03-25-2021 06:24 AM
Why did ebay make the new sellers page so difficult to use and understand. I didn't realize the old one was a problem. I've been selling for many years, now I feel like I'm a new seller and nothing makes sense to me. If its going to be this hard to sell, then maybe its time for me to move on. I want the old site back!
03-25-2021 07:13 AM
@9350str wrote:Why did ebay make the new sellers page so difficult to use and understand. I didn't realize the old one was a problem. I've been selling for many years, now I feel like I'm a new seller and nothing makes sense to me. If its going to be this hard to sell, then maybe its time for me to move on. I want the old site back!
What specific things are you having trouble understanding?
Is there something you are trying to accomplish that you can't?
Perhaps people who have been using it for a while can help you.
03-25-2021 07:23 AM
I agree. As a user experience the new seller page is probably the most awful I have ever had. I'm really worried that I am going to miss something important (like a sale or question from a buyer) because the new page is so hard to use. With the old page I could see everything on one page. With just a glance I could see all my auctions, number of watchers, views, bids, time left etc. After the sale the status was right there along with a tracking number link etc. When I saw how bad it was I assumed there would be a "return to classic view" button but I don't see that option anywhere on the page.
The new page requires scrolling around and clicking down several layers to get just one piece of the critical information. I am also considering not selling here anymore because it is just too inefficient and I am really concerned that I might inconvenience a buyer because I didn't have the information I needed to execute the transaction effectively. Please give us the option to return to classic view.
03-25-2021 07:24 AM
I totally agree it's a mess, time to move on, sales are now few and far
03-25-2021 07:56 AM
@j.b.hall wrote:I agree. As a user experience the new seller page is probably the most awful I have ever had. I'm really worried that I am going to miss something important (like a sale or question from a buyer) because the new page is so hard to use. With the old page I could see everything on one page. With just a glance I could see all my auctions, number of watchers, views, bids, time left etc. After the sale the status was right there along with a tracking number link etc. When I saw how bad it was I assumed there would be a "return to classic view" button but I don't see that option anywhere on the page.
The new page requires scrolling around and clicking down several layers to get just one piece of the critical information. I am also considering not selling here anymore because it is just too inefficient and I am really concerned that I might inconvenience a buyer because I didn't have the information I needed to execute the transaction effectively. Please give us the option to return to classic view.
I'm right there with you. I'm not shocked...ok, I'm a little shocked. It's objectively terrible.
03-25-2021 08:15 AM
Most piece of CARP eBay has ever done.
If it works eBay will change it.
03-25-2021 12:48 PM
We are NOT complaining about the seller's HUB.
We ARE complaining about the NEW seller's PAGE.
The seller's HUB and the seller's PAGE are two COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THINGS. One has NOTHING to do with the other.
The seller's HUB is fine the way it is.
The seller's PAGE is the thing that they just changed. People who use the seller's HUB do NOT use the seller's PAGE.
I personally used both so I understand what the uproar is all about and I know that it is NOT about the seller's HUB.
The sellers PAGE is the one that they just changed. The one that everyone liked b/c it had everything on one page without needing tabs to be clicked onto...that is the sellers PAGE.
03-27-2021 06:59 AM
I was upset about the new format and I ended all of my listings. I decided to login, and try to figure it out. Once I figured out what to do it is pretty easy. Go to "my ebay" then click on "Switch to the new sellers hub" (on the right towards the top) it will give you a small tour of the options and once you click through the tour you will see that it isn't as bad as the first page "my ebay" directed you to.
03-27-2021 10:45 AM
Totally agree, well said. I didn't realize how convenient the old page was until now its gone. I could view the status of all of my 100+ listing in a matter of seconds. Now, I'm still trying to figure out where all of the information has gone. I feel like I have lost a good friend. Also, it is hard to get enthused about listing new items with the mess we now have to work with. Hope everyone will let Ebay know how they feel.