08-23-2018 01:09 PM
At the P.O. today the lady in front of me in line had a dolly loaded down with mailtubs and boxes. I'm always asking people with that amount of mail if they sell on ebay. She said no, it's all returns to QVC. From what she discussed with the clerk it sounds like she does this a lot. Maybe it's a hobby??
08-23-2018 01:12 PM
@keziak wrote:At the P.O. today the lady in front of me in line had a dolly loaded down with mailtubs and boxes. I'm always asking people with that amount of mail if they sell on ebay. She said no, it's all returns to QVC. From what she discussed with the clerk it sounds like she does this a lot. Maybe it's a hobby??
maybe a shop-o-holic elderly relative? We've been to many an estate sale where there were hundreds of QVC and other online shopping items.
08-23-2018 02:13 PM
08-23-2018 02:20 PM
Ever bought from QVC or any of the other home shopping channels.
They lie through theirteeth, at least with jewelry.
Garbage. I am surprised it does not all come back.
08-23-2018 02:28 PM
I bought from QVC for years, and probably can count on the fingers of one hand how many times I sent something back. If I did, it wasn't due to quality. It usually was a clothing item that didn't fit the way I had hoped. I was grateful they had a no-hassle return policy even if i had to foot the bill to return the item. But yes, a mega-million dollar company like that can afford to offer a liberal return policy and I'm sure they know what their average return rate is and factor it into their business model. But still, @pleasepretty, that's disgusting that there are people out there that think nothing of abusing a return policy in that way. Unfortunately, it's the kind of world we live in today. ;(
08-23-2018 02:56 PM
Like I said, QVC has different categories of merchandise.
I am referring to fine jewelry.
Extremely, and I mean extremely, misrepresented. The show hosts tell half the story, leave important information out, and the quality is awful.
Remember the olden days when hosts used to speak to people over the air? No more - wonder why?
08-23-2018 02:57 PM
08-23-2018 09:30 PM
@pleasepretty wrote:
Ever see this?
Someone gets to the counter with a poorly taped box, only to be told he has to go to UPS?
Huh? (Deer-in-the-headlights stare.)
This is the USPS. You have to take this to UPS.
Just go to the light, turn right.......
Meanwhile, we're all patiently waiting behind him.
Yes, just the other day when a customer had a few packages to return and didn't realize one was supposed to go UPS. They "got it" quickly though.
08-23-2018 09:45 PM
My UPS driver told me that he has daily delivery and pickup at many places, he dlivers packages everyday to the same people that also have RS Return Service) labeled packages going out, all from ebay
Is the new trend for scammers, will only get worst as more people start doing it
Bye Bye online sales....maybe the end of it and brick and mortar will come back?
08-24-2018 12:01 AM
It's a shame people aren't responsible for their own actions. I can't recall returning anything ever in my whole life. These big corps have people so dumbed down, it's crazy.
08-24-2018 10:59 AM
I understand that if it was purchased from a store where you had a chance to see it. Only excuse would be if it broke.
But sight unseen, it is the nature of the business. Many would no longer buy on line if they could not return it.
Also, there is an assumption here that all those returns are due to scam buyers.
Nope. I bet many of the returns are because sellers did not send items as advertised. Who conveniently left out flaws.
08-24-2018 11:37 AM
@emerald40 wrote:Ever bought from QVC or any of the other home shopping channels. They lie through theirteeth, at least with jewelry. Garbage. I am surprised it does not all come back.
Ebay is like that in their own way. There are so many "new" items, that are actually refurbished, store returns, overstock, new dusty/dirty old stock, and things that are low quality that stores could not sale. Many of the returns people here complain about is not actually buyers remorse as people insist it is; but instead the buyers received something that was different then the buyer expected at the time of purchase. Also another reason why this happens here at Ebay is the catalog pictures Ebay requires sellers to use, and the lack of descriptions within the listings. If sellers took their own pictures and wrote more thorough descriptions buyers could have a better grasp to what they are buying.
08-24-2018 11:52 AM
@coolections wrote:
@emerald40 wrote:Ever bought from QVC or any of the other home shopping channels. They lie through theirteeth, at least with jewelry. Garbage. I am surprised it does not all come back.
Ebay is like that in their own way. There are so many "new" items, that are actually refurbished, store returns, overstock, new dusty/dirty old stock, and things that are low quality that stores could not sale. Many of the returns people here complain about is not actually buyers remorse as people insist it is; but instead the buyers received something that was different then the buyer expected at the time of purchase. Also another reason why this happens here at Ebay is the catalog pictures Ebay requires sellers to use, and the lack of descriptions within the listings. If sellers took their own pictures and wrote more thorough descriptions buyers could have a better grasp to what they are buying.
A lot of sellers would smarten up selling junk if Ebay would not remove the negatives left for them so they continue to appear to be good sellers.
08-24-2018 11:58 AM
@coolections wrote:
@emerald40 wrote:Ever bought from QVC or any of the other home shopping channels. They lie through theirteeth, at least with jewelry. Garbage. I am surprised it does not all come back.
Ebay is like that in their own way. There are so many "new" items, that are actually refurbished, store returns, overstock, new dusty/dirty old stock, and things that are low quality that stores could not sale. Many of the returns people here complain about is not actually buyers remorse as people insist it is; but instead the buyers received something that was different then the buyer expected at the time of purchase. Also another reason why this happens here at Ebay is the catalog pictures Ebay requires sellers to use, and the lack of descriptions within the listings. If sellers took their own pictures and wrote more thorough descriptions buyers could have a better grasp to what they are buying.
The one that annoys me is that they lead you to believe something came from the retail store when it was actually bought at the outlet.
And you are right, the TOS is 3 paragraphs, the description is 3 word.
I hate stock photos and I hate scanned photos. They tell me nothing about the item I am actually receiving.
08-24-2018 02:25 PM
@emerald40 wrote:The one that annoys me is that they lead you to believe something came from the retail store when it was actually bought at the outlet.
Are outlet goods inferior in some way? (defective?) Just wondering. I live near a very large outlet mall (Potomac Mills) which is the top tourist attraction in Virginia, but I never go there except rarely to a movie if it's not showing closer. Many years ago I went to the Lego store when my son was small. Once I even bought out their supply of a set that was no longer available on their web site, and sold them on ebay. But they were new as far as I could tell.