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eBay user blatantly selling counterfeit software

I recently purchased some software here on eBay. It was priced too low, but the description was very clear that this was "genuine" and that it was "Full Version (not Academic)."  It promised that I would get the download link and serial number via email and that I could use my existing account with the software manufacturer to register the product. I bought it thinking maybe they were selling the licenses through a wholesaler or something to avoid officially discounting their software. The seller had tons of positive reviews, so I thought that gave him some credibility.


I paid for the item, and an hour later, I got an email telling me where to download the software (directly from the website, as promised) and providing me with a serial number.  I installed it and entered the serial number as directed in the video that the seller attached to the email. All appeared good, until I went to another tab and I noticed that it stated that I could not access the online content because my serial number could not be validated. It directed me to call the manufacturer's support line for help.


Obviously counterfeit. Should have listened to my gut.  Anyway, I contacted the seller immediately, and within 5 minutes, he refunded my money. I reported this to eBay and told them exactly what's going on here.  I was clear to inform them this seller is selling counterfeit software on eBay and I told them that the same seller has other likely counterfeit software products in his store. eBay took the info and told me how important it was to them to get reports like this.


The problem is, it's been five days, and he's still there, selling the same products.  What gives? Does eBay just not care about this issue?

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eBay user blatantly selling counterfeit software

Unfortunately for ebay to act a whole bunch more people are going to have to get ripped off before they act.


But the priced too low should have been a clue to you that something was not right.

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eBay user blatantly selling counterfeit software

Hi, you did the right thing in reporting your experience. It is very difficult to say what eBay does with reported information, but unfortunately it is not uncommon to see that an item or seller has not been removed. I’m sure eBay does care about counterfeit goods being sold on its platform. They lost a large lawsuit in the past, brought against them by Louis Vuitton for having fake goods being sold here. Ebay instituted the Vero program in response. Vero takedowns are common and carry a lot of weight. You might get more satisfaction by reporting directly to the manufacturer. Let them bring their authority to bear. Sorry you had a negative experience. Did you leave feedback for this transaction?

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