08-03-2018 07:20 AM
so i know about the ebay 21 hold thing. Im a new seller and the first thing i sold was on july 17. I marked it as shipped and stuff but the thing i sold was digital so i didnt provide tracking info. I went to my ebay account wondering how long it was going to take, and i clicked on an estimated time and it said DECEMBERof 1969... the thing i sold isnt on pending payments (does that mean i should get access the the funds already?) I sold another item on july 20 and it said that i will get the money on august 4th, which is tomorrow. I provided the same information for that one too and it gives me a realistic date when i would get my money, not december of 1969. Im wondering if i messed up or if ebay did. on the other thing i sold(the one thats going to be available on august 4th) it says that the available quantitiy is 0, while the thing i sold that is coming in december still says one is available. I ended both listings so im wondering if the quantity has something to do with it. The one i sold that is coming on december also has a hammer next to it while the one that is coming tomorrow has a lock on it... both buyers left positive feedback. I completed all the steps on the right (ship, money recieved, feedback) and i still dont have my money yet... If the thing i sold comes tomorrow when i provided the same info shouldnt i already have my money since i sold my item earlier? any help? (the item i sold that comes on august 4 also has a "Buy it now or best offer" below its price while the one coming in december doesnt have any of that, and both of them are on awaiting answers)
08-03-2018 07:26 AM
The December 1969 thing is a glitch that has been around for a long time. eBay needs to hire better programmers.
Have you read eBay's policy on digital stuff?
08-03-2018 07:29 AM
@ch2533 wrote:I provided the same information for that one too and it gives me a realistic date when i would get my money, not december of 1969. Im wondering if i messed up or if ebay did.
eBay did. They use a version of UNIX operating system that keeps track of dates by measuring time from a known starting point of January 1, 1970. If a particular date value on a listing gets lost somehow, the system assumes that it's Day Zero, back on midnight, January 1 of '70.
Here's where things get a little sticky, so follow me closely here: system time is based on Greenwich Mean Time, which is anywhere from 5-8 hours ahead of the mainland U.S., depending on what time zone you're in. When the system applies the timezone offset, in order to give you the info in terms of your local time zone, it rolls back to the preceding day, which is now December 31 of 1969, and there you are.
I think that glitch should sort itself out eventually. See if it's any better tomorrow.
@ch2533 wrote:The one i sold that is coming on december also has a hammer next to it while the one that is coming tomorrow has a lock on it... both buyers left positive feedback.
I think the hammer indicates an auction. I can't recall what the lock symbol indicates. Try rolling your cursor over each icon and pausing on it, and an explanatory label or caption may appear.
08-03-2018 07:44 AM
PayPal is holding your money, not eBay. Since you can't prove delivery, I don't know when your funds will be released. You listed your digital items in the wrong category.
08-03-2018 08:06 AM - edited 08-03-2018 08:07 AM
so the date given to me is just messed up? But does the money on hold follow the date?
08-03-2018 08:08 AM
which category should i have listed them in? I marked the items as delivered and i saw that providing tracking info would get you it faster but just marking it as shipped and the buyer leaving feedback is enough to get it in 7 days. Am i wrong?
08-03-2018 08:28 AM
see message 2 with link