03-21-2020 12:45 PM
Need help please. Yesterday I use the Ebay promotion 100 listings at .5Cents each. Today I checked my active listing and all 100 hundred listings are scheduled to end in the next 2-7 hours.
How is that possible> Did I miss somethinf.? Were the listings only good for 24 hours vs 7 days.
03-21-2020 12:57 PM
Could you provide a link or a specific listing number please?
03-21-2020 01:06 PM
I received the 5cent offer yesterday and it was good for auction or fixed price listings, but 1 or 3 day auctions were not included. Your listings would appear however you set them up when you listed them. An offer won't change a 7 day listing to a different duration without your input. Were you charged?
03-21-2020 01:13 PM
I'm really confused because I thought that all my listings were 7 day auctions, at least that is how it as been with all my past listings. I listed 100 items and got charged the 5 cents. Now they are scheduled to go on the unsold/relist in 2 hours. Which to relist all 100 will cost me .35 Cents each. I guess I am wondering why they were listed as a 7 day auction.
03-21-2020 02:17 PM
Can you provide a specific item number?
I see many 7 day auctions created yesterday. I see listings ending in an hour that were created 7 days ago on the 14th.
03-21-2020 02:27 PM
It appears your question is answered by your other post:
You've been listing duplicates which is why items you listed yesterday are also ending today.
03-21-2020 02:43 PM
You stated that all of your listings have been a 7 day auction so unless you changed the duration to a 30 day or something like that then they would only be listed as a 7 day per your settings. They will be relisted again for another 7 days if you don't end them.
03-21-2020 04:23 PM
While most bids on auctions arrive in the last few minutes, you can close them at any time if they have no bids.
You can even do this en masse, instead of individually.