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eBay statement regarding DOJ lawsuit

An article about EBay being sued for allowing sales of items prohibited by the Clean Air Act had this statement in eBays response:


"Indeed, eBay is blocking and removing more than 99.9% of the listings for the products cited by the DOJ, including millions of listings each year.”


Seems like eBay blocks 99.9% of ALL sales lately, so I believe their statement.


As for the Clean Air Act, Methylene Chloride Brake Cleaner was the most effective wasp and hornet spray 25 years ago. I miss it.

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eBay statement regarding DOJ lawsuit

Wasps and hornets are integral parts of a balanced and diverse ecosystem.

Message 2 of 29
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eBay statement regarding DOJ lawsuit

They can be balanced and diverse on someone else's property. Especially when you have to abandon the lawnmower and take off running because you found yourself 2 feet from a baldface hornet nest that wasn't there a week ago!

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eBay statement regarding DOJ lawsuit

Will they be sued if someone sells analog bulbs, which are needed in some functions.   

Message 4 of 29
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eBay statement regarding DOJ lawsuit

As for the Clean Air Act, Methylene Chloride Brake Cleaner was the most effective wasp and hornet spray 25 years ago. I miss it.


     It was also the best darn penetrating oil I ever found. I freed up more than one seized up engine using it. 

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eBay statement regarding DOJ lawsuit



Your statement and their statement are COMPLETELY different.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 6 of 29
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eBay statement regarding DOJ lawsuit

It was sarcasm. 


I can see how that may have been lost on you, but rest assured I know eBay isn't really blocking 99.9% of all sales. They are actually only blocking 99.3% of sales. Via throttling, of course.

Message 7 of 29
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eBay statement regarding DOJ lawsuit

@sumsum70 wrote:

It was sarcasm. 


I can see how that may have been lost on you, but rest assured I know eBay isn't really blocking 99.9% of all sales. They are actually only blocking 99.3% of sales. Via throttling, of course.

No need to get rude.  I don't know you.  How do you expect everyone to know what you said was Sarcasm???


So I'll assume that the balance of your statement above is also sarcasm because it is not supported by the Ebay financial statements so far this year.


That is not to say that a whole lot of sellers are experiencing low or slow sales this year.  I happen to be one of them.  But that doesn't apply to a whole lot of other small sellers that are doing a normal business and above.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
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eBay statement regarding DOJ lawsuit

So the DOJ can sue eBay but not GUN MANUFACTURERS who are responsible for more child deaths than any other source.  SMH

Message 9 of 29
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eBay statement regarding DOJ lawsuit

@randypurnell You'll be happy to know that in all of the years I've owned a gun it has never left my house by itself and shot anyone, let alone a child. Mine must be an unusual S&W model since, according to you, S&W are intentionally killing children. SMH



Message 10 of 29
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eBay statement regarding DOJ lawsuit

Neither has my Glock 19 my SIG P320 or my SIG M400... but the facts are the facts; the DOJ is going after eBay for pollution that they had nothing to do with but ignoring a larger directly related issues tied to specific companies. 

Message 11 of 29
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eBay statement regarding DOJ lawsuit

@68barbie wrote:

@randypurnell You'll be happy to know that in all of the years I've owned a gun it has never left my house by itself and shot anyone, let alone a child. Mine must be an unusual S&W model since, according to you, S&W are intentionally killing children. SMH



That response is taking an extremely serious concern and trying to turn it into a joke.


Most people have not and are not asking for all guns to be taken away from everyone.  I know the NRA has a lot of propaganda they say to upset avid gun owners.  But the reality it MOST people are simply asking for better gun control by way of better vetting of those applying to get a gun and get Automatic AR15's off the market in the US.  


You can still keep your gun, the vast majority of gun owners will be able to keep their guns.  

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 12 of 29
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eBay statement regarding DOJ lawsuit

The problem isn't the guns, it's mental health and lack of funding for thereof.

KrazzyKats  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1998

Message 13 of 29
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eBay statement regarding DOJ lawsuit

@krazzykats wrote:

The problem isn't the guns, it's mental health and lack of funding for thereof.

IMHO it is both.  Not just one or the other.  But both.  


Get more GOOD funding for mental health services, get better vetting for gun applications and a ban the AR15.  Those three things IMHO would work very well together into decreasing the current issue we have today.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
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eBay statement regarding DOJ lawsuit

@mam98031 I am not making it a joke. The degradation of our Constitutional rights is no laughing matter. The death of innocent children and others at the hands of deranged killers, no matter the method, is no laughing matter. We have a serious moral and ethical conscience problem rather than a gun problem in our country. Anti-2A folks accuse the NRA of propaganda while relying on their own propaganda to get the point across. So, whose propaganda takes precedence?



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