebay LOL
02-03-2024 07:02 AM
I never see any impact from negative feedback at all. I have had some of my best days after **bleep** negative feedback in the past. Personally, I never read feedback because most of my feedback is FALSE so why would I pay attention? I have 5 negative in the last 12 months which should not even exist. 1 of them is because I cancelled an order because the customer was complaining that I was taking too long to ship the item. My policy is within 4 business days. The customer complained after 1 business day, so I cancelled the order just like he wanted. The other 4 were either a little damaged by the Post Office or flat out lies. I do not handle the mail. If the Post Office crushes something (which is rare), that is not grounds for negative feedback. I mean I have shipped 1000's of items. False negative feedback is bound to happen.
02-03-2024 09:10 AM
Lots of good replies on this thread about why eBay is on the ropes. IMO eBay should stop trying to be just like someone else and concentrate instead on figuring out how to regain the charm and attraction it had back in the nineties and early two thousands. I think it's a combination of things that's put eBay on the ropes.
Short memory: eBay forgot about what put them on the map to begin with, all the ma and pa sellers mostly doing auctions, and instead opted to set their sites on the big box sellers. Most of the sellers, the ones that made buyers from all over the world come out of the woodwork in the early years to buy on eBay, are gone now.
Amazon: eBay and Amazon both started up in the mid nineties. One company seemed to mostly improve over the decades while the other company, well, you know. To this day, eBay is still trying to copy Amazon and instead of making a small dent in Amazon it ends up making a big dent in its sellers. eBay just doesn't seem to have any interest in recovering its own lost identity.
Competition: The competition for eBay these days is much more than Amazon. In recent years there are so many more online selling sites and online auction sites that have sprung up across the country, sites more attractive for buyers to buy their stuff and sites that are more attractive and more convenient for sellers, such as all the recent ma and pa online bidding auction houses where sellers can drop off their merch to be sold without any of the hassles of selling on eBay.
02-03-2024 09:40 AM
11 negatives.
02-03-2024 09:41 AM
@the-hook-and-the-loop wrote:I watched a youtuber earlier today who reported that today(so far) was his worst Saturday in 22 years on eBay. He has over 50,000 items listed and only had 3 sales today for $39. That's the magic and innovations of eBay I guess. One more update should mainstream everyone into the poor house.
If it is who I think it is then they are a media specialist and most of their stock is also available from charity sellers for less money that it costs him to ship them out.
A huge store is generally not a sign of competence. It is actually a sign of continually listing items at prices that don't sell.
02-03-2024 09:42 AM
@adkhighker wrote:
Competition: The competition for eBay these days is much more than Amazon. In recent years there are so many more online selling sites and online auction sites that have sprung up across the country, sites more attractive for buyers to buy their stuff and sites that are more attractive and more convenient for sellers, such as all the recent ma and pa online bidding auction houses where sellers can drop off their merch to be sold without any of the hassles of selling on eBay.
Ebay does more business in one day than most of their "competition" does in a year.
02-03-2024 10:05 AM
Lots of things I can think of that Ebay might do to help sales.........but until/if they make changes, it's up to sellers to find their own "keys"........better listings, better items, better prices, etc......changing the status quo.
Read an interesting article about venting......don't have the site.......but comments were, while venting and receiving validation from others may seem to relieve the stress in the short term......it actually ends in a feeling of helplessness and "no hope".....attitude......which even further can depress people and prevent them from trying to help themselves.......
just thoughts