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new listing tool disliked by veteran sellers as well as new sellers! its universally bad

Early on i had noted that most of the complaints and posts about the new unified listing experience were from high feedback and experienced long time sellers.   That was highlighted because of the lack of consideration of the most experienced sellers was a huge blunder and waste of a free resource when designing this mobile only app.

  Now i find it funny to note that many of the new posters here has less that 100 feedback as well- that means you completely missed the mark ebay- even new sellers dont like the mobile only feel and function of the tool on their computers!

It highlights to general and universal unification of a tool that does not work for any group of sellers on ebay using desktop computers.

how much negative feedback is it going to take to get this tool better designed for computer use? or are we waiting for the 3rd quarter results showing further decline in gmv because sellers continue to be hampered and frustrated by a mobile phone app listing tool forced on a desktop?

Message 1 of 31
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Re: new listing tool disliked by veteran sellers as well as new sellers! its universally bad

So weird that they thought making something worse would be better. If it's not broke, don't fix it. More scrolling, more drop downs, no typing in specifics without an extra click, some shipping options always auto-on even though I never want them. I've been under the impression for many years that ebay hates it's sellers, due to the "buyer is always right, even when they blatantly lie, and seller has no say in the matter," bull that they put us through. Long time sellers mean nothing and they think everyone uses a potato to list thousands of items.

Message 2 of 31
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Re: new listing tool disliked by veteran sellers as well as new sellers! its universally bad

I use a desktop and been using the new tool for over a year and it doesn't take any longer now to do listings then it did before.

Sure it's different and takes a little bit to learn, but they gave you almost 2 years to work with it.

Have a great day.
Message 3 of 31
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Re: new listing tool disliked by veteran sellers as well as new sellers! its universally bad

@kensgiftshop wrote:

I use a desktop and been using the new tool for over a year and it doesn't take any longer now to do listings then it did before.

Sure it's different and takes a little bit to learn, but they gave you almost 2 years to work with it.


   Right on! This is the perspective that needs to be understood when change happens - especially here at eBay. I also use only a desktop for all my listings, and was able to adapt well enough to the changes in a day or two. You have found that by your adapting to it, it now takes essentially no more of your time than before.

   People are naturally resistant to change. That's just the way humans are. The way to successfully deal with change is to ACCEPT>ADJUST>ADAPT. I know there are those who hate me saying that over the last few years here, but it's exactly what successful  eBay sellers do. Sometimes it happens quickly, sometimes slowly, but it will always materialize if we accept it, adjust our attitude, time and business model to it, and adapt to it. That's the bottom line in light of the fact that eBay's not going to abandon the changes and return to the former listing format just because people are resistant to change. 

Cheers, Duffy

Message 4 of 31
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Re: new listing tool disliked by veteran sellers as well as new sellers! its universally bad

My feelings about it to the tee !!!!

Message 5 of 31
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Re: new listing tool disliked by veteran sellers as well as new sellers! its universally bad

So.... Is the general consensus from even from the people that are not actively against it- you just have to get used to it. Lol... A glowing review. So where is so the "I love it because..." And the it is so much faster because, and the this makes it easier to list because..... 

I did hear one yesterday from a friend- "it's not as bad as I thought, its definitely not better in any way but I can live with it if I have to". Lol 





Message 6 of 31
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Re: new listing tool disliked by veteran sellers as well as new sellers! its universally bad

@kensgiftshop wrote:

I use a desktop and been using the new tool for over a year and it doesn't take any longer now to do listings then it did before.

Sure it's different and takes a little bit to learn, but they gave you almost 2 years to work with it.

Unless you have other stores, what you claim is not really a reflection for most sellers.  Listing 1-2 items a day is not really going to tell you if this is better or not. I list a minimum of 10 items a day. Soon, I will be back at eBay full time doing 50-150 a day. What your store puts up in a week, I'm doing in a day in the off season. 

I can tell you that this new tool is much slower. I've already said in another thread why this tool is not an improvement, but a step backwards. Others point to the same things I have and more. Yes, I know that it needed to change because of code issues. That's fine. I'm not mad because it needed to change. Most of us are upset because it doesn't function as good or better. It's NEVER going to get faster for us unless they get some serious improvements made. That causes two things to happen:

1 I can't list as much in a day with the same amount of time. Meaning that less will be listed, and less can be offered for sale on the platform. 

2 Many of us will have to look at time spent here, VS sales. It has to be worth it to sellers here. If in the same 4-6 hours a day I can only get half the listings done that I used to, time may be better spend someplace else that actually wants to sell your items. 

No, this is not some measuring contest of who sells more or has more items. This is about how this new tool is not as fast as the old tool. Being used to it has little to do with it. It's just harder to use and list with it. If you are only listing a few items a day, you are not going to notice the time difference. If you can only list 50% in the same time, then you will see the difference. It takes me twice as long to list the same 10 items now. I know where everything is, so it's not like I'm hunting and pecking to find IS's. 

Lately eBay has been making decisions that are not conductive to making revenues grow. I think this is one of them. Making it more arduous for seller to list, isn't going to help sales. It's 4th quarter for crying out loud. Is this the new "pattern" for eBay? Take the best quarter of the year and see how they can screw it up? Bigger seller who import listings into eBay are now left without vital tools to get listing here, other than to basically do it manually. That's not good, and that's not a smart decision. It's only going to lead to more sales drop off and hiking seller fees to cover the losses. 

Again, I will restate, in February, I am dropping my yearly subscription for the month to month. Not getting locked into another year of this craziness. If you are happy, that's great. What you experience, does not appear to be what MOST seller are experiencing. 

Message 7 of 31
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Re: new listing tool disliked by veteran sellers as well as new sellers! its universally bad

you just have to get used to it.

I think that is the consensus from Ebay.......the more you use it, the faster you will become with it.      The complaints(I hate it) are the same with any change they've made.. IS, GTC only, etc.  But most people can/will adapt....or leave.  New sellers will know nothing but the present form (this one or the next).

That said, IF people have specific problems.....and IF they verbalize those, there may be a chance those things will be they have been thru this multi year process.....


Message 8 of 31
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Re: new listing tool disliked by veteran sellers as well as new sellers! its universally bad

"deal with it" and  "get used to it" are poor excuses for another bad update....right when the holiday selling season starts.   😠 Doing my selling elsewhere this year. 

Message 9 of 31
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Re: new listing tool disliked by veteran sellers as well as new sellers! its universally bad

Finally someone that actually knows.  I've been on the platform for 22.5 years and have 4000 listings up.  I have 3 people listing, making changes and attempting to understand all of the changes that conflict with one another or just don't perform properly.  You are correct, production is down 40-50% which means I now have to pay employees more and get less.  When a person like the OP gets on their high horse about change I laugh.  They have no idea how a volume business works.  Like you point out if you are only doing a few listings, like 200 or less, it is easy to dodge all of the bullets eBay shoots at us.  I am grateful that 3 years ago I started the process and it is a process, to move listing to other platforms and our web site.  We now do 12% of our volume on eBay used to be 100%.  We are a $2.4 mil company annual.  Great job eBay you really know how to sell.

Message 10 of 31
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Re: new listing tool disliked by veteran sellers as well as new sellers! its universally bad


     I hear what you are saying... I sell unique vintage items and oddities and vintage car parts and that is a perfect fit for what ebay is- Ebay has always been the go to site for those items. I'll bring the product and all ebay has to do is bring the customers....... but anymore with the search engine being so horribly manipulated to show promoted listings regardless of relevancy to search, or  only showing certain listings to certain locations at any given time, or not showing a listing based on previous search cookies etc, buyers more often than not NEED to go to google to find active ebay listings.  I know do.   Now that I am realizing this fact- I am tempted to believe that moving toward our own website is the right thing to do.

Previously the thought that ebay was the perfect venue for my items and the fact that i would prefer to maintain only one or two platforms kept me thinking ebay would turn this around, but looks like they are simply going in a different direction- which usually spells disaster when you try to ignore what built your brand.........

Message 11 of 31
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Re: new listing tool disliked by veteran sellers as well as new sellers! its universally bad

Yes I find it interesting that eBay feels the selling of parts has little importance when auto parts, computer parts and industrial parts are a very large part of their income.  eBay has no interest in selling organically which creates long term sustainable business.  Living in the short term gain long term pain world.

Message 12 of 31
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Re: new listing tool disliked by veteran sellers as well as new sellers! its universally bad

I didn't get 2 years to get used to it, just dumped on me last week and there is no option to opt out. 

So far, I must say, I hate it,  takes much longer to list an item and the video...I had an item that could use more than 12 photos to show all details, so I thought i'd try the video option,  took 5-10 minutes for the video to load, then I get the message that ebay has to approve the video and that could take 48 hours, then if approved, they would add it to my listing.  

There is no longer an option to see how much shipping will cost buyers, we like to give them an option of the lowest cost shipping, or the quickest shipping, there is only a range showing possible cost, guess I have to go to USPS website?

Then there's the buy it now must be 30% higher than the start price, before, the plus 30%amount would display, now it doesn' need to have a calculator available...


Message 13 of 31
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Re: new listing tool disliked by veteran sellers as well as new sellers! its universally bad

@kensgiftshop wrote:

I use a desktop and been using the new tool for over a year and it doesn't take any longer now to do listings then it did before.

Sure it's different and takes a little bit to learn, but they gave you almost 2 years to work with it.

I think this is it in a nutshell - people do  not like change, so rather than try something early to get familiar with it, they wait until D-day then scream - as ken said, we knew it was coming, just like the Seller Hub, just like the new page set out, just like all other upgrades.

Love it or hate it, it is here to stay, and when has anyone here heard of eBay going backwards to appease seller's.

I have been imported from Australia and this is my posting ID
Message 14 of 31
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Re: new listing tool disliked by veteran sellers as well as new sellers! its universally bad

I agree with you- ebay does not go "backwards" to appease (listen or meet their needs). No they think of a direction that they want to move in and stick with no mater what.          


GMV- down

Buyers- down

Sellers -down

The freebie covid boost is over and the stock has plummeted ont he actual forecast of the company.

The very best and most successful companies and people in the work listen to their customer base

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