01-05-2022 08:14 AM
01-05-2022 08:17 AM
It's against Epic Games policy for you to sell your account- and without Epic Games permission it's also against eBay policy. In other words: you can't legally sell it here or anywhere. If you try to sell it here you can find yourself permanently suspended in a heartbeat.
01-05-2022 08:32 AM
As others have said, Epic Games and eBay both say NO. And before you respond with, "I see others selling the same," note that sooner or later they will get caught and will be seriously and severely sanctioned. Find something else to sell before you find yourself in trouble.
01-05-2022 08:43 AM
Before you attempt to sell anything here on ebay, it would be a good idea for you to click this link:
This valuable tool can answer all your questions that you post here and give the guidelines and rules as to what can and cannot be sold here on ebay. Don't get yourself suspended before you even have a chance to sell. Take the advice of all the veteran experienced sellers who have given you good and accurate advice. Sign on today. Study hard. There's lots to learn. Good luck.
01-05-2022 09:37 AM
Is that an air conditioner brand? Oh, wait. I'm a Boomer and out of touch with the new reality. Before 1990 a generation gap was expressed by hair length, poor choice of swear words and the unfortunate lack of ability to use a belt or a crosswalk. Now it is defined by whether someone can survive a week without electricity or one of the anti-social media platforms. (Disclaimer: My niece is an executive at SNAP. )
09-12-2022 12:37 PM
09-12-2022 12:38 PM
My fortnite crystgarr11
09-12-2022 12:50 PM
That clears things up.
10-29-2022 09:05 AM
I like California I really want to come can I own how much you selling them for $200
10-29-2022 09:24 AM
It's that fashionable sleeveless tacticool gear! Like that's ever made any sense.
10-29-2022 09:34 AM
I blame Rambo.
10-29-2022 09:45 AM
You can click on the view listings that the person you addressed is selling and then you can see what they are selling. You cannot advertise or network your items for sale on the forum. It is a policy violation.
10-29-2022 10:46 AM
Zombie Thread. OP is 9 months old
10-29-2022 11:02 AM