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need help from a vintage record seller

a friend of mine asked me to sell a lot of records for her.  No problem as she is my "picker" for glassware.    My question is I have an Elvis Presley remastered in stereo 1970s record that normally would have little to no value.


I had a buyer contact me asking questions about it as it has a RED "sticker" on the upper right hand corner saying remastered etc.

 The buyer himself told me he has never seen one with this red "sticker" on it.  It actually is not a sticker but in the cover itself.


Any who I have searched and cannot find another one sold on E bay with this red sticker or any mention of it on google.


I would appreciate any guidance at all.  Thanks!!



Do I have something rear and he is trying to lowball it.  Or is it just run of the mill?IMGP7364.JPGIMGP7365.JPG


This quest stands on the edge of a blade...stray but a little and you shall fail to the ruin of us all.
"The Lady Galadriel"
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need help from a vintage record seller



I'm very sorry to hear about your friend. I hope she does well. The treatment is often pretty bad, but once she gets through that, things should start looking better.



I don't know if there's really a premium value for that album, but I did find this one that sold a few days ago for about $70. You can check this out, and see if it's the same issue as yours. If so, you might be able to get some ideas for keywords to make yours show up for the bidders who lost out on this auction:


Some more recent sales, with and without the red non-"sticker".


View Best Answer in original post

Message 15 of 35
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need help from a vintage record seller

If you are not sure of its value then either keep checking for past sales here or via Worthpoint. You might want to auction it instead of doing Fixed price in case multiple bidders want it. Just set your opening price to be the minimum that you want for it.


My amateur take on that is that it is probably not worth much. An original issue of the same album would likely be worth more. I may be completely wrong though which is why I would encourage you to research it a bit more or list it in a way that will allow multiple buyers to fight for it.


PS - In your photos that red sticker certainly looks like it is ON the cover and not a printed part of it.

Message 2 of 35
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need help from a vintage record seller

You do understand that by selling for some one else, YOU are responsible for all taxes, costs and any return/ refunds????


As for the record some folks think anything with that artist is worth millions...   So best to do your own research on that item..

Message 3 of 35
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need help from a vintage record seller

Thanks.  I will have to look at the cover closer.  It was about midnight when he asked for a photo.  I thought no more of it until he made a really low ball offer on the entire lot this morning.  I just have to question why would he want it since the "normal" remastered are a dime a dozen.

This quest stands on the edge of a blade...stray but a little and you shall fail to the ruin of us all.
"The Lady Galadriel"
Message 4 of 35
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need help from a vintage record seller

Really good question, thanks. I am a medium skill record seller, I sell one once in a great while. I suggest entering each title into the sold archive. You get to it by entering LP Records into the eBay search bar and then click sold items check mark the box on the left column and then click list view and click to highest price.

That way your chances of mistakenly selling a record for too little, and it happens to people all the time. It took me a year to sell a miles davis record for 200 but I finally did. My general view of records is if you want to get rid of them fast, they average about from 9 to 35 dollars and condition is every thing. What people want is a new record from 1970 that looks like no one played it, so that record could be lucrative, and original records can be worth hundreds more than re mastered versions. I have 2% of my vinyl listed. I am not even coming close to ever listing all of them. Some Violin concertos go for thousands. Thats my take, of course I test them before I list them, hey good luck!

Message 5 of 35
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need help from a vintage record seller

Yes I understand the tax implications.  This lady has done so much for me that unless it sells for thousands of dollars the small taxes are not an issue.  Plus if I have a return no problem as I only  see her every quarter so I will still have the funds.

This quest stands on the edge of a blade...stray but a little and you shall fail to the ruin of us all.
"The Lady Galadriel"
Message 6 of 35
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need help from a vintage record seller

Just list it "make a offer" with a crazy high price to start then come down as needed, some times a knowledgeable buyer will give you some info  

Message 7 of 35
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need help from a vintage record seller

@richards*rock*collection Thanks Richard.  I will continue doing my research as I have time usually in the evenings once the new puppy goes to sleep.  


I have spent about 3 hours early this morning and have found 0 reference to this "red sticker".  


I may just put it up for auction as @itsjustasprain suggested.  That way it is what it is.  I know I am not going to sell 5 Elvis records for $15.00 as this person offered.  Heck I would keep the one for myself as I remember it fondly of my youth.


Best of luck selling. Things may get interesting with the Russia situation overnight.

This quest stands on the edge of a blade...stray but a little and you shall fail to the ruin of us all.
"The Lady Galadriel"
Message 8 of 35
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need help from a vintage record seller

@donsdetour wrote:

You do understand that by selling for some one else, YOU are responsible for all taxes, costs and any return/ refunds????


As for the record some folks think anything with that artist is worth millions...   So best to do your own research on that item..

I have a friend that I occasionally sell things for, 


Item sells for $100, sale nets $80.00 I write a check for $80.00 to my friend  and that is my cost of the item that I deduct. 

Message 9 of 35
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need help from a vintage record seller



You can check out the results of this google search for that phrase, they should give you some insight. These "reprocessed" albums don't appear to be very well regarded by audiophiles.


Here are the first few hits:



Message 10 of 35
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need help from a vintage record seller

@lacemaker3  Thanks I read most of those hits last night.  No reference to that red "sticker".  IDK if it means anything or not.  IDK if no one is mentioning it because it means nothing or if it is just an obscure thing that may mean something. 


I love a good mystery.  Will keep digging and put it up for auction when I go back up to the house.

This quest stands on the edge of a blade...stray but a little and you shall fail to the ruin of us all.
"The Lady Galadriel"
Message 11 of 35
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need help from a vintage record seller

In addition to the previous reply, your album (LSP-1254(e) Elvis Presley) was the first reissue like this, of Presley's first album. According to the first website I found in the search above, these reissues sold well at the time, because of the new demand for stereo sound. However, when compared to the original mono recordings, they don't compare very well.

Message 12 of 35
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need help from a vintage record seller

@frodobagginskennedy wrote:

@lacemaker3  Thanks I read most of those hits last night.  No reference to that red "sticker".  IDK if it means anything or not.  IDK if no one is mentioning it because it means nothing or if it is just an obscure thing that may mean something. 


I love a good mystery.  Will keep digging and put it up for auction when I go back up to the house.


I don't understand ... the red "sticker" is the visual indicator, that the album is one of the reissued albums, that were reprocessed to make what the modern audiophiles are calling "fake stereo".


I would guess that sellers are not calling attention to the information because it's not considered to be more valuable, but rather less valuable. So they will probably show it in the photographs, but not spell it out.

Message 13 of 35
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need help from a vintage record seller

@lacemaker3  I guess I am going on the thought that sometimes the frame is worth more then the picture.  I would just hate to let it go for a song and it is worth a few bucks more.


My friend is fighting uterian cancer at the moment.  It would be nice to tell her some good interesting news right now.

This quest stands on the edge of a blade...stray but a little and you shall fail to the ruin of us all.
"The Lady Galadriel"
Message 14 of 35
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need help from a vintage record seller



I'm very sorry to hear about your friend. I hope she does well. The treatment is often pretty bad, but once she gets through that, things should start looking better.



I don't know if there's really a premium value for that album, but I did find this one that sold a few days ago for about $70. You can check this out, and see if it's the same issue as yours. If so, you might be able to get some ideas for keywords to make yours show up for the bidders who lost out on this auction:


Some more recent sales, with and without the red non-"sticker".


Message 15 of 35
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