08-27-2024 12:53 PM
with this new system idk about any one else but for some reason all my messages are visible from my "inbox" i usually "archive" old messages as we sell a lot of material from our shop so i don't want to delete the messages entirely in case something were to come up where i would need to review old messages. however i don't want the messages clogging up my "inbox" so that new messages are very visible and i wont miss them. and i tend to keep relevelant messages until the buyer as received their items before archiving them
also the text appears to be significantly smaller and the "avatars" are unneeded clutter the icons for mark unread trash .. etc also appear to be significantly small
overall i 100% hate the new messaging system , thankfully there is a "switch back to classic view"
i don't understand the "lets fix stuff that's not broken" mentality that eBay seems to have
08-27-2024 01:01 PM
It's not a "let's fix stuff that's not broken" mentality, it's a "let's give Larry and Curly something to do while Moe is on vacation" mentality.
08-27-2024 01:35 PM
@legacylaptops wrote:overall i 100% hate the new messaging system , thankfully there is a "switch back to classic view"
i don't understand the "lets fix stuff that's not broken" mentality that eBay seems to have
I don't know where I saw this written first or who wrote it, but I think the best description of the new messaging format was that it looks like eBay is trying to replace a fairly functional email utility with an attempt at simulating a texting app... on a desktop... for some unfathomable reason.
At the present time no one at eBay seems to want to take credit for the project, and no one wants to talk about it, so where it will go from here (or why) is anyone's guess.
08-27-2024 01:43 PM
08-27-2024 02:41 PM
ABSOLUTE AMBIVALENCE. There are real things to be concerned about.
08-27-2024 02:42 PM
Another wonderful improvement to something that
we use every day without issue and has worked perfectly for years.
These "Improvements" were brought to you by
an ebay drone who does not use this message system and
probably never will.
Whatever happened to, "If it ain't broke, Don't mess with it?"
08-27-2024 02:44 PM
First saw it today. I loath and despise it. Most of the messages I receive do not get opened so I immediately am put off by seeing an open message on the display.
08-27-2024 03:41 PM
The only complaint I ever had about the old message system is that it deletes the messages from my archive folder after a certain number of months. I was under the impression that archive actually meant archive.
Apparently ebay thought the archive folder should function like a trash bin that routinely empties itself.
08-27-2024 03:45 PM
When you click on classic view, it does allow you to change....for now.
08-28-2024 01:08 PM
exactly, the "for now" is what scares me! for how long until they say we are getting rid of this antiquated system that most people prefer in order to have a more "robust" system...
the only complaint i have about the old system is no way to turn off the "you received an offer" message for each and every offer that comes on when we can already see the offer on the "seller hub" all those do is clog up my inbox for no reason and i have to achieve them 1 by 1 every time they come in i tend to only keep my inbox open specifically for responding to customers or seeing a return / any sort of issues that may arise on the regular basis
08-28-2024 01:57 PM
@legacylaptops wrote:
i don't understand the "lets fix stuff that's not broken" mentality that eBay seems to have
When there is so much to ACTUALLY fix that they spend time, money and resources on stuff like this and expanding feedback to 500 characters is stupefying.
08-28-2024 02:54 PM
And notice that "Sent" messages are missing!
I use that option nearly every day, and it would be a real ache in the nethermost anatomical regions to have to scroll through the "new, updated" mess, looking for particular past messages.
Can't eBay afford a better set of baby-sitters, to make sure that the techies don't cause this type of mischief?
Go to your room -- and no internet, apps or programming!
08-28-2024 03:20 PM
@itscalledapostingid wrote:The only complaint I ever had about the old message system is that it deletes the messages from my archive folder after a certain number of months. I was under the impression that archive actually meant archive.
Apparently ebay thought the archive folder should function like a trash bin that routinely empties itself.
Yes! I remember a minor flap not too long ago here in the Community groups (not actually involving eBay messages) when someone noticed that older messages were no longer retrievable, and a higher-level eBay contact (I can't recall who now) replied to say that the older messages had been "archived." When asked how one could retrieve archived messages, the answer was: you can't.
It was explained to him that the term "archive" means storage, not deletion: archived items are put away for safekeeping, which means that they're retrievable if you need them, but he did not seem to understand that, and stuck with his original answer.
(Technically I suppose this is really a Khoros function, archiving or deleting older content in the Community groups; perhaps eBay did not want to pay for long-term storage.)
08-29-2024 11:36 AM
Thank you for telling me I could switch back. I didn't like it. I felt like the font was even smaller and I work on a laptop. I agree with others who say, "If it's not broken, don't fix it." Thank you. I have my old view back - much easier and less busy.
08-29-2024 11:43 AM
So on the bottom right there is an option "go back to classic view." When I went back to the classic view, all my archived messages were emptied from their folder and put back into my inbox; I'm not sure of deleted ones. Fortunately for me, I've only been back on Ebay for only three weeks so I didn't have many, but for people who have been selling for much longer - going back to classic view will hit you hard. Beware! It is real because it happened to me. Even in the article link below it's been reported but I guess I had to see for myself.